Edward Dolan wrote:
> "Larry Varney" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> [...]
>>>If you haven't ruled it out on the basis of price and weight then you
> have
>>>given it a second thought. Unlike Lorenzo and me, who are both geniuses,
> we
>>>have ruled it out on the basis of price and weight. But not everyone can
> be
>>>smart like us. Some folks are dumb like you. Apparently you are waiting
> to
>>>ride it so you can decide. Lorenzo and I do not have to ride it in order
> to
>>>KNOW that it is a very bad buy.
>> Did you read what you responded to? Did you read where I said that I
>>was NOT giving it "second thoughts"? Didn't that tell you that I was not
>>considering buying the bike? But no, I did not decide not to buy it,
>>just "on the basis of price and weight" - I do not believe that a valid
>>buying decision is based just on those two criteria.
> But I do - at least negatively when it comes to a bike! You can rule out any
> bike if the weight and price are out of all proportion (as is the Bigha) to
> what else is available on the market. The fact that you can't grasp this
> speaks volumes about how your brain works.
And I suppose you don't see a comparison to "what else is available
on the market" as another criteria, do you? But tell us, since it
sounds like you've done a study on this, what other bikes are out there
on the market, that are of the same category as the BiGHA, how much they
cost, and how much they weigh.
But seriously - since I know that you have done no such thing, and
will not provide any information like this - I am *NOT* saying that
price and weight are not to be considered, nor am I saying that they
aren't important criteria. And yes, if the price is too high - for the
individual - then that will rule out whatever is being considered. Like,
I doubt if I would every pay what is asked for a Windcheetah Hypersport
trike, no matter how much - or little - it weighs. So yes, price does
pay an imporant part in the purchase of a bike, and is possibly the most
important criteria - for most people.
But these things are not absolutes; they do not apply to everyone. If
someone is really performance-oriented, price shrinks in importance and
weight increases as a consideration. It's not that these people are
wrong, just that they view things of importance differently. I am not so
arrogant as some, who feel that if others disagree, they there's
something wrong with them, something about their "brain works".
Arrogance and ignorance are a dangerous combination. Don't you agree?
> I don't buy food,
>>cars, houses, nor bicycles on just those two criteria, and I find it
>>interesting and peculiar to meet two "geniuses" who do.
> There are other criteria that apply to all the above items that determine
> whether they are good buys or not. It is just that the criteria are
> different. The two most important criteria when it comes to a bike are price
> and weight. These are not the most important criteria when it comes to a
> car. But price is always critical in any event no matter what the product.
> [...]
>>>The adjective "and" as it applies to price and weight is critical to
> this
>>>whole discussion. ...
>> Normally, I would not point this out, but I hate to see a "genius"
>>make such a mistake without offering assistance. 'And' is not an
> adjective.
> Right! A conjunction. But it is normal for a genius like me to trip over
> peccadilloes as my mind is ever on the big thought. But your mind is ever on
> the little thought and so it is normal for you to pick up on trivialities.
You're excused your ignorance of grammar and terms related to the
language. Call it a peccadilloe or whatever you want Since we see that
you judge bikes on just two criteria - except when you admit otherwise,
such as the comfort of the seat - and you say that personal experience
is overrated and unnecessary - except when you accidentally bring up
that seat comfort again - we'll forget that you don't know the
difference between an adjective and a conjunction. We cut geniuses a lot
of slack around here.
So, did you join MENSA? Are you still a member? Attended any RGs or
AGs lately?
Larry Varney
Cold Spring, KY