Hashim El Amin wrote:
>>Because if you didn't give a fair and impartial review,
>>you wouldn't be working for Consumer Reports for long.
>>Consumer Reports, because they buy the product and are not
>>dependent on the manufacturers for free products, can
>>insist on fair reviews. Who does that for recumbents?
>>Lorenzo L. Love
>>Talk is cheap because supply exceeds demand
> If your publication does not give fair or impartial
> reviews on any product, the market will reject you and
> you'll soon be out of business. Do you think Ebert pays to
> see all the movies he reviews? No, but he still sticks his
> thumb down at some of them.
> IMO, all reviews must be taken with a grain of salt.
> Surely, the company is out to impress the reviewer, giving
> them special service and attention. Then you have to take
> into account the reviewer is not exactly like you and may
> not have your same preferences (unless you're a follower
> like Ed Dolan). Finally and perhaps most importantly, a
> review is only a snapshot of the ownership experience. I
> don't want to know what happened with the Bigha in the
> first day or week of riding, I want to know what happens 1
> year and 5 years down the road. Will it fall apart? Will I
> still enjoy riding it? No review will ever answer these
> questions.
> I think you are too critical of Bentrider Online. If they
> make a profit at all, its got to be tiny. They're not
> getting rich off of it so they only do it for the love of
> recumbency. I could be wrong, but my assumption has always
> been that Varney contributes on a voluntary basis only.
> For God's sake, they opened up a donation wire so people
> could give money to help keep things going!
> If they give overly-positive reviews it's certainly got
> nothing to do with financial reasons.
There are over 30 sponsors listed on their homepage, one of
which is Bigha. I've no idea how much they charge for
sponsorship but there is obviously a financial relationship.
This is true for most product related magazines. Magazines
like Consumer Reports who are independent of
sponsorship/advertisement revenue are rare. Varney is not
just a contributor, he's an editor. You're right, all
reviews must be taken with a grain of salt, sometimes a
bigger grain then others. But Varney didn't review the
Bigha, he says he never rode it, yet he is an staunch
defender of it. A staunch defender of a sponsor. Draw your
own conclusions.
Lorenzo L. Love
Thirst makes any wine drinkable And greed makes any crime