On May 29, 1:40 am, Chalo <[email protected]> wrote:
> Paul Myron Hobson wrote:
> > From the article:
> > ,------|Quote|
> > |
> > |"Whether you prefer Rush Limbaugh or Keith
> > |Olbermann has to do with your genes and your
> > |psychology, according to a new study.
> > |
> > |People who are more conscientious and prefer
> > |order, structure and closure in their lives
> > |tend to be more conservative, whereas creative
> > |people who are open to new experiences tend to
> > |be more politically liberal, says John Jost,
> > |a psychologist at New York University..."
> > `------|Unquote|
> > It took a PhD to figure that out? Geez, anyone could have told you that.
> Conservatives? Conscientious? On what planet?
> I guess if you disregard murdering people, being greedy, obstructing
> fair play, being mean, being unforgiving, and a few other little
> things like that, then the American Right could be characterized as
> conscientious. But not unless.
> How many conscientious objectors are right wingers, for instance?
> I wonder if this is another instance of political conservatives trying
> to destroy the meaning of a word in order to deny its use to their
> rivals. See "values", "liberal", "terrorism", "support", "defense",
> etc., for examples.
> Chalo
I'm pretty certain I'm a bit more to the right of the political
spectrum than Chalo is but darned if I can recall murdering anyone,
being greedy, obstructing fair play, being mean, etcetera.
The Left has managed to destroy the meaning of the word "liberal" with
virtually no help from the Right.
Bob Hunt
> Paul Myron Hobson wrote:
> > From the article:
> > ,------|Quote|
> > |
> > |"Whether you prefer Rush Limbaugh or Keith
> > |Olbermann has to do with your genes and your
> > |psychology, according to a new study.
> > |
> > |People who are more conscientious and prefer
> > |order, structure and closure in their lives
> > |tend to be more conservative, whereas creative
> > |people who are open to new experiences tend to
> > |be more politically liberal, says John Jost,
> > |a psychologist at New York University..."
> > `------|Unquote|
> > It took a PhD to figure that out? Geez, anyone could have told you that.
> Conservatives? Conscientious? On what planet?
> I guess if you disregard murdering people, being greedy, obstructing
> fair play, being mean, being unforgiving, and a few other little
> things like that, then the American Right could be characterized as
> conscientious. But not unless.
> How many conscientious objectors are right wingers, for instance?
> I wonder if this is another instance of political conservatives trying
> to destroy the meaning of a word in order to deny its use to their
> rivals. See "values", "liberal", "terrorism", "support", "defense",
> etc., for examples.
> Chalo
I'm pretty certain I'm a bit more to the right of the political
spectrum than Chalo is but darned if I can recall murdering anyone,
being greedy, obstructing fair play, being mean, etcetera.
The Left has managed to destroy the meaning of the word "liberal" with
virtually no help from the Right.
Bob Hunt