Oh my gosh! I carry my camera back pack around all weekend when I go. Extra lenses and accessories I'd say it weighs about 25 pounds. I walk up and down the river path for the 2 1/2 days we're there. Day and night including flights of stairs. Sometimes 5 flights outside trying to get higher views with the camera.
The final night, I had to stop and sit down for 30 minutes to relax my legs. My thighs felt like noodles and calves felt like stone.
Happens every time we go. Last couple of nights at home, I'd lay on my back in bed. Felt like my calves were resting on rocks. Very sensitive and painful but it hurt so good.
Very good workout. Happens every time we go because I walk for hours and hours up and down, stairs carrying my back pack.
One can have good cycling legs but mix it up and one will feel it ha ha ha!
You're doing it right!
Same thing happened to my calves! It's less sore now as I'm finally adapting to the movements of running. At least I don't feel it anymore when running but still sore when I touch it!
Now I'm alternating high impact (running) with low impact cardio days. I'd rather NOT ride my bike on the low impact cardio days due to heavy traffic on weekdays all hours. I've been walking but still feels like high impact. So I might buy a cheap inline roller skates and learn how to skate on our rooftop.
Occasionally, I'm still going to do long bike rides but not more than 3 hrs anymore.
These new "member bots" are so annoying, they're bots right?