"Edward Dolan" <
[email protected]> wrote in message
[email protected]...
> "Frank Olson" <[email protected]> wrote in
> message news:9Vqid.115375$Pl.93116@pd7tw1no...
>>> We are already doing what I advocate doing and that is hunting down and
>>> killing the Islamic terrorists. Afghanistan was a huge success and Iraq
>>> will be too provided we stay the course.
>> Bwhahahahahahahahahaha!!! You are dense. "Afghanistan was a huge
>> success"... right... It's only a "success" because United Nations Peace
>> Keepers are present. You can't consider it "huge" because Bin Laden
>> managed to "slip through our fingers".
> UBL has been rendered helpless. What does one man matter when you have
> rendered his organization ineffectual.
Heh... He's one "head" on a "Hydra" that practically encircles the world.
If you for one minute believe that his organization has been rendered
"ineffectual" you're even more naive than I thought.
> The UN won't step into Iraq because the war
>> we started there was both *illegal* and *wrong-headed*. Bush has been
>> elected to another four year term. That means more American soldiers are
>> going to *die* in Iraq for the "great lie" he keeps spouting...
> What is a legal war and what is an illegal war? I have never heard of any
> such nonsense. All nations are sovereign.
*Exactly*. The US invaded Iraq *against* any formal sanction by the UN.
And for what?? "WMD"?? "Terrorists"??
> [...]
>>> The IRA was universally condemned not only by the Church but by the
>>> government and people of Ireland. They had to operate underground for
>>> this very reason. The Palestinian terrorists do not operate underground.
>>> They operate out in the open and have the approval of the Palestinian
>>> Authority (Arafat) and of the Muslim Arabs residing in Palestine. It was
>>> the same with al-Qaeda under the Taliban in Afghanistan.
>> Aux contraire, mon ami. Arafat has openly condemned Terrorist activity.
> Arafat supports terrorism whether he would like to or not. If he did not
> go along with it he would be assassinated forthwith.
Arafat has been a moderating influence. If nothing else, you have to
recognize that.
> Do
>> you think for one minute Israel would allow him to live if they remotely
>> suspected he supported such activities??
> Yes, because of world opinion composed of idiots like you. It I were in
> charge, Arafat would have been dead and moldering in his grave long ago.
> Let us all hope that he will soon die, Allah willing of course!
This is but one reason why you and I are different. I would never wish
death on anyone.
> You are naive!! You must have
>> missed the CNN coverage of 9/11 not to have witnessed the statement
>> issued by the Taliban condemning the attacks on the twin towers. I don't
>> believe for one minute that they weren't "chuckling into their turbans"
>> the whole time, but at least they *did* publicly state their sympathies
>> for the innocent lives lost. As for the "IRA"... the Church in Ireland
>> have done very little in the way of influencing the various members of
>> their congregations (one way or the other). You can actually compare the
>> Terrorists in Ireland with the the ones in the Middle East.
> Nope, you can't for reasons already stated in a previous post of mine.
What... They aren't "well funded" or "organized"??
> [...]
>>> Muslim terrorists can not be handled by the police and the courts.
>> They can, and they have. Remember the Trade Center bombings??
> The terrorism continued. That is just one of the reasons why we are at war
> besides 9/11. The only way to stop them is to destroy them via warfare.
Who are we at war with?? What country is "Terrorism" exactly?
> [...]
>>> If you are against the war, it would be best to shut up about it.
>> I'm against a war we can't win. I was against Vietnam as well. We took
>> a long time to admit we were actually "in a war". Refresh my memory...
>> did Congress actually declare ware on North Vietnam??
> You are only for wars that you can win?
Let me put it this way... I'm against a war that has no clear objective, or
doesn't have an identifiable "enemy". Without either of the above, we're
sending our troops into another "meat grinder" and that, my friend, is just
plain wrong!
> Congressional declarations of war are no longer necessary. A congressional
> resolution to authorize the president to do whatever he wants with respect
> to a given situation is all that is necessary. Everyone understands this.
> Where have you been for the past half century.
I sincerely doubt Congress has given one man such "sweeping powers". If
they ever do, then we're all in deep trouble.
> A resort to legalistic arguments is the last refuge of a scoundrel who
> hates America and wants to see her brought low.
Arguing for "truth, justice, and freedom" is treasonous?? What "planet" are
you from??
> Frank Olson is more French than he is American.
My father was first generation American. His father emigrated here from
Sweden. I'm second generation American and understand the difference
between the freedoms representative of our present way of life and the "dark
ages" you would want to put us back into. You espouse persecuting anyone
that's Arabic or Muslim because you equate these two groups (both seperately
and collectively) as "Terrorists", just as ****** equated anyone "Jewish"
with being an "enemy of the state".
> He would surely be happier in that benighted nation than he is even in
> Canada, where there is still some manhood and machismo left. Only the
> eternally effeminate and cowardly French would suit a pacifist like him.
I'd be happier in the knowledge that people with your extreme views are
never given a legitimate voice. I'm glad you're relegated to USENET where
you you can be categorized as a harmless "kook" and ignored at the touch of
a button.
> I am for America, not for the Constitution and other scraps of paper
> mouthing legalistic mumbo-jumbo about governance. The nation - first, last
> and always.
The Constitution *defines* our nation. The Bill of Rights defines the way
we treat others. Without either, America would be ruled by the very people
you say you despise.