Re: Impotence

"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:37_ng.25196$FR1.7235@dukeread05...
>>>> What WE understand is you apparently lacked attention as a child. Try
>>>> not to link me to your attempt to validate yourself. Your references to
>>>> me in this matter could damage my reputation as an off-road cyclist who
>>>> enjoys sex with women.
>>> But you know about my policy of *** for tat. Other than that I agree
>>> with you 100% - we have absolutely nothing in common! You are a jackass
>>> and a scoundrel (a despoiler of wilderness and a despoiler of women) and
>>> I am a Great Saint. But everyone already knows that about us, so why
>>> should I have to keep harping on it.

>> You haven't said anything of consequence because you are of no
>> consequence.

> Now he is sounding exactly like Jim McNamara. It seems to be my karma to
> reduce those about me to blithering idiots, provided they are not already
> that to begin with.

Is that so you can understand what we say...? Tired of using a ladder to
reach our level...?
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:vg_ng.25197$FR1.14499@dukeread05...
>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>> news:[email protected]...
>>> [...]
>>>> What we have here is the ravings of a lunatic. Why would a
>>>> self-proclaimed atheist be talking about God and the Devil??? The
>>>> conundrum continues.
>>> Poor Jim has never recovered from his Jesuit education. All that brain
>>> washing that you undergo when young is hard to get rid of I will admit,
>>> but it can be gotten rid of with some effort. After all, why go through
>>> life believing in fairy tales. But fairy tales do have their purpose
>>> nonetheless. It is what you beat believers over the head with. I am very
>>> good at this if I do say so myself.

>> Is that all you've got...? Such a pathetic little man to belittle someone
>> on such a simple target as their faith.
>> Of course, all you have is a "fairy tale" of an alter ego. St Edward the
>> nonexistant. LOL

> Poor Curtiss, his invective is not up to my high standards. I think it is
> because Vandeman has been far too kind to him in the past. He will soon
> discover that I am anything but kind.

You have no standards. Vandy at least has conviction of his opinions. Often
wrong and unsubstantiated, they may be.
You merely latch on and say anything to stroke your ego - No substance at
The only "discovery" to be had is for to find your marbles.
> Curtiss is nothing but a stalker. He needs to have the tables turned on
> him and I am just the guy to do it. Imagine having this pip-squeak
> trailing around after you for years like he has been doing to Vandeman. He
> ought to be ashamed of himself, but that requires that you have some
> insight. He has none. He only lives to stalk.

Doesn't hold water. Vandy makes challenges to the fair access and
cooperation that has grown between outdoor enthusiasts and is making
progress in protecting endangered areas. I (and others) only reply on the
grounds that he presents himself as an authority which could be damaging to
that progress.
You latched on and have "stalked" the conversations without even so much as
simply checking the history behind the present situation. You are only upset
because you want the rest of us to fix the cross-posting mess you started
and I refuse to do so.
> Death to stalkers!

Edward Dolan wrote:
> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> [...]
> > What we have here is the ravings of a lunatic. Why would a
> > self-proclaimed atheist be talking about God and the Devil??? The
> > conundrum continues.

> Poor Jim has never recovered from his Jesuit education. All that brain
> washing that you undergo when young is hard to get rid of I will admit, but
> it can be gotten rid of with some effort. After all, why go through life
> believing in fairy tales. But fairy tales do have their purpose nonetheless.
> It is what you beat believers over the head with. I am very good at this if
> I do say so myself.

Diversion duly noted. - Jim McNamara

> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:37_ng.25196$FR1.7235@dukeread05...
>>>>> What WE understand is you apparently lacked attention as a child. Try
>>>>> not to link me to your attempt to validate yourself. Your references
>>>>> to me in this matter could damage my reputation as an off-road cyclist
>>>>> who enjoys sex with women.
>>>> But you know about my policy of *** for tat. Other than that I agree
>>>> with you 100% - we have absolutely nothing in common! You are a jackass
>>>> and a scoundrel (a despoiler of wilderness and a despoiler of women)
>>>> and I am a Great Saint. But everyone already knows that about us, so
>>>> why should I have to keep harping on it.
>>> You haven't said anything of consequence because you are of no
>>> consequence.

>> Now he is sounding exactly like Jim McNamara. It seems to be my karma to
>> reduce those about me to blithering idiots, provided they are not already
>> that to begin with.

> Is that so you can understand what we say...? Tired of using a ladder to
> reach our level...?

When you stop stalking Vandeman, maybe then I will have some respect for
you. There is nothing more pitiful in this world than a Usenet stalker. For
Christ's sakes, get a life!


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Chris Foster" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
> news:[email protected]:
>> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:vg_ng.25197$FR1.14499@dukeread05...
>>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>> news:[email protected]...
>>>> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>>> news:[email protected]...
>>>> [...]
>>>>> What we have here is the ravings of a lunatic. Why would a
>>>>> self-proclaimed atheist be talking about God and the Devil??? The
>>>>> conundrum continues.
>>>> Poor Jim has never recovered from his Jesuit education. All that
>>>> brain washing that you undergo when young is hard to get rid of I
>>>> will admit, but it can be gotten rid of with some effort. After all,
>>>> why go through life believing in fairy tales. But fairy tales do
>>>> have their purpose nonetheless. It is what you beat believers over
>>>> the head with. I am very good at this if I do say so myself.
>>> Is that all you've got...? Such a pathetic little man to belittle
>>> someone on such a simple target as their faith.
>>> Of course, all you have is a "fairy tale" of an alter ego. St Edward
>>> the nonexistant. LOL

>> Poor Curtiss, his invective is not up to my high standards. I think it
>> is because Vandeman has been far too kind to him in the past. He will
>> soon discover that I am anything but kind.
>> Curtiss is nothing but a stalker. He needs to have the tables turned
>> on him and I am just the guy to do it. Imagine having this pip-squeak
>> trailing around after you for years like he has been doing to
>> Vandeman. He ought to be ashamed of himself, but that requires that
>> you have some insight. He has none. He only lives to stalk.

> It appears that you are the one doing the stalking.

Nope, I never stalk anyone. I am merely a responder. I soon grow weary of
everyone and leave them to themselves. Trust me on this, there is no one in
this world that I have enough interest in to want to stalk them, not on
Usenet and not in real life either.

Curtiss is stalking Vandeman and Jim McNamara is stalking me. You are too.
How do you know whether you are a stalker or not? If all you are doing is
posting to a particular individual, then you are stalking. Draw your own
conclusions from this bit of wisdom by Ed Dolan the Great.

The Great Ed Dolan has too much pride to ever stalk anyone since no one is
worthy of that much attention. I shall soon dispense of Jim and you unless
you provide me with new and interesting fodder. Why Vandeman has not gotten
rid of Curtiss is a mystery to me. Their dialogues are but a broken
phonograph record by now. It is probably because Vandeman is a kindly soul
and long-suffering.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...

>> Curtiss is nothing but a stalker. He needs to have the tables turned on
>> him and I am just the guy to do it. Imagine having this pip-squeak
>> trailing around after you for years like he has been doing to Vandeman.
>> He ought to be ashamed of himself, but that requires that you have some
>> insight. He has none. He only lives to stalk.

> Doesn't hold water. Vandy makes challenges to the fair access and
> cooperation that has grown between outdoor enthusiasts and is making
> progress in protecting endangered areas. I (and others) only reply on the
> grounds that he presents himself as an authority which could be damaging
> to that progress.

It may be that you are to close to the situation to see yourself for what
you are are. You are most defintely nothing but a stalker. There is nothing
you haven't said to Vandeman at least a thousand times. It is the same old
**** over and over. Why the hell don't you shut up and see if anyone else
has anything to say in response to his posts.

Vandeman is a man on a mission, but your only mission is to oppose him with
the same old **** over and over. You have had your freaking say. Why not
shut up and let others respond to him. To be nothing but anti-Vandeman marks
you as the pitiful stalker that you are. You should be ashamed of yourself.
For Christ's sakes, get a life why don't you!

> You latched on and have "stalked" the conversations without even so much
> as simply checking the history behind the present situation. You are only
> upset because you want the rest of us to fix the cross-posting mess you
> started and I refuse to do so.

There is no history here that is worth an outside observer's time and
effort. Anyone coming to these messages can see in a trice who is who and
what is at stake.

Curtiss, I have said it before and I will say it again - there is something
wrong with the way your brain functions. To devote time and effort to being
nothing but anti-Vandeman marks you as one of the most colossal idiots of
all time.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>>>>>> What WE understand is you apparently lacked attention as a child. Try
>>>>>> not to link me to your attempt to validate yourself. Your references
>>>>>> to me in this matter could damage my reputation as an off-road
>>>>>> cyclist who enjoys sex with women.
>>>>> But you know about my policy of *** for tat. Other than that I agree
>>>>> with you 100% - we have absolutely nothing in common! You are a
>>>>> jackass and a scoundrel (a despoiler of wilderness and a despoiler of
>>>>> women) and I am a Great Saint. But everyone already knows that about
>>>>> us, so why should I have to keep harping on it.
>>>> You haven't said anything of consequence because you are of no
>>>> consequence.
>>> Now he is sounding exactly like Jim McNamara. It seems to be my karma to
>>> reduce those about me to blithering idiots, provided they are not
>>> already that to begin with.

>> Is that so you can understand what we say...? Tired of using a ladder to
>> reach our level...?

> When you stop stalking Vandeman, maybe then I will have some respect for
> you. There is nothing more pitiful in this world than a Usenet stalker.
> For Christ's sakes, get a life!

From e. dolan on another thread: "Usenet is strictly for idiots, assholes
and jerks - positively no exceptions! When I am on Usenet I try to be the
biggest idiot, asshole and jerk of them all. I set the standard for one and
all. I believe I can state with absolute assurance that I am the Greatest
Idiot, the Greatest Asshole and the Greatest Jerk that Usenet has ever known
in its' long and dishonored history. For Christ's sakes, I prove it every
time I post. Can't any of you poor bastards read?"

I see no need to add to that.
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Chris Foster" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
>> news:[email protected]:
>>> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>> news:vg_ng.25197$FR1.14499@dukeread05...
>>>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>>> news:[email protected]...
>>>>> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>>>> news:[email protected]...
>>>>> [...]
>>>>>> What we have here is the ravings of a lunatic. Why would a
>>>>>> self-proclaimed atheist be talking about God and the Devil??? The
>>>>>> conundrum continues.
>>>>> Poor Jim has never recovered from his Jesuit education. All that
>>>>> brain washing that you undergo when young is hard to get rid of I
>>>>> will admit, but it can be gotten rid of with some effort. After all,
>>>>> why go through life believing in fairy tales. But fairy tales do
>>>>> have their purpose nonetheless. It is what you beat believers over
>>>>> the head with. I am very good at this if I do say so myself.
>>>> Is that all you've got...? Such a pathetic little man to belittle
>>>> someone on such a simple target as their faith.
>>>> Of course, all you have is a "fairy tale" of an alter ego. St Edward
>>>> the nonexistant. LOL
>>> Poor Curtiss, his invective is not up to my high standards. I think it
>>> is because Vandeman has been far too kind to him in the past. He will
>>> soon discover that I am anything but kind.
>>> Curtiss is nothing but a stalker. He needs to have the tables turned
>>> on him and I am just the guy to do it. Imagine having this pip-squeak
>>> trailing around after you for years like he has been doing to
>>> Vandeman. He ought to be ashamed of himself, but that requires that
>>> you have some insight. He has none. He only lives to stalk.

>> It appears that you are the one doing the stalking.

> Nope, I never stalk anyone. I am merely a responder. I soon grow weary of
> everyone and leave them to themselves. Trust me on this, there is no one
> in this world that I have enough interest in to want to stalk them, not on
> Usenet and not in real life either.
> Curtiss is stalking Vandeman and Jim McNamara is stalking me. You are too.
> How do you know whether you are a stalker or not? If all you are doing is
> posting to a particular individual, then you are stalking. Draw your own
> conclusions from this bit of wisdom by Ed Dolan the Great.
> The Great Ed Dolan has too much pride to ever stalk anyone since no one is
> worthy of that much attention. I shall soon dispense of Jim and you unless
> you provide me with new and interesting fodder. Why Vandeman has not
> gotten rid of Curtiss is a mystery to me. Their dialogues are but a broken
> phonograph record by now. It is probably because Vandeman is a kindly soul
> and long-suffering.

MV wants to destroy the progress made in cycling organizations and forest
areas for shared access and cooperation in preservation. I (and others) do
not accept this scenerio. As long as he posts advocating the exit of
off-road cycling with his unsubstantiated opinions, then there will always
be someone to post opposition.
As you have stated several times, you followed your standard MO and jumped
in to "stir things up" and went so far as to cross-post into other groups to
accomplish your agenda. Now you are merely upset because we will not jump in
to help you clean it up and you get even more upset when called on it.
The only thing about you that is "great" is your desire to state it. Looking
back on Google searches, that was apparent as soon as you made your first
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:D[email protected]...
> [...]
>>> Curtiss is nothing but a stalker. He needs to have the tables turned on
>>> him and I am just the guy to do it. Imagine having this pip-squeak
>>> trailing around after you for years like he has been doing to Vandeman.
>>> He ought to be ashamed of himself, but that requires that you have some
>>> insight. He has none. He only lives to stalk.

>> Doesn't hold water. Vandy makes challenges to the fair access and
>> cooperation that has grown between outdoor enthusiasts and is making
>> progress in protecting endangered areas. I (and others) only reply on the
>> grounds that he presents himself as an authority which could be damaging
>> to that progress.

> It may be that you are to close to the situation to see yourself for what
> you are are. You are most defintely nothing but a stalker. There is
> nothing you haven't said to Vandeman at least a thousand times. It is the
> same old **** over and over. Why the hell don't you shut up and see if
> anyone else has anything to say in response to his posts.

Apparently, you have chosen to ignore the other names shown with
responses... and the MV history of re-posting the same article over
years... and the "same old" MV replies which have grown as standard as a
Mel Torme album... and that this is usenet and any number of replies are
possible to a single post.
You are only upset because you have been trounced at your own game.
> Vandeman is a man on a mission, but your only mission is to oppose him
> with the same old **** over and over. You have had your freaking say. Why
> not shut up and let others respond to him. To be nothing but anti-Vandeman
> marks you as the pitiful stalker that you are. You should be ashamed of
> yourself. For Christ's sakes, get a life why don't you!

Again - This is usenet. A single post can have any number of replies. My
responses do not stop anyone from reading or posting.
I have a life. With mountain bikes and road bikes and scotch whiskey and a
multitude of interests and experiences you have no comprehension of. MV
wants to alter that life with his silly diatribe against bikes on trails.
That, my little friend, is not acceptable.
>> You latched on and have "stalked" the conversations without even so much
>> as simply checking the history behind the present situation. You are only
>> upset because you want the rest of us to fix the cross-posting mess you
>> started and I refuse to do so.

> There is no history here that is worth an outside observer's time and
> effort. Anyone coming to these messages can see in a trice who is who and
> what is at stake.

Imagine what would not have been discovered if all we have looked in the
world is the surface. Thinking small is a habit for you, isn't it?
> Curtiss, I have said it before and I will say it again - there is
> something wrong with the way your brain functions. To devote time and
> effort to being nothing but anti-Vandeman marks you as one of the most
> colossal idiots of all time.

Now you are comparing me to yourself:

E-Dolan, from another thread: "Usenet is strictly for idiots, assholes and
jerks - positively no exceptions! When I am on Usenet I try to be the
biggest idiot, asshole and jerk of them all. I set the standard for one and
all. I believe I can state with absolute assurance that I am the Greatest
Idiot, the Greatest Asshole and the Greatest Jerk that Usenet has ever known
in its' long and dishonored history. For Christ's sakes, I prove it every
time I post. Can't any of you poor bastards read?"

Steve Curtiss the GREAT aka St. Curtiss the GREAT, Order of the Perpetual
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>>>>>> What WE understand is you apparently lacked attention as a child.
>>>>>>> Try not to link me to your attempt to validate yourself. Your
>>>>>>> references to me in this matter could damage my reputation as an
>>>>>>> off-road cyclist who enjoys sex with women.
>>>>>> But you know about my policy of *** for tat. Other than that I agree
>>>>>> with you 100% - we have absolutely nothing in common! You are a
>>>>>> jackass and a scoundrel (a despoiler of wilderness and a despoiler of
>>>>>> women) and I am a Great Saint. But everyone already knows that about
>>>>>> us, so why should I have to keep harping on it.
>>>>> You haven't said anything of consequence because you are of no
>>>>> consequence.
>>>> Now he is sounding exactly like Jim McNamara. It seems to be my karma
>>>> to reduce those about me to blithering idiots, provided they are not
>>>> already that to begin with.
>>> Is that so you can understand what we say...? Tired of using a ladder to
>>> reach our level...?

>> When you stop stalking Vandeman, maybe then I will have some respect for
>> you. There is nothing more pitiful in this world than a Usenet stalker.
>> For Christ's sakes, get a life!

> From e. dolan on another thread: "Usenet is strictly for idiots, assholes
> and jerks - positively no exceptions! When I am on Usenet I try to be the
> biggest idiot, asshole and jerk of them all. I set the standard for one
> and all. I believe I can state with absolute assurance that I am the
> Greatest Idiot, the Greatest Asshole and the Greatest Jerk that Usenet has
> ever known in its' long and dishonored history. For Christ's sakes, I
> prove it every time I post. Can't any of you poor bastards read?"
> I see no need to add to that.

It may be that in a hundred year that others wil began to understand what I
am doing here on Usenet and what my mission is. Curtiss knows how to read
me, but not how to understand what he reads.

If you are not having any fun on Usenet, then go elsewhere and find some
fun. Life is too short to be taking any of this nonsense on Usenet
seriously. Try not to be an idiot, a jerk and an asshole - if that is


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "Chris Foster" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
>>> news:[email protected]:
>>>> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>>> news:vg_ng.25197$FR1.14499@dukeread05...
>>>>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>>>> news:[email protected]...
>>>>>> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:[email protected]...
>>>>>> [...]
>>>>>>> What we have here is the ravings of a lunatic. Why would a
>>>>>>> self-proclaimed atheist be talking about God and the Devil??? The
>>>>>>> conundrum continues.
>>>>>> Poor Jim has never recovered from his Jesuit education. All that
>>>>>> brain washing that you undergo when young is hard to get rid of I
>>>>>> will admit, but it can be gotten rid of with some effort. After all,
>>>>>> why go through life believing in fairy tales. But fairy tales do
>>>>>> have their purpose nonetheless. It is what you beat believers over
>>>>>> the head with. I am very good at this if I do say so myself.
>>>>> Is that all you've got...? Such a pathetic little man to belittle
>>>>> someone on such a simple target as their faith.
>>>>> Of course, all you have is a "fairy tale" of an alter ego. St Edward
>>>>> the nonexistant. LOL
>>>> Poor Curtiss, his invective is not up to my high standards. I think it
>>>> is because Vandeman has been far too kind to him in the past. He will
>>>> soon discover that I am anything but kind.
>>>> Curtiss is nothing but a stalker. He needs to have the tables turned
>>>> on him and I am just the guy to do it. Imagine having this pip-squeak
>>>> trailing around after you for years like he has been doing to
>>>> Vandeman. He ought to be ashamed of himself, but that requires that
>>>> you have some insight. He has none. He only lives to stalk.
>>> It appears that you are the one doing the stalking.

>> Nope, I never stalk anyone. I am merely a responder. I soon grow weary of
>> everyone and leave them to themselves. Trust me on this, there is no one
>> in this world that I have enough interest in to want to stalk them, not
>> on Usenet and not in real life either.
>> Curtiss is stalking Vandeman and Jim McNamara is stalking me. You are
>> too. How do you know whether you are a stalker or not? If all you are
>> doing is posting to a particular individual, then you are stalking. Draw
>> your own conclusions from this bit of wisdom by Ed Dolan the Great.
>> The Great Ed Dolan has too much pride to ever stalk anyone since no one
>> is worthy of that much attention. I shall soon dispense of Jim and you
>> unless you provide me with new and interesting fodder. Why Vandeman has
>> not gotten rid of Curtiss is a mystery to me. Their dialogues are but a
>> broken phonograph record by now. It is probably because Vandeman is a
>> kindly soul and long-suffering.

> MV wants to destroy the progress made in cycling organizations and forest
> areas for shared access and cooperation in preservation. I (and others) do
> not accept this scenerio. As long as he posts advocating the exit of
> off-road cycling with his unsubstantiated opinions, then there will always
> be someone to post opposition.

No, god damn it, post your own messages regarding what you want. To be
always posting in opposition to Vandeman marks you as a stalker - and that
will be my theme with you from now on. Get used to it unless and until I see
an original post from you advocating your position. I cannot figure out why
Vandeman has not taken you to the woodshed long ago for a good whipping.

> As you have stated several times, you followed your standard MO and jumped
> in to "stir things up" and went so far as to cross-post into other groups
> to accomplish your agenda. Now you are merely upset because we will not
> jump in to help you clean it up and you get even more upset when called on
> it.
> The only thing about you that is "great" is your desire to state it.
> Looking back on Google searches, that was apparent as soon as you made
> your first sig.

The groups have now been cleaned up except for a very few threads which I am
continuing so that no one on MY groups will miss any of my precious words.

Yes, contemplate my signature until you are blue in the face and maybe, just
maybe, you will get a glimmer of what I am all about. I do not stalk like
you do. It is shameful what you do. Vandeman does not deserve a scoundrel
like you. Maybe I do, but I will know exactly how to treat you. Vandeman is
a saint. I am really a devil as you will soon find out if you persist in
your idiocies.

Post your own messages on RBS about what you want for bikes on trails. For
Christ's sakes, let Vandeman respond to you for once!


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>>>>>> You haven't said anything of consequence because you are of no
>>>>>> consequence.
>>>>> Now he is sounding exactly like Jim McNamara. It seems to be my karma
>>>>> to reduce those about me to blithering idiots, provided they are not
>>>>> already that to begin with.
>>>> Is that so you can understand what we say...? Tired of using a ladder
>>>> to reach our level...?
>>> When you stop stalking Vandeman, maybe then I will have some respect for
>>> you. There is nothing more pitiful in this world than a Usenet stalker.
>>> For Christ's sakes, get a life!

>> From e. dolan on another thread: "Usenet is strictly for idiots, assholes
>> and jerks - positively no exceptions! When I am on Usenet I try to be the
>> biggest idiot, asshole and jerk of them all. I set the standard for one
>> and all. I believe I can state with absolute assurance that I am the
>> Greatest Idiot, the Greatest Asshole and the Greatest Jerk that Usenet
>> has ever known in its' long and dishonored history. For Christ's sakes, I
>> prove it every time I post. Can't any of you poor bastards read?"
>> I see no need to add to that.

> It may be that in a hundred year that others wil began to understand what
> I am doing here on Usenet and what my mission is. Curtiss knows how to
> read me, but not how to understand what he reads.

I stopped trying to understand gibberish when my daughter learned to speak.
> If you are not having any fun on Usenet, then go elsewhere and find some
> fun. Life is too short to be taking any of this nonsense on Usenet
> seriously. Try not to be an idiot, a jerk and an asshole - if that is
> possible!

I am having fun watching you squirm on the same hook you baited.
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>>>>>> You haven't said anything of consequence because you are of no
>>>>>>> consequence.
>>>>>> Now he is sounding exactly like Jim McNamara. It seems to be my karma
>>>>>> to reduce those about me to blithering idiots, provided they are not
>>>>>> already that to begin with.
>>>>> Is that so you can understand what we say...? Tired of using a ladder
>>>>> to reach our level...?
>>>> When you stop stalking Vandeman, maybe then I will have some respect
>>>> for you. There is nothing more pitiful in this world than a Usenet
>>>> stalker. For Christ's sakes, get a life!
>>> From e. dolan on another thread: "Usenet is strictly for idiots,
>>> assholes and jerks - positively no exceptions! When I am on Usenet I try
>>> to be the biggest idiot, asshole and jerk of them all. I set the
>>> standard for one and all. I believe I can state with absolute assurance
>>> that I am the Greatest Idiot, the Greatest Asshole and the Greatest Jerk
>>> that Usenet has ever known in its' long and dishonored history. For
>>> Christ's sakes, I prove it every time I post. Can't any of you poor
>>> bastards read?"
>>> I see no need to add to that.

>> It may be that in a hundred year that others wil began to understand what
>> I am doing here on Usenet and what my mission is. Curtiss knows how to
>> read me, but not how to understand what he reads.

> I stopped trying to understand gibberish when my daughter learned to
> speak.
>> If you are not having any fun on Usenet, then go elsewhere and find some
>> fun. Life is too short to be taking any of this nonsense on Usenet
>> seriously. Try not to be an idiot, a jerk and an asshole - if that is
>> possible!

> I am having fun watching you squirm on the same hook you baited.

The only one squirming here is you. I have identified you for what you are -
a stalker and a leech. You have no pride at all to go slumming after
Vandeman like you do. Try to get some self-respect why don't you. The first
thing you need to do to recover from your ignobility is to stop stalking and
leeching. Get with the program!


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> S Curtiss wrote:
>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>> >
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>> What WE understand is you apparently lacked attention as a child.
>> >>>>>> Try
>> >>>>>> not to link me to your attempt to validate yourself. Your
>> >>>>>> references
>> >>>>>> to me in this matter could damage my reputation as an off-road
>> >>>>>> cyclist who enjoys sex with women.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> But you know about my policy of *** for tat. Other than that I
>> >>>>> agree
>> >>>>> with you 100% - we have absolutely nothing in common! You are a
>> >>>>> jackass and a scoundrel (a despoiler of wilderness and a despoiler
>> >>>>> of
>> >>>>> women) and I am a Great Saint. But everyone already knows that
>> >>>>> about
>> >>>>> us, so why should I have to keep harping on it.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>> You haven't said anything of consequence because you are of no
>> >>>> consequence.
>> >>>
>> >>> Now he is sounding exactly like Jim McNamara. It seems to be my karma
>> >>> to
>> >>> reduce those about me to blithering idiots, provided they are not
>> >>> already that to begin with.
>> >> Is that so you can understand what we say...? Tired of using a ladder
>> >> to
>> >> reach our level...?
>> >
>> > When you stop stalking Vandeman, maybe then I will have some respect
>> > for
>> > you. There is nothing more pitiful in this world than a Usenet stalker.
>> > For Christ's sakes, get a life!
>> >

>> From e. dolan on another thread: "Usenet is strictly for idiots, assholes
>> and jerks - positively no exceptions! When I am on Usenet I try to be the
>> biggest idiot, asshole and jerk of them all. I set the standard for one
>> and
>> all. I believe I can state with absolute assurance that I am the Greatest
>> Idiot, the Greatest Asshole and the Greatest Jerk that Usenet has ever
>> known
>> in its' long and dishonored history. For Christ's sakes, I prove it every
>> time I post. Can't any of you poor bastards read?"
>> I see no need to add to that.

> I quite agree, but allow me to fill in the blanks a bit here ...

Blah, blah, blah ...

Anyone read this? Hells Bells, I think it is all about me and I won't even
read it. Why? Because it is written by Jim McNamara, a notorious stalker and
whiner. He is nothing if not a longwinded bore. You read him at your peril
of being bored to death. Not even Tom Sherman, who was indefatigable, could
take him and I now suspect Ed Gin had his reasons too. Well, that is the
way it goes when you have no perspective on anything.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
In article <[email protected]>,
"JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote:

> I quite agree, but allow me to fill in the blanks a bit here ... Usenet
> newsgroups are the showcase for Ed Dolan's unharnessed, unruly ego run
> amok.

I'm not an activist, and I'm not a cynic. I'm just a person who wants to
take away as many of Mr. Ed Dolan's opportunities for mischief as
possible. Before examining the present situation, however, it is
important that I think outside the box. Any effort to negotiate with Mr.
Dolan or appease him is akin to spitting into a hurricane to quiet its
fury, so to speak.

To simplify, Mr. Dolan wants us to think of him as a do-gooder. Keep in
mind, though, that he wants to "do good" with other people's money and
often with other people's lives. If Mr. Dolan really wanted to be a
do-gooder, he could start by admitting that if he thinks that he can
make me choke to death, then he's barking up the wrong tree. His
overgeneralizations should be labeled like a pack of cigarettes. I'm
thinking of something along the lines of, "Warning: It has been
determined that Mr. Dolan's smear tactics are intended to stonewall on
issues in which taxpayers see a vital public interest." Mr. Dolan seeks
scapegoats for his own shortcomings by blaming the easiest target he can
find, that is, longiloquent layabouts.

I will not quibble with Mr. Dolan as to whether or not it is not
difficult to see the undercurrents of Trotskyism in his dissertations.
Instead, I'll simply state that one can see the blood-lust in Mr.
Dolan's eyes and leave it at that. There are no two ways about it; I am
not fooled by his choleric and eristic rhetoric. I therefore gladly
accept the responsibility of notifying others that Mr. Dolan insists
that honor counts for nothing. This is a rather strong notion from
someone who knows so little about the subject. Those of us who are too
lazy or disinterested to reinforce what is best in people have no right
to complain when he and his supporters exert more and more control over
other individuals. There are two reasons which induce me to submit Mr.
Dolan's arguments to a special examination: 1) Mr. Dolan's newsgroup
postings will lead to decay, to dissolution, to chaos, and to ruin, and
2) there are many illustrations of this. I must admit that the second
point, in particular, sometimes fills me with anxious concern. Mr.
Dolan's communications may not be traditional for a semi-intelligible,
snivelling fence-sitter, but Mr. Dolan's cop-outs are absolutely otiose.
From this anecdotal evidence, I would argue that it is immature and
stupid of him to enslave us, suppress our freedom, regiment our lives,
confiscate our property, and dictate our values. It would be mature and
intelligent, however, to convince grumpy-to-the-core, counter-productive
vandals to stop supporting Mr. Dolan and tolerating his announcements,
and that's why I say that he has the nerve to call those of us who
encourage our spirits to soar "conspiracy theorists". No, we're
"conspiracy revealers" because we reveal that Mr. Dolan claims that
children should get into cars with strangers who wave lots of yummy
candy at them. I claim that the absurdities within that claim speak for
themselves, although I should add that when a friend wants to drive
inebriated, you try to stop him. Well, Mr. Dolan is drunk with power,
which is why we must burn away social illness, exploitation, and human

Please let me explain that Mr. Dolan wants nothing less than to
advertise "magical" diets and bogus weight-loss pills. His janissaries
then wonder, "What's wrong with that?" Well, there's not much to be done
with avaricious, officious malefactors who can't figure out what's wrong
with that, but the rest of us can plainly see that if Mr. Dolan's
cohorts had even an ounce of integrity, they would confront and reject
all manifestations of terrorism. For the purpose of this discussion,
let's say that the central paradox of his paroxysms, the twist that
makes his belief systems so irresistible to the most sinful hoodwinkers
I've ever seen, is that these people truly believe that everyone who
doesn't share his beliefs is a chthonic freeloader deserving of death
and damnation. Before explaining why impetuous manipulators of the
public mind cause insurmountable trouble for us, I must first make this
world a kinder, gentler place. As for the lies and exaggerations, Mr.
Dolan finds reality too difficult to swallow. Or maybe it just gets lost
between the sports and entertainment pages. In either case, Mr. Dolan
says that he needs a little more time to clean up his act. As far as I'm
concerned, Mr. Dolan's time has run out.

Far be it for me to discourage us from expressing our plans for the
future in whatever way we damn well please. Never mind that Mr. Dolan
always tries to rationalize his campaigns with compelling gobbledegook
about some "greater good". What's really important is that we've all
heard Mr. Dolan yammer and whine about how he's being scapegoated again,
the poor dear. His vituperations are based on two fundamental errors.
They assume that everyone and everything discriminates against him --
including the writing on the bathroom stalls. And they promote the
mistaken idea that governments should have the right to lie to their own
subjects or to other governments. Let me close by reminding you that Mr.
Ed Dolan's co-conspirators are ineducable.

*Help Animals, the Earth and Your Health! *
*Find out how:* <>

It is a shame that you have opted not to have your excellent post
(below) archived. Undoubtedly, like myself, you will be chastised for
your verbosity by head swollen ... HEAD Dolan. I enjoyed your precise
and very eloquent assessment of our quintessential TROLL. You are to
be commended for a job well done. Ed might not recognize this, or
agree with me, but you are insightful and write extremely well.

Jim McNamara

Kevan Smith wrote:
> In article <[email protected]>,
> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote:
> > I quite agree, but allow me to fill in the blanks a bit here ... Usenet
> > newsgroups are the showcase for Ed Dolan's unharnessed, unruly ego run
> > amok.

> I'm not an activist, and I'm not a cynic. I'm just a person who wants to
> take away as many of Mr. Ed Dolan's opportunities for mischief as
> possible. Before examining the present situation, however, it is
> important that I think outside the box. Any effort to negotiate with Mr.
> Dolan or appease him is akin to spitting into a hurricane to quiet its
> fury, so to speak.
> To simplify, Mr. Dolan wants us to think of him as a do-gooder. Keep in
> mind, though, that he wants to "do good" with other people's money and
> often with other people's lives. If Mr. Dolan really wanted to be a
> do-gooder, he could start by admitting that if he thinks that he can
> make me choke to death, then he's barking up the wrong tree. His
> overgeneralizations should be labeled like a pack of cigarettes. I'm
> thinking of something along the lines of, "Warning: It has been
> determined that Mr. Dolan's smear tactics are intended to stonewall on
> issues in which taxpayers see a vital public interest." Mr. Dolan seeks
> scapegoats for his own shortcomings by blaming the easiest target he can
> find, that is, longiloquent layabouts.
> I will not quibble with Mr. Dolan as to whether or not it is not
> difficult to see the undercurrents of Trotskyism in his dissertations.
> Instead, I'll simply state that one can see the blood-lust in Mr.
> Dolan's eyes and leave it at that. There are no two ways about it; I am
> not fooled by his choleric and eristic rhetoric. I therefore gladly
> accept the responsibility of notifying others that Mr. Dolan insists
> that honor counts for nothing. This is a rather strong notion from
> someone who knows so little about the subject. Those of us who are too
> lazy or disinterested to reinforce what is best in people have no right
> to complain when he and his supporters exert more and more control over
> other individuals. There are two reasons which induce me to submit Mr.
> Dolan's arguments to a special examination: 1) Mr. Dolan's newsgroup
> postings will lead to decay, to dissolution, to chaos, and to ruin, and
> 2) there are many illustrations of this. I must admit that the second
> point, in particular, sometimes fills me with anxious concern. Mr.
> Dolan's communications may not be traditional for a semi-intelligible,
> snivelling fence-sitter, but Mr. Dolan's cop-outs are absolutely otiose.
> From this anecdotal evidence, I would argue that it is immature and
> stupid of him to enslave us, suppress our freedom, regiment our lives,
> confiscate our property, and dictate our values. It would be mature and
> intelligent, however, to convince grumpy-to-the-core, counter-productive
> vandals to stop supporting Mr. Dolan and tolerating his announcements,
> and that's why I say that he has the nerve to call those of us who
> encourage our spirits to soar "conspiracy theorists". No, we're
> "conspiracy revealers" because we reveal that Mr. Dolan claims that
> children should get into cars with strangers who wave lots of yummy
> candy at them. I claim that the absurdities within that claim speak for
> themselves, although I should add that when a friend wants to drive
> inebriated, you try to stop him. Well, Mr. Dolan is drunk with power,
> which is why we must burn away social illness, exploitation, and human
> suffering.
> Please let me explain that Mr. Dolan wants nothing less than to
> advertise "magical" diets and bogus weight-loss pills. His janissaries
> then wonder, "What's wrong with that?" Well, there's not much to be done
> with avaricious, officious malefactors who can't figure out what's wrong
> with that, but the rest of us can plainly see that if Mr. Dolan's
> cohorts had even an ounce of integrity, they would confront and reject
> all manifestations of terrorism. For the purpose of this discussion,
> let's say that the central paradox of his paroxysms, the twist that
> makes his belief systems so irresistible to the most sinful hoodwinkers
> I've ever seen, is that these people truly believe that everyone who
> doesn't share his beliefs is a chthonic freeloader deserving of death
> and damnation. Before explaining why impetuous manipulators of the
> public mind cause insurmountable trouble for us, I must first make this
> world a kinder, gentler place. As for the lies and exaggerations, Mr.
> Dolan finds reality too difficult to swallow. Or maybe it just gets lost
> between the sports and entertainment pages. In either case, Mr. Dolan
> says that he needs a little more time to clean up his act. As far as I'm
> concerned, Mr. Dolan's time has run out.
> Far be it for me to discourage us from expressing our plans for the
> future in whatever way we damn well please. Never mind that Mr. Dolan
> always tries to rationalize his campaigns with compelling gobbledegook
> about some "greater good". What's really important is that we've all
> heard Mr. Dolan yammer and whine about how he's being scapegoated again,
> the poor dear. His vituperations are based on two fundamental errors.
> They assume that everyone and everything discriminates against him --
> including the writing on the bathroom stalls. And they promote the
> mistaken idea that governments should have the right to lie to their own
> subjects or to other governments. Let me close by reminding you that Mr.
> Ed Dolan's co-conspirators are ineducable.
> --
> *Help Animals, the Earth and Your Health! *
> *Find out how:* <>
In article <[email protected]>,
"JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote:

> It is a shame that you have opted not to have your excellent post
> (below) archived. Undoubtedly, like myself, you will be chastised for
> your verbosity by head swollen ... HEAD Dolan. I enjoyed your precise
> and very eloquent assessment of our quintessential TROLL. You are to
> be commended for a job well done. Ed might not recognize this, or
> agree with me, but you are insightful and write extremely well.

Why, thank you, sir!

You may have another:

*Help Animals, the Earth and Your Health! *
*Find out how:* <>
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>>>> From e. dolan on another thread: "Usenet is strictly for idiots,
>>>> assholes and jerks - positively no exceptions! When I am on Usenet I
>>>> try to be the biggest idiot, asshole and jerk of them all. I set the
>>>> standard for one and all. I believe I can state with absolute assurance
>>>> that I am the Greatest Idiot, the Greatest Asshole and the Greatest
>>>> Jerk that Usenet has ever known in its' long and dishonored history.
>>>> For Christ's sakes, I prove it every time I post. Can't any of you poor
>>>> bastards read?"
>>>> I see no need to add to that.
>>> It may be that in a hundred year that others wil began to understand
>>> what I am doing here on Usenet and what my mission is. Curtiss knows how
>>> to read me, but not how to understand what he reads.

>> I stopped trying to understand gibberish when my daughter learned to
>> speak.
>>> If you are not having any fun on Usenet, then go elsewhere and find some
>>> fun. Life is too short to be taking any of this nonsense on Usenet
>>> seriously. Try not to be an idiot, a jerk and an asshole - if that is
>>> possible!

>> I am having fun watching you squirm on the same hook you baited.

> The only one squirming here is you. I have identified you for what you
> are - a stalker and a leech. You have no pride at all to go slumming after
> Vandeman like you do. Try to get some self-respect why don't you. The
> first thing you need to do to recover from your ignobility is to stop
> stalking and leeching. Get with the program!

You are the one digging in your little heels and simply calling me names. Is
that the "intellectual" status you brag on...?
Vandy's preaches for the soul purpose of ending access for the purpose of
off-road cycling. If you want to discuss his opinions on point, have at it.
Otherwise, you have nothing.
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

>> MV wants to destroy the progress made in cycling organizations and forest
>> areas for shared access and cooperation in preservation. I (and others)
>> do not accept this scenerio. As long as he posts advocating the exit of
>> off-road cycling with his unsubstantiated opinions, then there will
>> always be someone to post opposition.

> No, god damn it, post your own messages regarding what you want. To be
> always posting in opposition to Vandeman marks you as a stalker - and that
> will be my theme with you from now on. Get used to it unless and until I
> see an original post from you advocating your position. I cannot figure
> out why Vandeman has not taken you to the woodshed long ago for a good
> whipping.

Oh... I see... Its the old "do as I say, not as I do" deal...
E. Dolan: 3:24AM 6/28/06 "Nope, I never stalk anyone. I am merely a

Very good, little man. You can't defend Vandy's opinions on point so you can
only attempt to disrupt those who can. To what end? You don't really think I
believe you have any stake in the viability of anything on usenet, do you?
You yourself state your only purpose is to stir trouble and be a jerk and
asshole. Your own statements classify everyone on usenet as idiots. Are you
really so concerned about the comments of an "idiot" responding to an
Did you miss a therapy session...?
>> As you have stated several times, you followed your standard MO and
>> jumped in to "stir things up" and went so far as to cross-post into other
>> groups to accomplish your agenda. Now you are merely upset because we
>> will not jump in to help you clean it up and you get even more upset when
>> called on it.
>> The only thing about you that is "great" is your desire to state it.
>> Looking back on Google searches, that was apparent as soon as you made
>> your first sig.

> The groups have now been cleaned up except for a very few threads which I
> am continuing so that no one on MY groups will miss any of my precious
> words.

pathetic little man...
> Yes, contemplate my signature until you are blue in the face and maybe,
> just maybe, you will get a glimmer of what I am all about. I do not stalk
> like you do. It is shameful what you do. Vandeman does not deserve a
> scoundrel like you. Maybe I do, but I will know exactly how to treat you.
> Vandeman is a saint. I am really a devil as you will soon find out if you
> persist in your idiocies.

Little feet standing beside tiny footsteps. I (we) already know what you are
all about.
Wait... Is this about you or Vandy...? Oh, of course, its always about you
and your deflated ego. I'm sorry you had to handle the crayons and coloring
books while the "big people" got to go over to the grownup side of the
> Post your own messages on RBS about what you want for bikes on trails. For
> Christ's sakes, let Vandeman respond to you for once!

And why would that matter...? He would simply post in 2nd position and the
"games begin". That, eddie, is what we call a "been there - done that".
We already know the basis for access, cooperation, preservation and impact.
We have proven that with progress of the sport and shared trail use.
Why should we allow someone to attempt to disrupt that progress with
nonsense and lies on any level?
If you think his opinions hold so much validity, discuss them on point.
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...

>> The only one squirming here is you. I have identified you for what you
>> are - a stalker and a leech. You have no pride at all to go slumming
>> after Vandeman like you do. Try to get some self-respect why don't you.
>> The first thing you need to do to recover from your ignobility is to stop
>> stalking and leeching. Get with the program!

> You are the one digging in your little heels and simply calling me names.
> Is that the "intellectual" status you brag on...?
> Vandy's preaches for the soul purpose of ending access for the purpose of
> off-road cycling. If you want to discuss his opinions on point, have at
> it. Otherwise, you have nothing.

You are nothing but a stalker and a leech. Vandeman does not deserve a
scoundrel like you nipping at his heels. You have had your g.d. say a
thousand times already. Why can't you shut up, you one note Johnny! Everyone
on these newgroups, especially RBS, is tired of your ****. Here's hoping you
manage to kill yourself mountain biking on a hiking trail.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

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