Edward Dolan wrote:
> See what happens when you don't edit properly. No one will know what you are
> talking about, other than that you have called me a fool and I have called
> you as one who appears poorly on newsgroups.
You seem to understand fine enough, and I wouldn't call you no one,
whatever else I call you.
> Jeez, I never realized that civilizations are just games where the old
> football gets passed from one to the next. You mean no people ever had any
> originality. It was just all influences?
What's the matter, you don't believe in evolution?
> Nonsense, that was what a professor of philosophy told me once in a college
> class and professors are never wrong about anything.
During the class on the Cretan Paradox, no doubt.
> Who knows why I saying what I am saying, Even I don't know. That is because
> you do not know how to edit.
Why, all you need is to pay attention!
> So why didn't you just say that in the first place instead of telling me
> what a great Jew Stern is?
> [...]
I didn't say anything about stern other than what I'd said initially,
which is nothing like what you've been on about all this time.
And ****** was a Jew.
> One-liner responses are for idiots and that seems to be all you are capable
> of.
Anything more and you forget! Do you also have trouble going across
the room to turn off the light?
> I would like to introduce you to a guy here on ARBR who signs himself
> Slugger. He is like you and the two of you should get along perfectly. But I
> require intelligence in a correspondent. Furthermore, why bore and insult
> these honorable newsgroups, otherwise known as RBM and ARBR.
Therefore, I propose that you update your material -- or start
> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Funny...I'd imagine that Texas might suit you more.
> See what happens when you don't edit properly. No one will know what you are
> talking about, other than that you have called me a fool and I have called
> you as one who appears poorly on newsgroups.
You seem to understand fine enough, and I wouldn't call you no one,
whatever else I call you.
> Jeez, I never realized that civilizations are just games where the old
> football gets passed from one to the next. You mean no people ever had any
> originality. It was just all influences?
What's the matter, you don't believe in evolution?
> Nonsense, that was what a professor of philosophy told me once in a college
> class and professors are never wrong about anything.
During the class on the Cretan Paradox, no doubt.
> Who knows why I saying what I am saying, Even I don't know. That is because
> you do not know how to edit.
Why, all you need is to pay attention!
> So why didn't you just say that in the first place instead of telling me
> what a great Jew Stern is?
> [...]
I didn't say anything about stern other than what I'd said initially,
which is nothing like what you've been on about all this time.
And ****** was a Jew.
> One-liner responses are for idiots and that seems to be all you are capable
> of.
Anything more and you forget! Do you also have trouble going across
the room to turn off the light?
> I would like to introduce you to a guy here on ARBR who signs himself
> Slugger. He is like you and the two of you should get along perfectly. But I
> require intelligence in a correspondent. Furthermore, why bore and insult
> these honorable newsgroups, otherwise known as RBM and ARBR.
Therefore, I propose that you update your material -- or start
> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Funny...I'd imagine that Texas might suit you more.