Re: Impotence

JimmyMac wrote:
> Edward Dolan wrote:
> > "Chris Foster" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:[email protected]...
> > > "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
> > > news:[email protected]:
> > >
> > >>
> > >> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > >> news:vg_ng.25197$FR1.14499@dukeread05...
> > >>>
> > >>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > >>> news:[email protected]...
> > >>>>
> > >>>> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > >>>> news:[email protected]...
> > >>>> [...]
> > >>>>> What we have here is the ravings of a lunatic. Why would a
> > >>>>> self-proclaimed atheist be talking about God and the Devil??? The
> > >>>>> conundrum continues.
> > >>>>
> > >>>> Poor Jim has never recovered from his Jesuit education. All that
> > >>>> brain washing that you undergo when young is hard to get rid of I
> > >>>> will admit, but it can be gotten rid of with some effort. After all,
> > >>>> why go through life believing in fairy tales. But fairy tales do
> > >>>> have their purpose nonetheless. It is what you beat believers over
> > >>>> the head with. I am very good at this if I do say so myself.
> > >>> Is that all you've got...? Such a pathetic little man to belittle
> > >>> someone on such a simple target as their faith.
> > >>> Of course, all you have is a "fairy tale" of an alter ego. St Edward
> > >>> the nonexistant. LOL
> > >>
> > >> Poor Curtiss, his invective is not up to my high standards. I think it
> > >> is because Vandeman has been far too kind to him in the past. He will
> > >> soon discover that I am anything but kind.
> > >>
> > >> Curtiss is nothing but a stalker. He needs to have the tables turned
> > >> on him and I am just the guy to do it. Imagine having this pip-squeak
> > >> trailing around after you for years like he has been doing to
> > >> Vandeman. He ought to be ashamed of himself, but that requires that
> > >> you have some insight. He has none. He only lives to stalk.
> > >>
> > >
> > > It appears that you are the one doing the stalking.

> >
> > Nope, I never stalk anyone.

> You admitted to stalking Tom Sherman. Your mixed messages do little
> to shore up your already sagging credibillity.
> >I am merely a responder. I soon grow weary of
> > everyone and leave them to themselves. Trust me on this, there is no one in
> > this world that I have enough interest in to want to stalk them, not on
> > Usenet and not in real life either.
> >
> > Curtiss is stalking Vandeman and Jim McNamara is stalking me.

Feeling picked on bunky? Leave and no one can "stalk" you ... paranoid

> > How do you know whether you are a stalker or not? If all you are doing is
> > posting to a particular individual, then you are stalking. Draw your own
> > conclusions from this bit of wisdom by Ed Dolan the Great.
> >
> > The Great Ed Dolan has too much pride to ever stalk anyone since no one is
> > worthy of that much attention. I shall soon dispense of Jim and you unless
> > you provide me with new and interesting fodder. Why Vandeman has not gotten
> > rid of Curtiss is a mystery to me. Their dialogues are but a broken
> > phonograph record by now. It is probably because Vandeman is a kindly soul
> > and long-suffering.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> > aka
> > Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>>> [...]
>>>>>> Yes, contemplate my signature until you are blue in the face and
>>>>>> maybe, just maybe, you will get a glimmer of what I am all about. I
>>>>>> do not stalk like you do. It is shameful what you do. Vandeman does
>>>>>> not deserve a scoundrel like you. Maybe I do, but I will know exactly
>>>>>> how to treat you. Vandeman is a saint. I am really a devil as you
>>>>>> will soon find out if you persist in your idiocies.
>>>> [...]
>>>>> If you think his opinions hold so much validity, discuss them on
>>>>> point.
>>>> That has already been done to death.
>>> Yet he keeps posting lies and missinformation... You would think he
>>> would have picked up on at least a little real information...
>>> Hey... You think maybe he's one of those "one note Johnnies" you keep
>>> going on about...?

>> Yes, Vandeman is a man on a mission but he posts original material. He
>> does not keep regurgitating the same old nonsense that you do. He does
>> not need your idiotic responses all the time. It is just the same old
>> **** over and over in any event. Post your own original ****, why don't
>> you - you freaking lame brain! How can you stand to be such a stalker and
>> such a leech. You are a blood sucking parasite. Christ - get some
>> personal pride why don't you!

> If you feel so strongly about his opinions... If you feel the need to
> defend MV... Then do it on point. If you believe his opinions have merit,
> then argue them on point. He posts the same article over and over again
> regardless of the reality of the increased cooperation, the continued
> research which shows his conclusions are wrong, the lack of corroboration
> from other researchers... and you want me (and others) to simply allow
> this junk into the discussion when the only purpose of it is to mislead?

You have had your say over and over again. You are a stalker and a leech -
and an asshole to boot. Post your own original material. Stop living off of
Vandeman. You are the world's foremost fool for doing what you are doing.
Between the two of us, we are also making RBS uninhabitable for any sane
person. This is not what I want. Is it what you want?

> Why don't you vote Democrat....? They also like their missinformation to
> go unchallenged.
>>>> I charge Curtiss with being nothing but a stalker and a leech. He preys
>>>> on Vandeman like a blood sucking parasite. Now that Vandeman is
>>>> temporarily absent from these forums, he thinks to take me on. God ...
>>>> what a moron he is! I have no interest in him or his freaking messages.
>>>> How do you get to be such an asshole!
>>> "No interest.."? LOL! Is that my Rapala in your lips...?

>> Curtiss, you are an asshole (and a drunken scotch whiskey drinking
>> ******* at that) - but surely you know that. I will continue to remind
>> you of this fact from now on lest you forget. Count on it!

> Oh my... If it wasn't for the nurses, you would forget which room you
> were in.
> You calling me names has the same effect as an ice cube on the surface of
> the sun. And thanks again, btw... for showing that intellectual
> name-calling ability.

My name calling is better than yours. That is your only complaint. Get a
life and stop all this stalking and leeching. Have you no shame at all? You
have totally wrecked RBS. No sane person will post there because of you and
Vandeman - and now me!


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Edward Dolan wrote:
> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > Edward Dolan wrote:
> >> "Chris Foster" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >> news:[email protected]...
> >> > "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
> >> > news:[email protected]:
> >> >
> >> >>
> >> >> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >> >> news:vg_ng.25197$FR1.14499@dukeread05...
> >> >>>
> >> >>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >> >>> news:[email protected]...
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >> >>>> news:[email protected]...
> >> >>>> [...]
> >> >>>>> What we have here is the ravings of a lunatic. Why would a
> >> >>>>> self-proclaimed atheist be talking about God and the Devil??? The
> >> >>>>> conundrum continues.
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> Poor Jim has never recovered from his Jesuit education. All that
> >> >>>> brain washing that you undergo when young is hard to get rid of I
> >> >>>> will admit, but it can be gotten rid of with some effort. After all,
> >> >>>> why go through life believing in fairy tales. But fairy tales do
> >> >>>> have their purpose nonetheless. It is what you beat believers over
> >> >>>> the head with. I am very good at this if I do say so myself.
> >> >>> Is that all you've got...? Such a pathetic little man to belittle
> >> >>> someone on such a simple target as their faith.
> >> >>> Of course, all you have is a "fairy tale" of an alter ego. St Edward
> >> >>> the nonexistant. LOL
> >> >>
> >> >> Poor Curtiss, his invective is not up to my high standards. I think it
> >> >> is because Vandeman has been far too kind to him in the past. He will
> >> >> soon discover that I am anything but kind.
> >> >>
> >> >> Curtiss is nothing but a stalker. He needs to have the tables turned
> >> >> on him and I am just the guy to do it. Imagine having this pip-squeak
> >> >> trailing around after you for years like he has been doing to
> >> >> Vandeman. He ought to be ashamed of himself, but that requires that
> >> >> you have some insight. He has none. He only lives to stalk.
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> > It appears that you are the one doing the stalking.
> >>
> >> Nope, I never stalk anyone.

> >
> > You admitted to stalking Tom Sherman. You're mixed messages do little
> > to shore up your already sagging credibillity.

> I sadi "briefly" you idiot! I do not go on and on like you do. You are a
> stalker and a leech. Get a life!
> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
> >>I am merely a responder. I soon grow weary of
> >> everyone and leave them to themselves. Trust me on this, there is no one
> >> in
> >> this world that I have enough interest in to want to stalk them, not on
> >> Usenet and not in real life either.
> >>
> >> Curtiss is stalking Vandeman and Jim McNamara is stalking me. You are
> >> too.
> >> How do you know whether you are a stalker or not? If all you are doing is
> >> posting to a particular individual, then you are stalking. Draw your own
> >> conclusions from this bit of wisdom by Ed Dolan the Great.
> >>
> >> The Great Ed Dolan has too much pride to ever stalk anyone since no one
> >> is
> >> worthy of that much attention. I shall soon dispense of Jim and you
> >> unless
> >> you provide me with new and interesting fodder. Why Vandeman has not
> >> gotten
> >> rid of Curtiss is a mystery to me. Their dialogues are but a broken
> >> phonograph record by now. It is probably because Vandeman is a kindly
> >> soul
> >> and long-suffering.
Edward Dolan wrote:
> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > Edward Dolan wrote:
> >> "Chris Foster" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >> news:[email protected]...
> >> > "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
> >> > news:[email protected]:
> >> >
> >> >>
> >> >> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >> >> news:vg_ng.25197$FR1.14499@dukeread05...
> >> >>>
> >> >>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >> >>> news:[email protected]...
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >> >>>> news:[email protected]...
> >> >>>> [...]
> >> >>>>> What we have here is the ravings of a lunatic. Why would a
> >> >>>>> self-proclaimed atheist be talking about God and the Devil??? The
> >> >>>>> conundrum continues.
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> Poor Jim has never recovered from his Jesuit education. All that
> >> >>>> brain washing that you undergo when young is hard to get rid of I
> >> >>>> will admit, but it can be gotten rid of with some effort. After all,
> >> >>>> why go through life believing in fairy tales. But fairy tales do
> >> >>>> have their purpose nonetheless. It is what you beat believers over
> >> >>>> the head with. I am very good at this if I do say so myself.
> >> >>> Is that all you've got...? Such a pathetic little man to belittle
> >> >>> someone on such a simple target as their faith.
> >> >>> Of course, all you have is a "fairy tale" of an alter ego. St Edward
> >> >>> the nonexistant. LOL
> >> >>
> >> >> Poor Curtiss, his invective is not up to my high standards. I think it
> >> >> is because Vandeman has been far too kind to him in the past. He will
> >> >> soon discover that I am anything but kind.
> >> >>
> >> >> Curtiss is nothing but a stalker. He needs to have the tables turned
> >> >> on him and I am just the guy to do it. Imagine having this pip-squeak
> >> >> trailing around after you for years like he has been doing to
> >> >> Vandeman. He ought to be ashamed of himself, but that requires that
> >> >> you have some insight. He has none. He only lives to stalk.
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> > It appears that you are the one doing the stalking.
> >>
> >> Nope, I never stalk anyone.

> >
> > You admitted to stalking Tom Sherman. You're mixed messages do little
> > to shore up your already sagging credibillity.

> I sadi "briefly" you idiot! I do not go on and on like you do. You are a
> stalker and a leech. Get a life!

The amount of time devoted to the activity has waht bearing? Either
you are or you are not. You stated taht you never stalk anyone and you
also stated that you stalked Sheman ... briefly. I beg to differ
about the brevity, but the fact remains that one statement is the truth
and the other is not. You can't have it both ways, so pick one.
Never mind, everyon esle has already done that fo you. This is
getting just too easy. You aren't even a challenge anymore and to
think I use to think you were intelligent ... a whacko, but
intelligent. Now I have my doubts. - Jim McNamara

> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
> >>I am merely a responder. I soon grow weary of
> >> everyone and leave them to themselves. Trust me on this, there is no one
> >> in
> >> this world that I have enough interest in to want to stalk them, not on
> >> Usenet and not in real life either.
> >>
> >> Curtiss is stalking Vandeman and Jim McNamara is stalking me. You are
> >> too.
> >> How do you know whether you are a stalker or not? If all you are doing is
> >> posting to a particular individual, then you are stalking. Draw your own
> >> conclusions from this bit of wisdom by Ed Dolan the Great.
> >>
> >> The Great Ed Dolan has too much pride to ever stalk anyone since no one
> >> is
> >> worthy of that much attention. I shall soon dispense of Jim and you
> >> unless
> >> you provide me with new and interesting fodder. Why Vandeman has not
> >> gotten
> >> rid of Curtiss is a mystery to me. Their dialogues are but a broken
> >> phonograph record by now. It is probably because Vandeman is a kindly
> >> soul
> >> and long-suffering.
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in

> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:gX_og.26073$FR1.1695@dukeread05...
>>>>> Oh poor little man. All you have is a keyboard and a tiny mind.
>>>>> You try to claim control but you are at the mercy of our
>>>>> responses. Without the response, you have nothing. You exist only
>>>>> as we allow you to with a response. Many have left you behind
>>>>> without so much as a "f**k off" (T Sherman, perhaps, for one...?)
>>>>> As has happened so many times before (I looked it up), you have
>>>>> been gutted to your own accusations. A tiny worm trying to
>>>>> frighten little girls who bite the apple.
>>>>> All that is left now is for you to threaten to leave usenet...
>>>>> How many times can you say "one note Johnny"...? How many times
>>>>> can you call me the same names over and over again.
>>>>> How many times can you lie to yourself with that silly "the great"
>>>>> sig?
>>>> How many times can you claim to be the world's champion asshole?
>>>> Nothing but a stalker and a leech! Keep posting away you stalker
>>>> and leech! You know what my every answer to you is going to be by
>>>> now, don't you - asshole?
>>> Does not matter. Why...?

>> Wait for it....

> Because YOU don't matter!
> At all!
> Like a flea on the ass of a rhinoceros!

That was hilarious! Thanks for the laugh

Posted via a free Usenet account from
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in

> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>> If you feel so strongly about his opinions... If you feel the need
>>> to defend MV... Then do it on point. If you believe his opinions
>>> have merit, then argue them on point. He posts the same article over
>>> and over again regardless of the reality of the increased
>>> cooperation, the continued research which shows his conclusions are
>>> wrong, the lack of corroboration from other researchers... and you
>>> want me (and others) to simply allow this junk into the discussion
>>> when the only purpose of it is to mislead?

>> You have had your say over and over again. You are a stalker and a
>> leech - and an asshole to boot. Post your own original material. Stop
>> living off of Vandeman. You are the world's foremost fool for doing
>> what you are doing. Between the two of us, we are also making RBS
>> uninhabitable for any sane person. This is not what I want. Is it
>> what you want?

> Then shut up. Thats all. Stop making petty demands (that you don't
> adhere to) on me.
> Just stop.

If he doesnt stop, it just demonstates that it is he who is the true

>>> Why don't you vote Democrat....? They also like their
>>> missinformation to go unchallenged.
>>> You calling me names has the same effect as an ice cube on the
>>> surface of the sun. And thanks again, btw... for showing that
>>> intellectual name-calling ability.

>> My name calling is better than yours. That is your only complaint.
>> Get a life and stop all this stalking and leeching. Have you no
>> shame at all? You have totally wrecked RBS. No sane person will post
>> there because of you and Vandeman - and now me!

> "Mine is better" "Mine is bigger"
> Impressive.
> Just shut up. Stop replyling. You began this attack. You can end it.


Posted via a free Usenet account from
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>> If you feel so strongly about his opinions... If you feel the need to
>> defend MV... Then do it on point. If you believe his opinions have
>> merit, then argue them on point. He posts the same article over and over
>> again regardless of the reality of the increased cooperation, the
>> continued research which shows his conclusions are wrong, the lack of
>> corroboration from other researchers... and you want me (and others) to
>> simply allow this junk into the discussion when the only purpose of it is
>> to mislead?

> You have had your say over and over again. You are a stalker and a leech -
> and an asshole to boot. Post your own original material. Stop living off
> of Vandeman. You are the world's foremost fool for doing what you are
> doing. Between the two of us, we are also making RBS uninhabitable for any
> sane person. This is not what I want. Is it what you want?

Then shut up. Thats all. Stop making petty demands (that you don't adhere
to) on me.
Just stop.
>> Why don't you vote Democrat....? They also like their missinformation to
>> go unchallenged.

>> You calling me names has the same effect as an ice cube on the surface of
>> the sun. And thanks again, btw... for showing that intellectual
>> name-calling ability.

> My name calling is better than yours. That is your only complaint. Get a
> life and stop all this stalking and leeching. Have you no shame at all?
> You have totally wrecked RBS. No sane person will post there because of
> you and Vandeman - and now me!

"Mine is better" "Mine is bigger"
Just shut up. Stop replyling. You began this attack. You can end it.
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:WY_og.26074$FR1.8213@dukeread05...
> [...]
>> Like a flea on the ass of a rhinoceros!

> That's what you are to Vandeman - asshole!
> Also, learn how to edit (snip) you g.d.moron!

"No - You are" LOL
pathetic from one who claims such superiority
"JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>> > Kevan,
>> >
>> > It is a shame that you have opted not to have your excellent post
>> > (below) archived. Undoubtedly, like myself, you will be chastised for
>> > your verbosity by head swollen ... HEAD Dolan. I enjoyed your precise
>> > and very eloquent assessment of our quintessential TROLL. You are to
>> > be commended for a job well done. Ed might not recognize this, or
>> > agree with me, but you are insightful and write extremely well.
>> >
>> > Jim McNamara

>> Hey Jimbo, get on his/her wave length and get the emails going between
>> the
>> two of you. You are both longwinded bores and deserve one another. But do
>> not expect me to bail you out when you discover what a *******/*****
>> he/she
>> is.

> Translation: Would you two please take this private? I cant take the
> heat from the both of you in a public forum. Have no fear Ed. I would
> not prevaill upon you (read an inferior) for asistance, and frankly
> Kevan and I are on the same wave length or did that escape your poor
> powers of perception. - Jim McNamara

Yes, you are both longwinded bores, which is why the two of you deserve one
another. By the way, I think Kevan is actually either Little Meow or her
lesbian sidekick. Enjoy yourself with these two *****-witches - you poor


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>> If you feel so strongly about his opinions... If you feel the need to
>>> defend MV... Then do it on point. If you believe his opinions have
>>> merit, then argue them on point. He posts the same article over and over
>>> again regardless of the reality of the increased cooperation, the
>>> continued research which shows his conclusions are wrong, the lack of
>>> corroboration from other researchers... and you want me (and others) to
>>> simply allow this junk into the discussion when the only purpose of it
>>> is to mislead?

>> You have had your say over and over again. You are a stalker and a
>> leech - and an asshole to boot. Post your own original material. Stop
>> living off of Vandeman. You are the world's foremost fool for doing what
>> you are doing. Between the two of us, we are also making RBS
>> uninhabitable for any sane person. This is not what I want. Is it what
>> you want?

> Then shut up. Thats all. Stop making petty demands (that you don't adhere
> to) on me.
> Just stop.
>>> Why don't you vote Democrat....? They also like their missinformation to
>>> go unchallenged.
>>> You calling me names has the same effect as an ice cube on the surface
>>> of the sun. And thanks again, btw... for showing that intellectual
>>> name-calling ability.

>> My name calling is better than yours. That is your only complaint. Get a
>> life and stop all this stalking and leeching. Have you no shame at all?
>> You have totally wrecked RBS. No sane person will post there because of
>> you and Vandeman - and now me!

> "Mine is better" "Mine is bigger"
> Impressive.
> Just shut up. Stop replyling. You began this attack. You can end it.

Stop stalking and leeching on Vandeman like a blood sucking parasite.There
is no one so dense who does not know what you are doing. You have ruined RBS
with your g.d. stalking and leeching. For Christ's sakes, get a life!


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan wrote:

>> > You admitted to stalking Tom Sherman. You're mixed messages do little
>> > to shore up your already sagging credibillity.

>> I said "briefly" you idiot! I do not go on and on like you do. You are a
>> stalker and a leech. Get a life!

> The amount of time devoted to the activity has waht bearing? Either
> you are or you are not. You stated taht you never stalk anyone and you
> also stated that you stalked Sheman ... briefly. I beg to differ
> about the brevity, but the fact remains that one statement is the truth
> and the other is not. You can't have it both ways, so pick one.
> Never mind, everyon esle has already done that fo you. This is
> getting just too easy. You aren't even a challenge anymore and to
> think I use to think you were intelligent ... a whacko, but
> intelligent. Now I have my doubts. - Jim McNamara

Why the hell are we getting multiple posts from you in your every posting of
late. For someone who is suppose to know something about computers, you seem
to have more that your fair share of difficulties posting to Usenet. Stop
using the Google website and get a proper newsreader. I suggest OE since it
is part of Windows.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Edward Dolan wrote:
> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > Edward Dolan wrote:

> [...]
> >> > You admitted to stalking Tom Sherman. You're mixed messages do little
> >> > to shore up your already sagging credibillity.
> >>
> >> I said "briefly" you idiot! I do not go on and on like you do. You are a
> >> stalker and a leech. Get a life!

> >
> > The amount of time devoted to the activity has whatt bearing? Either
> > you are or you are not. You stated that you never stalk anyone and you
> > also stated that you stalked Sheman ... briefly. I beg to differ
> > about the brevity, but the fact remains that one statement is the truth
> > and the other is not. You can't have it both ways, so pick one.
> > Never mind, everyon esle has already done that fo you. This is
> > getting just too easy. You aren't even a challenge anymore and to
> > think I use to think you were intelligent ... a whacko, but
> > intelligent. Now I have my doubts. - Jim McNamara

> Why the hell are we getting multiple posts from you in your every posting of
> late. For someone who is suppose to know something about computers, you seem
> to have more that your fair share of difficulties posting to Usenet. Stop
> using the Google website and get a proper newsreader. I suggest OE since it
> is part of Windows.

I suppose because I am responding to where the origtinal posts were
made to. Oh, and yes your advice and suggestion were noted, but
ignored as usual. - Jim McNamara

> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>> >
>> > Edward Dolan wrote:

>> [...]
>> >> > You admitted to stalking Tom Sherman. You're mixed messages do
>> >> > little
>> >> > to shore up your already sagging credibillity.
>> >>
>> >> I said "briefly" you idiot! I do not go on and on like you do. You are
>> >> a
>> >> stalker and a leech. Get a life!
>> >
>> > The amount of time devoted to the activity has whatt bearing? Either
>> > you are or you are not. You stated that you never stalk anyone and you
>> > also stated that you stalked Sheman ... briefly. I beg to differ
>> > about the brevity, but the fact remains that one statement is the truth
>> > and the other is not. You can't have it both ways, so pick one.
>> > Never mind, everyon esle has already done that fo you. This is
>> > getting just too easy. You aren't even a challenge anymore and to
>> > think I use to think you were intelligent ... a whacko, but
>> > intelligent. Now I have my doubts. - Jim McNamara

>> Why the hell are we getting multiple [duplicate] posts from you in your
>> every posting of
>> late. For someone who is suppose to know something about computers, you
>> seem
>> to have more that your fair share of difficulties posting to Usenet. Stop
>> using the Google website and get a proper newsreader. I suggest OE since
>> it
>> is part of Windows.

> I suppose because I am responding to where the origtinal posts were
> made to. Oh, and yes your advice and suggestion were noted, but
> ignored as usual. - Jim McNamara

Jimbo is not rational. What is he doing to fix his multiple duplicate posts,
that was the question. Original posts are being made to newsreaders just as
much as to the Google website. I suggest you get a newsreader since you do
not know how to make the Google website work for you.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Edward Dolan wrote:
> <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > Edward Dolan wrote:
> >> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >> news:[email protected]...
> >> >
> >> > Edward Dolan wrote:
> >> [...]
> >> >> > You admitted to stalking Tom Sherman. You're mixed messages do
> >> >> > little
> >> >> > to shore up your already sagging credibillity.
> >> >>
> >> >> I said "briefly" you idiot! I do not go on and on like you do. You are
> >> >> a
> >> >> stalker and a leech. Get a life!
> >> >
> >> > The amount of time devoted to the activity has whatt bearing? Either
> >> > you are or you are not. You stated that you never stalk anyone and you
> >> > also stated that you stalked Sheman ... briefly. I beg to differ
> >> > about the brevity, but the fact remains that one statement is the truth
> >> > and the other is not. You can't have it both ways, so pick one.
> >> > Never mind, everyon esle has already done that fo you. This is
> >> > getting just too easy. You aren't even a challenge anymore and to
> >> > think I use to think you were intelligent ... a whacko, but
> >> > intelligent. Now I have my doubts. - Jim McNamara
> >>
> >> Why the hell are we getting multiple [duplicate] posts from you in your
> >> every posting of
> >> late. For someone who is suppose to know something about computers, you
> >> seem
> >> to have more that your fair share of difficulties posting to Usenet. Stop
> >> using the Google website and get a proper newsreader. I suggest OE since
> >> it
> >> is part of Windows.

> >
> > I suppose because I am responding to where the origtinal posts were
> > made to. Oh, and yes your advice and suggestion were noted, but
> > ignored as usual. - Jim McNamara

> Jimbo is not rational.

Opinion stated as fact.

> What is he doing to fix his multiple duplicate posts,
> that was the question.

He is respond to the separate multiple groups that are indicated as the
default option is the answer

> Original posts are being made to newsreaders just as
> much as to the Google website. I suggest you get a newsreader since you do
> not know how to make the Google website work for you.

Here's a suggestion ... stop suggesting. Just as you refuse to stop
offering advice, I refuse to acccept your advice. I believe that is
what you refer to a *** for tat.

Jim McNamara

> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan wrote:

>> >> Why the hell are we getting multiple [duplicate] posts from you in
>> >> your
>> >> every posting of
>> >> late. For someone who is suppose to know something about computers,
>> >> you
>> >> seem
>> >> to have more that your fair share of difficulties posting to Usenet.
>> >> Stop
>> >> using the Google website and get a proper newsreader. I suggest OE
>> >> since
>> >> it
>> >> is part of Windows.

>> What is he doing to fix his multiple duplicate posts,
>> that was the question.

> He is respond to the separate multiple groups that are indicated as the
> default option is the answer
> (rec.bicycles.misc,alt.rec.bicycles.recumbent,rec.bicycles.soc).

No, your messages were appearing in duplicate in each and every group. This
present message is OK, so whatever it is you are doing, keep on doing it. I
suspect you were 'sending' without knowing that is what you were doing.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

>>>> If you feel so strongly about his opinions... If you feel the need to
>>>> defend MV... Then do it on point. If you believe his opinions have
>>>> merit, then argue them on point. He posts the same article over and
>>>> over again regardless of the reality of the increased cooperation, the
>>>> continued research which shows his conclusions are wrong, the lack of
>>>> corroboration from other researchers... and you want me (and others)
>>>> to simply allow this junk into the discussion when the only purpose of
>>>> it is to mislead?
>>> You have had your say over and over again. You are a stalker and a
>>> leech - and an asshole to boot. Post your own original material. Stop
>>> living off of Vandeman. You are the world's foremost fool for doing what
>>> you are doing. Between the two of us, we are also making RBS
>>> uninhabitable for any sane person. This is not what I want. Is it what
>>> you want?

>> Then shut up. Thats all. Stop making petty demands (that you don't adhere
>> to) on me.
>> Just stop.
>>>> Why don't you vote Democrat....? They also like their missinformation
>>>> to go unchallenged.
>>>> You calling me names has the same effect as an ice cube on the surface
>>>> of the sun. And thanks again, btw... for showing that intellectual
>>>> name-calling ability.
>>> My name calling is better than yours. That is your only complaint. Get a
>>> life and stop all this stalking and leeching. Have you no shame at all?
>>> You have totally wrecked RBS. No sane person will post there because of
>>> you and Vandeman - and now me!

>> "Mine is better" "Mine is bigger"
>> Impressive.
>> Just shut up. Stop replyling. You began this attack. You can end it.

> Stop stalking and leeching on Vandeman like a blood sucking parasite.There
> is no one so dense who does not know what you are doing. You have ruined
> RBS with your g.d. stalking and leeching. For Christ's sakes, get a life!

"GaryG" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...

>> It [sex] is NEVER about fun and games you confounded nitwit!

> Poor, poor, ED...your status as a virgin renders your opinions on matters
> of
> sex as worthless (as are the vast majority of your posts, BTW).

Your status as a libertine and a depraved monster renders anything you have
to say connected with morality worthless. You are not worthy to even be on
the same planet as I, a Great Saint!

> FWIW, while it may never be about fun and games for you, for most normal
> people (both men and women) fun and games is part of the appeal.
>> It is the most
>> serious thing you can do in life because it involves the creation of new
>> life. I have never done it myself because I despair of life itself. Yea,
>> I
>> am destined to reside in the utmost lowest depths of Hell because of this
>> despair. I am as one with Lucifer, rebellious and against LIFE! Now you

> see
>> why it is so important that I be a Great Saint!

>'re just a blowhard, coward, and ********.

GaryG, like all anonymous posters, is nothing but a scum bag. He hides
behind his user name. He is not only full of ****, but is in fact a shithead
and that is what he has for brains too. It is beneath me to even notice his
existence. He is on the level of a cockroach, something to be stepped on by
the likes of One so Great as Myself. He is mired in the mud whereas Saint
Edward the Great is always and forever only in the clouds high, high above.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"GaryG" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> The sad fact is that poor ED derives pleasure from being's
> why he posts the nonsense that he does. Better *some* attention than none
> at all.
> One of my saddest memories is of my grandmother's funeral...her later
> years
> were lived in self-imposed isolation and bitterness (much like ED's real
> world existance). She was suspicious of those who would reach out to her,
> and envious of those who had more than she. In the end, there were only 6
> people at her funeral. My grandfather's funeral some years earlier (her
> husband), was the exact opposite...there were at least 500 people in
> attendance, because he was a well-known and well-liked man who gave much
> to
> his community and those around him.

Your grandmother is someone I would have liked to have known. She was well
on her way to being a Great Saint like Me. However, Saint Edward the Great
is never envious of anyone EVER!. Such an emotion does not even exist in my
universe. It is just one of many reasons why I am such a Great Saint.

If you live long enough, you will outlive all of your contemporaries and you
will have a very small funeral consisting only of family. Is this rocket
science or what?

> "Saint" ED will, in all likelihood, have a very small funeral...and surely
> nobody on Usenet will mourn his demise.

Anyone who would WANT anyone on Usenet to mourn one's passing is pathetic.
Thanks for the good laugh GaryG - you freaking moron!

I will let others worry about my funeral since I will no longer be around to
enjoy it.

By the way, the saddest thing in the world is people who need people. How
does one manage to stay so juvenile all of one's life!


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "GaryG" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:[email protected]...

> [...]
> >> It [sex] is NEVER about fun and games you confounded nitwit!

> >
> > Poor, poor, ED...your status as a virgin renders your opinions on

> > of
> > sex as worthless (as are the vast majority of your posts, BTW).

> Your status as a libertine and a depraved monster renders anything you

> to say connected with morality worthless. You are not worthy to even be on
> the same planet as I, a Great Saint!
> > FWIW, while it may never be about fun and games for you, for most normal
> > people (both men and women) fun and games is part of the appeal.
> >
> >> It is the most
> >> serious thing you can do in life because it involves the creation of

> >> life. I have never done it myself because I despair of life itself.

> >> I
> >> am destined to reside in the utmost lowest depths of Hell because of

> >> despair. I am as one with Lucifer, rebellious and against LIFE! Now you

> > see
> >> why it is so important that I be a Great Saint!

> >
> >'re just a blowhard, coward, and ********.

> GaryG, like all anonymous posters, is nothing but a scum bag. He hides
> behind his user name.

It's just a symbol, ED...matters not whether it's my real name or not.
Surely you can comprehend've posted many times regarding language
and symbolism.

> He is not only full of ****, but is in fact a shithead
> and that is what he has for brains too. It is beneath me to even notice

> existence.

And yet, you do.

> He is on the level of a cockroach, something to be stepped on by
> the likes of One so Great as Myself.

LOL - you're a coward in the real world, and you know it. You
could never bring yourself to have an actual confrontation with an actual
person...instead, you hide behind your keyboard making ridiculous claims of


> He is mired in the mud whereas Saint
> Edward the Great is always and forever only in the clouds high, high

> [...]
> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "GaryG" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> [...]
> > The sad fact is that poor ED derives pleasure from being's
> > why he posts the nonsense that he does. Better *some* attention than

> > at all.
> >
> > One of my saddest memories is of my grandmother's funeral...her later
> > years
> > were lived in self-imposed isolation and bitterness (much like ED's real
> > world existance). She was suspicious of those who would reach out to

> > and envious of those who had more than she. In the end, there were only

> > people at her funeral. My grandfather's funeral some years earlier (her
> > husband), was the exact opposite...there were at least 500 people in
> > attendance, because he was a well-known and well-liked man who gave much
> > to
> > his community and those around him.

> Your grandmother is someone I would have liked to have known. She was well
> on her way to being a Great Saint like Me.

No...she was a bitter, suspicious recluse, and probably suffered from
dementia and depression (sound like anyone you know, ED?). That she chose
to cut herself off from everyone else in the last decade of her life was
both tragic and sad.

> However, Saint Edward the Great
> is never envious of anyone EVER!. Such an emotion does not even exist in

> universe. It is just one of many reasons why I am such a Great Saint.
> If you live long enough, you will outlive all of your contemporaries and

> will have a very small funeral consisting only of family. Is this rocket
> science or what?

Use your brain, ED...even people with no family can be active in clubs,
service organizations, businesses, etc. It's certainly not rocket science,
and much modern scientific research indicates that people are much healthier
(physically and emotionally) when they cultivate active ongoing
relationships with others. Of course, with your well-documented fears of
human contact in the real world, it's not surprising that these options
would not occur to you.

In the case of my grandfather's funeral, only a small minority in attendance
were family members. Many members of the community in which he had been
active showed up to pay their respects to a man who gave at least as much as
he got to the world around him. Contrast that to your own're a fear-ridden recluse and misanthrope who's passing
probably won't even be noticed, in spite of your silly claims of

> > "Saint" ED will, in all likelihood, have a very small funeral...and

> > nobody on Usenet will mourn his demise.

> Anyone who would WANT anyone on Usenet to mourn one's passing is pathetic.
> Thanks for the good laugh GaryG - you freaking moron!
> I will let others worry about my funeral since I will no longer be around

> enjoy it.
> By the way, the saddest thing in the world is people who need people.

No...the saddest thing in the world is people who are so fearful that they
cut themselves off from all human contact, and then boast about how "great"
they are from behind the safety of their keyboards.

> How
> does one manage to stay so juvenile all of one's life!

Tell us, ED.


> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

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