Re: OT Flame War

"Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Frank Olson wrote:
>> ...
>> Most of the Iraqi's didn't like Saddam. His suppression of the Shia is
>> very well known. The "Bath Party" represented a very small cross-section
>> of the population in Iraq (compared to the number of Shia Muslims in
>> Iraq)....

> But the "Bath Party" members certainly were the cleanest people in Iraq.

The number of "Bath" rooms in Saddam's various palaces leaves no doubt of
that what-so-ever. :))
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

> Until the Muslims speak out against the terrorists in their midst, I will
> regard them all as my enemy.

Many Muslims did. In Canada, Britain, Europe and the US. Or don't those
"Frank Olson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>> This is truly scary... I find myself actually agreeing with you.
>>> Would you say there was a large difference between, say, a "cult"
>>> (headed by a "savvy Christian"), and a Muslim Terrorist cell (which is
>>> usually "headed" by a very savvy "Mullah")? If David Koresh (who was
>>> stockpiling large numbers of firearms and ammunition) had decided to
>>> send his adherents out on "missions" that involved suicide bombings,
>>> ambush, and attacks on local law enforcement, how would these have
>>> differed from the attacks we've all read about in Iraq and Israel?

>> The difference here that you are failing to recognize is that ALL
>> Christians would immediately have condemned him and spoken out against
>> him. The Muslims do not do that with respect to the Muslim terrorists.
>> They are making a huge mistake by not doing so. There is still steel in
>> the West and we are not to be trifled with, most especially not America.
>> The Muslim SILENCE on Muslim terrorism is DEAFENING!

> Hmmm... What you're failing to recognize is that in a lot of Muslim
> countries there is no "freedom of the Press" and often no direct
> communication links with the "outside world". The "silence" you hear
> isn't because they "condone" Terrorism. Most have a major problem putting
> food on the table on a daily basis and that happens to be where most of
> their concerns center. Remember the "spin" the Iraqi government put on
> war. Until American tanks actually entered Baghdad, a lot of Iraqis didn't
> dare hope that Saddam's regime would actually fall for fear of reprisals.
> Most of the Iraqi's didn't like Saddam. His suppression of the Shia is
> very well known. The "Bath Party" represented a very small cross-section
> of the population in Iraq (compared to the number of Shia Muslims in
> Iraq). That one man and a small minority could so totally control a
> country is further evidence of the political and media controls that were
> in place. I seem to recall the Taliban Government condemned the "cowardly
> acts" of 9/11 and tried to distance themselves (unsuccessfully mind you)
> from UBL and EQ. All the Palistinians openly rejoicing in the streets
> after the towers fell was a disturbing sight to many (myself included),
> and even when you take into account what they themselves have been through
> (in their struggle for a homeland) I was still totally disgusted.

Frank, we are not too far apart on any of this. But the Arabs are the way
they are because they are saddled with a very primitive religion which
disposes them to be subjects rather than free men. The Protestant
Reformation changed the West most profoundly and made it possible for men to
become free men and not just subjects.

>> You've indicated that Christianity is a "more
>>> sophisticated" religion than Islam. I simply don't see that. Both
>>> faiths (if not all) can be "twisted" to suit whatever nefarious
>>> practices a single "magnetic" individual can envision. I'm not
>>> apologizing for Islam as you seem bent on accusing me of. I'm merely
>>> pointing out that *all* faiths have their kooks and zealots. It's
>>> unfortunate that these same kooks keep making the headlines.

>> Islam is not on the same level as Christianity. It is still a very
>> primitive religion. Christianity was incorporated into the Greek and
>> Roman world and has been reformed over and over again. Islam is the same
>> now as it was at it's founding. It is intolerant in the extreme and you
>> cannot live in a Muslim society unless you are a Muslim yourself.

> The Greeks and Romans were Pagans. No matter how you slice it Christ's
> message *is* a simple one. Man has only managed to complicat the whole
> thing with "pomp and circumstance". The Catholic Church is rich beyond
> measure and yet the majority of the people it "serves" are living far
> below the poverty line. I don't see this as being part of Christ's
> message (or philosphy).

The pagan Roman world was nonetheless civilized by the standards that
prevailed elsewhere at that time. At the time of the Renaissance scholars
and other learned men took up the entire question of religion and it's
relation to civil society. Christianity is highly evolved and is the only
religion that is capable of becoming a universal religion for all mankind.
The Muslim religion is a dead end as are most of the other religions in the

You must not conflate religious beliefs with social justice in a civil
society. They are two separate things, most especially in the Muslim

>>> PS: If you *must* know, I voted for Bush. That makes me some "Liberal
>>> Conservative girly man", eh?? :))

>> Damnation! I would never have thought it in a million years. I am in a
>> state of shock at this revelation! You have just ascended into the
>> stratosphere in my estimation of you for having voted for Bush. I have
>> the feeling you may have voted for Bush for different reasons than I did,
>> but it doesn't matter. It was the right vote for whatever reason.
>> Congratulations!

> I do not, quite frankly, care what you think. I make no apologies for the
> opinions I've expressed, and I do not support his actions in Iraq. Nelson
> Mandela said (on the eve of the invasion of Iraq): "One power, with a
> President who has no foresight and cannot think properly, is now wanting
> to plunge the world into a holocaust." I sincerely hope that those words
> don't come back to haunt us and I pray our troops over there come back
> safely.

Rather than telling this newsgroup that you do not give a **** what I think
of you and how you voted, you ought to have said why you voted for Bush.
That is what we are all waiting to hear, since you are a liberal pacifist
and a socialist to boot. So, just why did you vote for Bush? Mr. Sherman do
doubt wants to know even more than me.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
"Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Mr. Ed Dolan wrote:
>> "Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>>Mr. Ed Dolan wrote:
>>>>...There are opportunities available to Americans of all classes that
>>>>Europeans can only dream about.
>>>That was true up until three to four decades ago. Now the opportunities
>>>for those born into the lower classes in Western Europe have exceeded
>>>those for people in the US born into the lower classes. This will become
>>>even truer with the Republican agenda of concentrating wealth in the
>>>hands of the already rich.
>>>Time to get up to date, Mr. Ed Dolan.

>> My God Mr. Tom Sherman. What planet are you living on?
>> My home town of Worthington is being flooded by Hispanics from Mexico and
>> Central America. They start off working at the local meat packing plant
>> and before you know it they are opening businesses on main street. They
>> are taking over the town. I admire them enormously. They have get up and
>> go - something I never had in my entire life.
>> Emigrants are pouring into this country from all over the world for just
>> one reason - opportunity. The very rich are not the evil you imagine them
>> to be. They have to invest their money in the economy and that creates
>> opportunities for everyone else.
>> Time to shuck your socialist ideology, Mr. Tom Sherman.

> Look up the trends in wealth and income distribution in the US over the
> past quarter century. Enough said.

This is Mr. Sherman's favorite subject and he has become somewhat of an
expert on it - up to a point. Ah, the sense of being aggrieved because you
were not born with silver spoon in your mouth. There is no one on this
planet who understands this better than I do. So what is my answer to these
perennial complaints. Yea - LIFE IS UNFAIR! It always has been and it always
will be. Get over it. Make the best of what is available to you and you will
go far beyond any of your contemporaries. If you do very well, it may be
that your children or your grandchildren can come into this world with a
silver spoon in their mouths.

I refuse to go through life nursing grievances because I am not as well off
as others. As long as I can get by, I will be satisfied. However, if I
cannot get by, than watch out. I will be in the streets with Mr. Sherman
clamoring for some social justice. The one thing I will know however is that
you will not get any social justice with a communist or socialist
arrangement of society.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
"Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> In Western Europe (and in particular Sweden) there is much higher social
> mobility between classes due to better pre-natal care (universal health
> coverage), universal pre-schools, better quality public schools, free
> higher education, and more progressive taxation.
> The US system is increasingly changing in a way that will entrench wealth
> and limit social mobility. Nations such as Mexico and Colombia are the
> models of what people such as Grover Norquist and many in the Republican
> Party are trying to achieve.

Tom, we are not nearly so far apart as you imagine. I have always regarded
myself as a progressive and as a populist. I could easily bring myself to
vote for Democrats if they weren't always such assholes on foreign affairs.
But the fact that they are always such assholes on foreign affairs leads me
to believe that they must be wrong on most everything else too.

I am also very much a social conservative on the moral issues. The Democrats
need to go back to their base, the old base that existed in the 1940's and
forget all this nonsense about catering to the academic elites and the
Hollywood culture. For the first time in my life, I am afraid that the
Democrats are going to self destruct and frankly I do not want to see the
Republicans totally dominate the politics of this country. I am more on your
side than you will ever realize based on the two paragraphs above.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
"Frank Olson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Until the Muslims speak out against the terrorists in their midst, I will
>> regard them all as my enemy.

> Many Muslims did. In Canada, Britain, Europe and the US. Or don't those
> count??

I am listening. I do not hear them.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

> Rather than telling this newsgroup that you do not give a **** what I
> think of you and how you voted, you ought to have said why you voted for
> Bush. That is what we are all waiting to hear, since you are a liberal
> pacifist and a socialist to boot. So, just why did you vote for Bush? Mr.
> Sherman do doubt wants to know even more than me.

"Better the devil you know, than the one you don't". Besides, Bush should
be "at the helm" when our economy starts to "unravel" and we finally see all
the American blood on his hands. Oh... and I'm a *Christian*. That makes
me a "Liberal" and a "pacifist" by default, I guess (although I've never
voted "Liberal" in my life)...
On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 15:09:20 GMT, "Frank Olson"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>"Better the devil you know, than the one you don't"

For differing values of better. Think Mugabe here.

May contain traces of irony. Contents liable to settle after posting.

88% of helmet statistics are made up, 65% of them at Washington University
Frank Olson wrote:

> the American blood on his hands. Oh... and I'm a *Christian*. That makes
> me a "Liberal" and a "pacifist" by default, I guess

I don't think the sort of folks who are trying to have laws made that Pi
equals 3 or to remove evolution from college syllabuses are what I'd
think of as "liberal", though they will certainly claim to be Christian.

One does not follow from the other, many people following religions are
very, very, very deeply conservative. And as for the "Pacifist" bit,
don't forget that the Crusades were launched by a Christian Pope...

Peter Clinch Medical Physics IT Officer
Tel 44 1382 660111 ext. 33637 Univ. of Dundee, Ninewells Hospital
Fax 44 1382 640177 Dundee DD1 9SY Scotland UK
net [email protected]
"Frank Olson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Rather than telling this newsgroup that you do not give a **** what I
>> think of you and how you voted, you ought to have said why you voted for
>> Bush. That is what we are all waiting to hear, since you are a liberal
>> pacifist and a socialist to boot. So, just why did you vote for Bush? Mr.
>> Sherman no doubt wants to know even more than me.

> "Better the devil you know, than the one you don't". Besides, Bush should
> be "at the helm" when our economy starts to "unravel" and we finally see
> all the American blood on his hands. Oh... and I'm a *Christian*. That
> makes me a "Liberal" and a "pacifist" by default, I guess (although I've
> never voted "Liberal" in my life)...

But no liberals voted for Bush. And certainly no pacifists. I can't figure
out why you did not vote for Kerry. What was there about Kerry that you did
not like? What was there about Bush that you did like? You are not making
any sense to me.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 15:09:20 GMT "Frank Olson"
used 17 lines of text to write in newsgroup:

>"Better the devil you know, than the one you don't". Besides, Bush should
>be "at the helm" when our economy starts to "unravel" and we finally see all
>the American blood on his hands. Oh... and I'm a *Christian*. That makes
>me a "Liberal" and a "pacifist" by default, I guess (although I've never
>voted "Liberal" in my life)...

Our economy hasn't started to unravel -yet-? Oh my.. we are in deep
doggie doo.


"What I have mostly against middle aged white liberals like you is that you do not know how to hate the proper
people." -Ed Dolan
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

> But no liberals voted for Bush. And certainly no pacifists. I can't figure
> out why you did not vote for Kerry. What was there about Kerry that you
> did not like? What was there about Bush that you did like? You are not
> making any sense to me.

Heh... *You're* the one that labelled me a "Liberal Pacifist" and a "girly
man"... *I* never said I was a Liberal... or a "pacifist". I merely said
I was a Christian with strong moral and ethical convictions. I'm also very
much in touch with my "feminine side"... It drives the women "wild" (and I
love it!!)... :))

>Subject: Re: OT Flame War
>From: "Frank Olson" [email protected]
>Date: 11/13/2004 2:26 AM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: <5Hild.207576$Pl.193911@pd7tw1no>
>"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> But no liberals voted for Bush. And certainly no pacifists. I can't figure
>> out why you did not vote for Kerry. What was there about Kerry that you
>> did not like? What was there about Bush that you did like? You are not
>> making any sense to me.

>Heh... *You're* the one that labelled me a "Liberal Pacifist" and a "girly
>man"... *I* never said I was a Liberal... or a "pacifist". I merely said
>I was a Christian with strong moral and ethical convictions. I'm also very
>much in touch with my "feminine side"... It drives the women "wild" (and I
>love it!!)... :))

Mike Said:
Frankie Boy, the spelling is < labeled> Feminine side? AC/DC ? Hmmm always
thought you were kind of strange.
"Group Moderator" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> >Subject: Re: OT Flame War
> >From: "Frank Olson" [email protected]
> >Date: 11/13/2004 2:26 AM Eastern Standard Time
> >Message-id: <5Hild.207576$Pl.193911@pd7tw1no>
> >
> >Heh... *You're* the one that labelled me a "Liberal Pacifist" and a

> >man"... *I* never said I was a Liberal... or a "pacifist". I merely

> >I was a Christian with strong moral and ethical convictions. I'm also

> >much in touch with my "feminine side"... It drives the women "wild" (and

> >love it!!)... :))

> Mike Said:
> Frankie Boy, the spelling is < labeled> Feminine side? AC/DC ? Hmmm

> thought you were kind of strange.

I suspect this is from Franks feminine side
Subject: Re: OT Flame War
From: "Mark Leuck" [email protected]
Date: 11/13/2004 7:29 PM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <XFxld.502712$mD.262879@attbi_s02>

"Group Moderator" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> >Subject: Re: OT Flame War
> >From: "Frank Olson" [email protected]
> >Date: 11/13/2004 2:26 AM Eastern Standard Time
> >Message-id: <5Hild.207576$Pl.193911@pd7tw1no>
> >
> >Heh... *You're* the one that labelled me a "Liberal Pacifist" and a

> >man"... *I* never said I was a Liberal... or a "pacifist". I merely

> >I was a Christian with strong moral and ethical convictions. I'm also

> >much in touch with my "feminine side"... It drives the women "wild" (and

> >love it!!)... :))

> Mike Said:
> Frankie Boy, the spelling is < labeled> Feminine side? AC/DC ? Hmmm

> thought you were kind of strange.

I suspect this is from Franks feminine side

Mike Said:
We know yours Leuck.
AND your best friend