Chris Foster
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
[email protected]:
> <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> GaryG wrote:
>>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>> news:[email protected]...
>>> >
>>> > <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>> > news:[email protected]...
>>> > > Not a problem for me.
>>> > >
>>> > > First, let me assure you that I'm not gay.
>>> > >
>>> > > I just don't like women anymore. Having a wife or a girlfriend
>>> > > involves 'WAY too many compromises, as far as I am concerned.
>>> > > They are
>>> > > just a pain in the ass, always complaining about something or
>>> > > other, and always quick to criticize you but think their own
>>> > > **** doesn't stink. The small amount of time that you spend
>>> > > having sex with them isn't worth it.
>>> > >
>>> > > Plus, let's face it, most women are as dumb as a brick. They
>>> > > never learned anything in school; they are anti-intellectual as
>>> > > a defense mechanism, and they are resentful of men who did well
>>> > > in school, went to college and graduate school, and who are
>>> > > successful.
>>> > >
>>> > > All women want is a man who is going to follow around behind
>>> > > them, cleaning up their messes like the guy in the circus parade
>>> > > who follows
>>> > > along behind the elephants. Oh, how could I have almost
>>> > > forgotten, they want the man to give them a lot of money. Of
>>> > > course they don't appreciate it because they are resentful that
>>> > > the man is successful and
>>> > > has the money to give them. And even if you do give them all
>>> > > the money
>>> > > they want, they probably won't want to have sex with you anyway.
>>> > >
>>> > > To make matters worse, even though they are dumb and
>>> > > overly-emotional,
>>> > > they want to call all the shots in the relationship! And they
>>> > > want to
>>> > > buy, buy, buy. "I feel inadequate. I'd better buy something."
>>> > >
>>> > > And if you marry one, she'll use you as a sperm donor until it
>>> > > becomes
>>> > > too much of a hassle to deal with you, and then she'll kick your
>>> > > ass out so you lose your family. But keep sending those support
>>> > > checks!
>>> > >
>>> > > Women are really evil and screwed up.
>>> > >
>>> > > In short, who needs women? I just avoid them like the plague,
>>> > > and have
>>> > > never been happier.
>>> >
>>> > Folson, you are a genius almost on my level. I have not had your
>>> experience
>>> > of women, but I KNOW everything you say about them is true. So
>>> > very many
>>> > poor men slobs seem not to have a clue about women. It just
>>> > sickens me
>>> that
>>> > men can be such fools and all-around dumbbells. Well, it all has
>>> > to do
>>> with
>>> > the sex angle and nothing else. Men want sex and women want
>>> > children. From
>>> > that springs all the misunderstandings between the sexes. Unless
>>> > men also
>>> > want children, they are better off staying as far away from the
>>> > female sex
>>> > as they can get.
>>> ED, please don't project your fears of intimacy and sexuality upon
>>> the rest
>>> of the male gender. You're a well-documented misanthrope and
>>> misogynist, with well-documented fears of intimacy (of any kind).
>>> For most normal men, physical and social intimacy with women is part
>>> of the
>>> definition of a life well lived. Of course, you're free to live
>>> your lonely
>>> life as you see fit. But insulting all women just because you fear
>>> them, and insulting most men who would prefer their company, just
>>> makes you look
>>> like even more of a weirdo and misfit.
>>> BTW - When was the last time you had sex (solo masturbation
>>> excluded)? I'm
>>> guessing it's been a very long time. Perhaps you've simply
>>> forgotten, or never learned, what a pleasant experience it can be.
>> Gary, et. al. - A lack of knowledge, experience or expertise has
>> never curtailed Ed's enthusiasm to impose his unfounded, errant
>> "wisdom" ... "wisdom" derived solely from myopic, twisted
>> misconceptions. A closet-queen, paralyzed by sexual hang-ups and
>> shackled by self-imposed celibacy; Ed has no credibility in this
>> particular area of discussion.
> Anyone who is into sexual behavior without the express intent of
> creating new life (babies) is nothing but human scum. God abhors all
> such and the Devil is waiting for you in Hell!
Ahhhhhh Blow Me
>> His lack of knowledge, experience and expertise invalidate his
>> arguments as baseless. He condemns those who refuse to follow his
>> misguided path to enlightenment, but the fool himself remains
>> unenlightened. Ignore his random, incoherent babble. Have pity on
>> the misanthropic hermit for he knows not what he speaks and speaks of
>> what he knows not. Given to flights of fancy, Ed is a victim of his
>> own unrestrained imagination. He is on a delusional journey to
>> nowhere ... a quest and a realm of that no one is willing to share. -
>> Jim McNamara
> Follow in the footsteps of Saint Edward the Great and you will know
> what it is to be a self respecting human being. Any other path and all
> you will know are matters of the groin along with the lower animals of
> creation. However, the lower animals have the excuse that they do not
> have any higher powers of reasoning, something that we humans can
> never excuse ourselves from. Hence, we are many times worse than the
> beasts of the field. Yea, we are truly evil and deserving of
> everlasting Hellfire!
> It is my intention to come back after death as a Mighty Sequoia Tree.
> Yea, and then I shall lord it over all these pitiful humans who fancy
> themselves the lords of creation with all their pathetic sexual
> hang-ups. Ed Dolan, the Mighty Sequoia Tree - now there is thought to
> wrap your mind around!
> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
> <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> GaryG wrote:
>>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>> news:[email protected]...
>>> >
>>> > <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>> > news:[email protected]...
>>> > > Not a problem for me.
>>> > >
>>> > > First, let me assure you that I'm not gay.
>>> > >
>>> > > I just don't like women anymore. Having a wife or a girlfriend
>>> > > involves 'WAY too many compromises, as far as I am concerned.
>>> > > They are
>>> > > just a pain in the ass, always complaining about something or
>>> > > other, and always quick to criticize you but think their own
>>> > > **** doesn't stink. The small amount of time that you spend
>>> > > having sex with them isn't worth it.
>>> > >
>>> > > Plus, let's face it, most women are as dumb as a brick. They
>>> > > never learned anything in school; they are anti-intellectual as
>>> > > a defense mechanism, and they are resentful of men who did well
>>> > > in school, went to college and graduate school, and who are
>>> > > successful.
>>> > >
>>> > > All women want is a man who is going to follow around behind
>>> > > them, cleaning up their messes like the guy in the circus parade
>>> > > who follows
>>> > > along behind the elephants. Oh, how could I have almost
>>> > > forgotten, they want the man to give them a lot of money. Of
>>> > > course they don't appreciate it because they are resentful that
>>> > > the man is successful and
>>> > > has the money to give them. And even if you do give them all
>>> > > the money
>>> > > they want, they probably won't want to have sex with you anyway.
>>> > >
>>> > > To make matters worse, even though they are dumb and
>>> > > overly-emotional,
>>> > > they want to call all the shots in the relationship! And they
>>> > > want to
>>> > > buy, buy, buy. "I feel inadequate. I'd better buy something."
>>> > >
>>> > > And if you marry one, she'll use you as a sperm donor until it
>>> > > becomes
>>> > > too much of a hassle to deal with you, and then she'll kick your
>>> > > ass out so you lose your family. But keep sending those support
>>> > > checks!
>>> > >
>>> > > Women are really evil and screwed up.
>>> > >
>>> > > In short, who needs women? I just avoid them like the plague,
>>> > > and have
>>> > > never been happier.
>>> >
>>> > Folson, you are a genius almost on my level. I have not had your
>>> experience
>>> > of women, but I KNOW everything you say about them is true. So
>>> > very many
>>> > poor men slobs seem not to have a clue about women. It just
>>> > sickens me
>>> that
>>> > men can be such fools and all-around dumbbells. Well, it all has
>>> > to do
>>> with
>>> > the sex angle and nothing else. Men want sex and women want
>>> > children. From
>>> > that springs all the misunderstandings between the sexes. Unless
>>> > men also
>>> > want children, they are better off staying as far away from the
>>> > female sex
>>> > as they can get.
>>> ED, please don't project your fears of intimacy and sexuality upon
>>> the rest
>>> of the male gender. You're a well-documented misanthrope and
>>> misogynist, with well-documented fears of intimacy (of any kind).
>>> For most normal men, physical and social intimacy with women is part
>>> of the
>>> definition of a life well lived. Of course, you're free to live
>>> your lonely
>>> life as you see fit. But insulting all women just because you fear
>>> them, and insulting most men who would prefer their company, just
>>> makes you look
>>> like even more of a weirdo and misfit.
>>> BTW - When was the last time you had sex (solo masturbation
>>> excluded)? I'm
>>> guessing it's been a very long time. Perhaps you've simply
>>> forgotten, or never learned, what a pleasant experience it can be.
>> Gary, et. al. - A lack of knowledge, experience or expertise has
>> never curtailed Ed's enthusiasm to impose his unfounded, errant
>> "wisdom" ... "wisdom" derived solely from myopic, twisted
>> misconceptions. A closet-queen, paralyzed by sexual hang-ups and
>> shackled by self-imposed celibacy; Ed has no credibility in this
>> particular area of discussion.
> Anyone who is into sexual behavior without the express intent of
> creating new life (babies) is nothing but human scum. God abhors all
> such and the Devil is waiting for you in Hell!
Ahhhhhh Blow Me
>> His lack of knowledge, experience and expertise invalidate his
>> arguments as baseless. He condemns those who refuse to follow his
>> misguided path to enlightenment, but the fool himself remains
>> unenlightened. Ignore his random, incoherent babble. Have pity on
>> the misanthropic hermit for he knows not what he speaks and speaks of
>> what he knows not. Given to flights of fancy, Ed is a victim of his
>> own unrestrained imagination. He is on a delusional journey to
>> nowhere ... a quest and a realm of that no one is willing to share. -
>> Jim McNamara
> Follow in the footsteps of Saint Edward the Great and you will know
> what it is to be a self respecting human being. Any other path and all
> you will know are matters of the groin along with the lower animals of
> creation. However, the lower animals have the excuse that they do not
> have any higher powers of reasoning, something that we humans can
> never excuse ourselves from. Hence, we are many times worse than the
> beasts of the field. Yea, we are truly evil and deserving of
> everlasting Hellfire!
> It is my intention to come back after death as a Mighty Sequoia Tree.
> Yea, and then I shall lord it over all these pitiful humans who fancy
> themselves the lords of creation with all their pathetic sexual
> hang-ups. Ed Dolan, the Mighty Sequoia Tree - now there is thought to
> wrap your mind around!
> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com