"Larry Varney" <
[email protected]> wrote in message
[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan wrote:
From now on I am only going to take you up on side issues since the main
issue (is the 52 pounder Bigha at $3000. a good buy for any sane person in
this world?) has been settled in my mind about 200 posts ago. Lorenzo is
batting one hundred, you are batting zero.
> >
> > Why the hell didn't you tell us what it is that you DO for the magazine
> > instead of telling us what it is that you do NOT do for the magazine.
> > underestimate the intelligence of ARBR members. Any one with their head
> > screwed on straight would have immediately said that he was an editor
and a
> > writer for the magazine. What else have you neglected to tell us about
> > relationship to the magazine I wonder? Apparently you are not the
> > and you do not own the magazine. All of this should have been said about
> > hundred posts ago.
> >
> No one has asked me what I do for the magazine, Dolan - proably for
> the simple reason that all they have to do is READ IT! Look at the
> website, and there it is for all to see!
> No, I've just responded to the idiots who keep claiming that I *AM*
> the magazine, that I *own* the magazine, that some particular bike
> company sponsors *me*! These accusations were all wrong - should I have
> let people think that they were true? Or should I have gone on and told
> them the bloody obvious, the things that they could see for themselves,
> so long as they're not too lazy or cowardly to READ!
I will admit I am more often than not too lazy to read 95% of the **** that
is in the world, but I am never too cowardly. Funny you could even think
> >
> > I did not know you were an editor of the magazine. I didn't know because
> > never mentioned it. Why? I had to find out that bit of information from
> > Lorenzo.
> >
> >
> Wy didn't you know? Because you never read the magazine. Don't be so
> lazy, Dolan! Do some work for yourself - READ! You did NOT have to find
> that out from your pal - you could have seen it for yourself!
No, you should have told us right up front what you were. Are you somehow
ashamed of what you do on your magazine that you would not want everyone to
know. Hell, I think if I were an editor of a magazine that I was proud of
that I would make damn sure that everyone knew who I was and what I was
doing on that magazine. I would never beat about the bush like you did.
> >>The magazine needs no defense, Dolan. But then, you wouldn't know
> >>anything about it, would you? Have you ever bothered to read it? Have
> >>you ever bothered to read ANYTHING? Or do you form your opinions of
> >>EVERYTHING without actual knowledge?
Well, I have read all the volumes of Edward Gibbon's "Decline and Fall of
the Roman Empire" and also all the volumes of Arnold Toynbee's "A Study of
History", but I will agree with you that neither of those rather minor works
can compare with your Bentrideronline.
> >
> > Second hand knowledge is as good if not better than first hand knowledge
> > most cases.
> I am so thankful that you were a librarian and not a surgeon. Such an
> attitude inspires lots of confidence in your abilities and opinions - not.
Well, some disciplines require that you have first hand knowledge and other
disciplines don't. I was once going to be an archeologist until I discovered
that it was expected that I muck about in the earth actually digging for
artifacts. I said screw that! I did not want to get my hands dirty. So I
became a librarian instead where everything I know is based on second hand
knowledge. But I have always kept my hands clean (except for working on my
bikes which has always been an ungodly dirty business).
Ed Dolan - Minnesota