25 miles with the Ladies and Gents ride. Getting faster and larger. Good thing is that I'm benefiting from the rides. A 2 mile gradual climb has improved by 2.5 mph since the first time I did the ride. I'll take it!
Funny, I don't like politics, I just go ride and have fun. I have 3 buddies that I invited. One guy really investigates every aspect of the ride. Funny because he has been telling me that I am the smartest rider out there. That he sees people respecting me more and more, even more than the organizer haha! He says they see how I ride, manage power, apply tactics and that they are all impressed with my style.
OK, I just ride my bike but I do see now, as he pointed out, I have most of the riders around me now. They used to attack me on climbs and now they just follow me. He says they got tired of trying to beat me down and now know they can't so that earns their respect and all the guys are coming up to me wanting to be my friend ha ha!
I guess that is a good thing! I even recorded this guy telling me this on the phone because there is always somebody saying I make this stuff up.
Anyway, had a good time and getting faster!
I do have my little posse with me on the rides. The 3 of us have been riding together since 1998. At times I get cut off at red lights and the pack pulls away. So I got my little posse to pull me back up when I need it ha ha! The 4th guy is not in the pic but since 2009, been riding with him too. Always good to have buddies to help you hammer your way back up if for some reason, you get held up.
Out of 25 riders, there are us 4. Then my bud says another 4 that are always trying to get in and a couple of the strong women. I know it's all for fun but he says out of the 20-25 riders, I have more than a third of them as followers ha ha! And I'm the new guy!
I think people see that a person is consistent, knows how to ride, and safe. Some people race up to the front, there one or two weeks, then gone. Many that way but when you are always near the front and people see you have some skill, they are more likely to gravitate toward you. That is what my buds say and it's cool with me cause I know people don't think I'm just another idiot on the bike causing chaos.
But it is funny because I have thoughts of dropping out of the group to ride alone. But if my buds stick around, so will I just for the camaraderie.
Always good to know people like and follow you. Less problems when it comes to dealing with people. the gal in the pink (video) is now a Beanz follower ha ha!