Ideal for refreshments...

In article <[email protected]>, wafflycat (w*a*ff
£y£cat*@£btco*nn£ wrote:
> I've noticed that some denizens of urc have a fondness for BEER.
> So I thought I'd pass along the following link.
> Perhaps, used sensibly of course, it could be an ideal method of
> transporting BEER when on a 'bent ;-)

Scoff ye may, but I know more than one Dark Side racer who carries
supplies of liquid precisely thus.

Not BEER though.

Dave Larrington - <>
Do not top-post like a Cretinous Foul-Yob fit only for Stoning.
wafflycat wrote:
> I've noticed that some denizens of urc have a fondness for BEER.

Whatever givesh you that impreshun?

> So I thought I'd pass along the following link.

Got one of those already built-in, thanks! (Part of the idea of cycling
is an attempt to get rid of it...)
