Re: Impotence

"GaryG" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...

>> GaryG, like all anonymous posters, is nothing but a scum bag. He hides
>> behind his user name.

> It's just a symbol, ED...matters not whether it's my real name or not.
> Surely you can comprehend've posted many times regarding
> language
> and symbolism.

Names matter! I have never known an anonymous poster in my life who did not
turn out to be a scoundrel. It just goes with the territory.

>> He is not only full of ****, but is in fact a shithead
>> and that is what he has for brains too. It is beneath me to even notice

> his
>> existence.

> And yet, you do.

I am telling the world what I think of it. You are merely the means by which
I do it. It is really funny that you have not figured this out by now!

>> He is on the level of a cockroach, something to be stepped on by
>> the likes of One so Great as Myself.

> LOL - you're a coward in the real world, and you know it. You
> could never bring yourself to have an actual confrontation with an actual
> person...instead, you hide behind your keyboard making ridiculous claims
> of
> "greatness".

I am confronting you (and the world) verbally, you nitwit! If you want a
duel to the death, just name the time and place. One thing is for sure, I am
never going to soil my hands on your thick skull.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"GaryG" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "GaryG" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>> [...]
>> > The sad fact is that poor ED derives pleasure from being

>> > why he posts the nonsense that he does. Better *some* attention than

> none
>> > at all.
>> >
>> > One of my saddest memories is of my grandmother's funeral...her later
>> > years
>> > were lived in self-imposed isolation and bitterness (much like ED's
>> > real
>> > world existance). She was suspicious of those who would reach out to

> her,
>> > and envious of those who had more than she. In the end, there were
>> > only

> 6
>> > people at her funeral. My grandfather's funeral some years earlier (her
>> > husband), was the exact opposite...there were at least 500 people in
>> > attendance, because he was a well-known and well-liked man who gave
>> > much
>> > to
>> > his community and those around him.

>> Your grandmother is someone I would have liked to have known. She was
>> well
>> on her way to being a Great Saint like Me.

> No...she was a bitter, suspicious recluse, and probably suffered from
> dementia and depression (sound like anyone you know, ED?). That she chose
> to cut herself off from everyone else in the last decade of her life was
> both tragic and sad.

There are often very good reasons for bitterness and depression. If you
weren't such a libidinous Pollyanna kind of scoundrel, you might have been
more understanding and hence more sympathetic. We can't all go through this
world as happy idiots, you know!

>> However, Saint Edward the Great
>> is never envious of anyone EVER!. Such an emotion does not even exist in

> my
>> universe. It is just one of many reasons why I am such a Great Saint.
>> If you live long enough, you will outlive all of your contemporaries and

> you
>> will have a very small funeral consisting only of family. Is this rocket
>> science or what?

> Use your brain, ED...even people with no family can be active in clubs,
> service organizations, businesses, etc. It's certainly not rocket
> science,
> and much modern scientific research indicates that people are much
> healthier
> (physically and emotionally) when they cultivate active ongoing
> relationships with others. Of course, with your well-documented fears of
> human contact in the real world, it's not surprising that these options
> would not occur to you.

Gary, hardly anyone in this world understands us hermits. I LIKE to be
alone. A perfect day for me is one where I don't have any contact with
anyone. It may be that I hate people, but I think it is just that I don't
like to be constantly annoyed and irritated, which is the universal effect
that ALL others have on me. I leave you to your fellow man and I shall
continue to contemplate my navel like I have always done.

In any event, it is quite normal for folks to withdraw from social affairs
and society as they get older. Those few who don't do this are universally
regarded as old fools.

> In the case of my grandfather's funeral, only a small minority in
> attendance
> were family members. Many members of the community in which he had been
> active showed up to pay their respects to a man who gave at least as much
> as
> he got to the world around him. Contrast that to your own
>'re a fear-ridden recluse and misanthrope who's passing
> probably won't even be noticed, in spite of your silly claims of
> "greatness".

Your grandfather was mostly likely the one who made your grandmother's life
so miserable. That is always the way it is. I can't tell you happy I am that
I never married and in fact never even wanted to be married, except briefly
when I was 17 and was under the delusion of romantic love. But it soon
passed and I have never looked back. Once you are out of your teens, all
so-called love is nothing but farce. Richard Strauss' Der Rosenkavalier says
it best - and the music is just so glorious!

>> > "Saint" ED will, in all likelihood, have a very small funeral...and

> surely
>> > nobody on Usenet will mourn his demise.

>> Anyone who would WANT anyone on Usenet to mourn one's passing is
>> pathetic.
>> Thanks for the good laugh GaryG - you freaking moron!
>> I will let others worry about my funeral since I will no longer be around

> to
>> enjoy it.
>> By the way, the saddest thing in the world is people who need people.

> No...the saddest thing in the world is people who are so fearful that they
> cut themselves off from all human contact, and then boast about how
> "great"
> they are from behind the safety of their keyboards.

We only need lots of social (human) contact when we are young and maturing,
Once we have matured (become adults) there is no longer any reason for human
contact of an intimate nature. I have never in my life been able to figure
out what friends are for?

Enuf philosophy for one night!


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Chris Foster wrote:

> If you took your meds like the nice doctor told you to, you would feel
> this way eddy

How about trimming the 9 kbs of excess drivel before adding your scathing

"Bill Sornson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Chris Foster wrote:
>> If you took your meds like the nice doctor told you to, you would feel
>> this way eddy

> How about trimming the 9 kbs of excess drivel before adding your scathing
> commentary?

Yes, you are quite right Bill Sornson. I am the world's best editor, but I
have gotten away from it a bit lately due to the Vandeman-Curtiss dialogues.
However, I am going to edit my posts from now on as I want to accommodate
the general reader like you. It is really nothing but sheer laziness which
dictates that we post everything which has heretofore transpired. I want the
entire membership to read what I write, not just my protagonist.

> HTH.

What does HTH stand for?


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Edward Dolan wrote:
> "Bill Sornson" <[email protected]> wrote in message

>> HTH.

> What does HTH stand for?

Hope this helps. It can be sincere or sarcastic (usually the latter, of

HTH ;-)
"GaryG" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...

>> > My girlfriend claims that I drive her mad...but, her meaning of the
>> > word
>> > is
>> > very different from yours ;-).

>> Women know what sex is all about and they also know how to humor really

> dumb
>> male slobs like you.

> The "great" ED proferring advice on women and their likes and dislikes???
> That's a hoot.
> As a self-described hermit and virgin, your advice in this arena is worth,
> well, nothing. In future, you might consider shutting up when it comes to
> subjects in which you have no practical experience.

Yes, I know it is hard for you to understand, but it is only us hermits,
celibates and Catholic priests who know anything about women and sex. All
others have been contaminated and corrupted by women's wiles and essentially
know nothing.

>> I am the world's foremost expert on man-woman relationships.

>'re funny when you try to act pompous. Are you an expert on
> man-man and woman-woman relationships too? Presumably you have no
> experience in those relationships either, so why limit yourself?

It is only us hermits who never have any contact with our fellow human
beings who if in fact know anything worth knowing about human relationships.
It is a great mystery how this can be so, but so it is.

>> Your former wife was no doubt driven mad by your libidinous instincts.

> LOL - my former wife was such a ball-buster that our sex life was
> virtually
> non-existant.

But that is the way of all marriage! I can't believe you ever expected
anything different. That is why you want to marry only for the purpose of
reproduction - and maybe for friendship, but NEVER for unending sex! You
have fatally confused real life with Hollywood.

> It's abundantly clear that you know nothing about women. Given your
> attitudes, it's no surprise that they would find you repulsive. The
> surprise is that you would presume to offer advice in an arean in which
> you
> don't even qualify as a novice.

Gary, I am the world's greatest expert on sex and women since I have never
had anything to do with either. A single word from me on these subjects is
worth its weight in gold. It is really too bad that you do not realize what
a fount of wisdom you have foundered upon. I could tell you everything you
would ever want to know about women and sex at which point you would be
qualified to enter my Order of the Perpetual Sorrows. Yea, many are called,
but few are chosen.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

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