Dan B. wrote:
> On Feb 9, 7:23 am, Buck <[email protected]>
> wrote:
> <snip>
>> I have a bar mounted mirror on the trike but have never tried a helmet
>> mounted one,
>> wouldn't it cause a problem in an accident with snagging or applied localised
>> pressure to a point on the helmet?
> <snip>
> Possible, if unlikely, IMO. I'll take that potential increased risk,
> in exchange for the benefit of being able to better perceive my
> surroundings and (hopefully) avoid the accident in the first place.
> Best,
> Dan
I have the two bar end mirrors on the trike and prefer the wider view,
plus I don't think I would function well with a helmet mounted mirror.
What ever happened to the company that made a periscope type system
built into there helmet.
> On Feb 9, 7:23 am, Buck <[email protected]>
> wrote:
> <snip>
>> I have a bar mounted mirror on the trike but have never tried a helmet
>> mounted one,
>> wouldn't it cause a problem in an accident with snagging or applied localised
>> pressure to a point on the helmet?
> <snip>
> Possible, if unlikely, IMO. I'll take that potential increased risk,
> in exchange for the benefit of being able to better perceive my
> surroundings and (hopefully) avoid the accident in the first place.
> Best,
> Dan
I have the two bar end mirrors on the trike and prefer the wider view,
plus I don't think I would function well with a helmet mounted mirror.
What ever happened to the company that made a periscope type system
built into there helmet.