Re: OT Flame War

"G. Morgan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I voted for Clinton because he had good music at his convention.
> Remember "Don't Stop (Thinking About Tomorrow)" by Fleetwood Mac
> blaring through the convention hall? That was just fantastic.

That was until a very overweight Stevie Nicks sang during the
after-inaguration party, I almost cried

> > The way things are going, we Whites
> >will soon be a minority in this country and then we can all vote

> >too along with the Blacks and the Indians and idiots like Mr. Sherman.

> Yeah, I agree. The whites are not having babies at an uncontrollable
> rate like the Mexicans, Blacks, Mr. Sherman, and those damn Indians.
> Do you think they have ever heard of birth control Ed?

Obviously Ed's mother didn't
"G. Morgan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 21:59:30 -0600 "Edward Dolan"
> used 60 lines of text to write in newsgroup:
> alt.rec.bicycles.recumbent
>>> That map of yours breaks down votes by Blacks, Indians, Hispanics, and
>>> homos?

>>I am a very good geographer having looked at all kinds of maps all of my
>>life. Here is the link to the map. Have a look for yourself and tell me
>>you see.
>> Exclusive:
>> NewsMax Releases "Bush Country" Map
>> Remember the 2000 election map that showed America as a "Red"
>> nation?
>> Now, NewsMax has the 2004 county by county map - and it shows
>> America
>>voted overwhelmingly for George Bush!
>> We call it the Bush Country 2004 map.
>> Check it out on's homepage now: Go Here Now.
>>The Black, Indian and Hispanic areas are immediately obvious, both rural
>>urban. The **** and urban over-educated idiots are also immediately
>>and then of course there is still the old union labor inner city

> Interesting map. I especially took interest with the area in central
> Texas that's blue (Austin). They must have a lot of homos there.

That was most likely San Antonio which has lots of Hispanics. However Austin
is not much better. It is a university and government town and the educated
elite (academics) in this country are incredibly stupid. They are mostly
liberal as they have been ever since the New Deal. The students follow their
professors like sheep to the slaughter. That is why I do not like college
students to vote. They are frankly too brain washed to vote. They are

>> Any doubt in your mind about how San Francisco is going to vote with
>>all those homos residing there?

> No, I guess not Ed.
>>The Dems could not win anything anymore without the colored minorities
>>Are you a member of a colored minority?

> No Ed, I'm white. But you could have just asked your buddy Tom S.,
> after all, he thinks I'm in the KKK.

Take it as a compliment. I do. When a braying jackass like Mr. Tom calls you
a name, you can take it that he has thought it about it for himself more
than anyone else. I just love holier than thou kind of characters. Liberals
like him think they do not have any biases or prejudices. I am here to
disillusion them of that notion.

>> If you are, then go ahead and vote
>>Democratic. They will best give you what you need. If you are not a member
>>of a colored minority, then you need to rethink what the hell it is you
>>voting for when you vote Democratic.

> I voted for Clinton because he had good music at his convention.
> Remember "Don't Stop (Thinking About Tomorrow)" by Fleetwood Mac
> blaring through the convention hall? That was just fantastic. Mr.
> Kerry did have good choice in music too, when his speech was over they
> played "Beautiful Day" by U2. That choice in music was not good
> enough to win my vote however.

The last President who had any good taste in music was Kennedy, but it was
actually his wife who had the good taste. Apparently when you become a
politician you have to check your esthetic sense in the cloak room as far as
good taste in the arts are concerned. All of our Presidents are lumpen
proletariat and have absolutely no taste at all when it comes to the arts.
You have to go to the European aristocracy for that.

>> The way things are going, we Whites
>>will soon be a minority in this country and then we can all vote
>>too along with the Blacks and the Indians and idiots like Mr. Sherman.

> Yeah, I agree. The whites are not having babies at an uncontrollable
> rate like the Mexicans, Blacks, Mr. Sherman, and those damn Indians.
> Do you think they have ever heard of birth control Ed?

No, they have not - and demography is destiny. I believe America is someday
going to look exactly like Brazil. The only Whites left in the world will be
in places like Iceland. They will be a curiosity, almost a freak show. But
the absolute number one problem is that we cannot control our borders. Any
nation that cannot do that is doomed.

However, I think Mr. Sherman is still a bachelor. But he will no doubt make
up for his rather late getting married and have at least a dozen children
once he finds the right woman. His children will all of course be good
liberal Dems and vote for their own extinction. All the politicians will be
colored by then and go by names like Obama. God, I am so glad I will never
live to see it. Death solves all problems, social as well as individual.


Ed Dolan - Minnesota
"Mark Leuck" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "G. Morgan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> I voted for Clinton because he had good music at his convention.
>> Remember "Don't Stop (Thinking About Tomorrow)" by Fleetwood Mac
>> blaring through the convention hall? That was just fantastic.

> That was until a very overweight Stevie Nicks sang during the
> after-inaguration party, I almost cried
>> > The way things are going, we Whites
>> >will soon be a minority in this country and then we can all vote

> Democratic
>> >too along with the Blacks and the Indians and idiots like Mr. Sherman.

>> Yeah, I agree. The whites are not having babies at an uncontrollable
>> rate like the Mexicans, Blacks, Mr. Sherman, and those damn Indians.
>> Do you think they have ever heard of birth control Ed?

> Obviously Ed's mother didn't

It is the g.d. liberals who favor abortion. I am in favor of taking women
out who have had an abortion and executing them by stoning them to death for
committing the crime of murder. The g.d. abortion doctors need to be
executed too. Whenever one of them gets their ****ing heads blown off, I

That right there is reason enough not to have voted for Kerry, who favored
late term abortions. That for sure is nothing but murder. What I want to
know is how anyone could be in favor of late term abortions and not be in
favor of infanticide. Hells Bells! As far as that goes, why can't I kill
anyone I want to regardless of how far they are removed from the womb. Maybe
a liberal could put his brain into gear and answer that. Unfortunately,
liberals do not have any brains - which is reason enough they should never
be given any authority or power.

Kerry of course should have been drummed out of the Church for his views on
abortion. But the Bishops are as cowardly as he is. And no Christian should
ever have voted for him on the abortion issue alone. Life begins at
conception. Any idiot knows that. But I will bet Mr. Sherman does not know
that - because he is a liberal - and proud of it. Murderers, scoundrels and
sinners! Alan Keyes has got it right. A society that permits abortion does
not deserve to survive. Sometimes I hate this country for what it allows in
the name of freedom.


Ed Dolan - Minnesota
Ogg Oggibly wrote:

> I haven't missed your point. It's just that I don't agree with it.
> I'm not sure about the connection between honor killings and Islam, but I do
> know Islamic law condones honor killings and that can be clearly shown in
> Iran and the pre-Bush Afghanistan.

But "Islamic Law" is not Islam.

> Concerning the connection between organized Islamic suicide bombings and
> terror murders to the religion of the perpetrators you should read USB's
> Fatwas and other writings. Think Jihad. He makes the connection so clear I
> don't think you could possibly fail to understand it. And please don't
> bother to tell me USB is only an idiot and psycho who just happens to be a
> Muslim.

He says he's a Muslim, but OTOH ****** said he was a Catholic. People
murdering abortion doctors say they do it /because/ they're Christians.
That doesn't make Christianity inherently murderous, and Bin Laden's
rhetoric doesn't make Islam inherently murderous, or all Muslims would
be murderous. But they're not, so that's clearly a dopey conclusion.

****** appealed for support against "Godless" communists and called for
Catholic support. He murdered 6 million people, against which Bin
Laden's efforts are small change. Murdering people, in fact trying to
wipe the Jewish people an dreligion off the face of the Earth, was not
called for by ******'s faith, yet you assume because Bin Laden says his
faith requires him to wage war then that clearly makes it true. Why do
you assume he's speaking for all Muslims, and absolutely correctly
interpreting the tenets of the faith?

Peter Clinch Medical Physics IT Officer
Tel 44 1382 660111 ext. 33637 Univ. of Dundee, Ninewells Hospital
Fax 44 1382 640177 Dundee DD1 9SY Scotland UK
net [email protected]
"Peter Clinch" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Ogg Oggibly wrote:
>> I haven't missed your point. It's just that I don't agree with it.
>> I'm not sure about the connection between honor killings and Islam, but I
>> do know Islamic law condones honor killings and that can be clearly shown
>> in Iran and the pre-Bush Afghanistan.

> But "Islamic Law" is not Islam.

A Muslin is as a Muslim does. Try to get real why don't you.

>> Concerning the connection between organized Islamic suicide bombings and
>> terror murders to the religion of the perpetrators you should read USB's
>> Fatwas and other writings. Think Jihad. He makes the connection so clear
>> I don't think you could possibly fail to understand it. And please don't
>> bother to tell me USB is only an idiot and psycho who just happens to be
>> a Muslim.

> He says he's a Muslim, but OTOH ****** said he was a Catholic. People
> murdering abortion doctors say they do it /because/ they're Christians.
> That doesn't make Christianity inherently murderous, and Bin Laden's
> rhetoric doesn't make Islam inherently murderous, or all Muslims would be
> murderous. But they're not, so that's clearly a dopey conclusion.

Most Muslims are not murderous because their humanity takes precedence over
their despicable religion. If and when they become influenced solely by
their religion, then they become murderous.

Doctors who perform abortions are murderers in the opinions of many
Christians. Yet, Christianity does not approve of killing the murdering
doctors. That is because Christianity has evolved in accordance with civil
society. Islam hasn't. That is the difference.

> ****** appealed for support against "Godless" communists and called for
> Catholic support. He murdered 6 million people, against which Bin Laden's
> efforts are small change. Murdering people, in fact trying to wipe the
> Jewish people an dreligion off the face of the Earth, was not called for
> by ******'s faith, yet you assume because Bin Laden says his faith
> requires him to wage war then that clearly makes it true. Why do you
> assume he's speaking for all Muslims, and absolutely correctly
> interpreting the tenets of the faith?

****** had nothing to do with Catholicism any more than Stalin did - or I do
for that matter. When the faith is lost, it is lost. The g.d. Muslims never
seem to lose their despicable faith and all their crimes are committed in
the name of that faith and justified by that faith.

> Pete.
> --
> Peter Clinch Medical Physics IT Officer
> Tel 44 1382 660111 ext. 33637 Univ. of Dundee, Ninewells Hospital
> Fax 44 1382 640177 Dundee DD1 9SY Scotland UK
> net [email protected]

Why the hell don't you lose your g.d. signature. We are all tired of having
it thrown in our face every time you post to this group. God, I can't
believe you do not have any shame at all. Are you Scotch? Or are you English
living in Scotland? I have got lots of choice words to say to you which ever
group you belong to. Your rudeness and effrontery passes all bounds. Just
who the hell do you think you are anyway?

****ing Regards to an Asshole,

Ed Dolan - Minnesota
Peter Clinch wrote:

> But "Islamic Law" is not Islam.

See, for example, which is
hardly a Muslim apologist site. Some selected quotes:

"Traditional Islamic law is called Sharia or Shariah (?????). Like most
religious cultures, Islam classically drew no distinction between
religious and secular life. Hence Sharia covers not only religious
rituals, but many aspects of day-to-day life. However, this traditional
view of religious law is opposed by modern liberal movements within Islam.

The main sources of Islamic law are the Qur'an and the Hadith, but ijma,
the consensus of the community, was also accepted as a minor source.
Qiyas, reasoning by analogy, was used by the law scholars (Mujtahidun)
to deal with situations where the sources provided no concrete rules.
The practices called Sharia today, however, also have roots in local
customs (Al-urf)."

""Honor killings" are, in the Western world, often erroneously
identified as part of Islamic teaching, though they are in fact a
cultural practice which is neither exclusive to, nor universal within,
the Islamic world."

"Like Jewish law and Christian canon law, Islamic law has no one, set
meaning for all times and places. In the hands of moderates, religious
law can be moderate, even liberal. In the hands of post-Englightenment
readers of philosophy, religious law is relegated to ritual (as opposed
to law in a civil sense), or even to just being history. In the hands of
fundamentalists, it becomes legally enforced against all people of a
faith, and even against all people that come under their control.
Islamic law to American Muslims in Dearborn, Boston, or Houston is a
very different thing than Islamic law to religious Muslims in Egypt,
Saudi Arabia, the Gaza Strip, western China, Nigeria[1], Indonesia, or
Pakistan. All of them are following Islamic law, yet it varies as much
as individual Muslims vary."

Peter Clinch Medical Physics IT Officer
Tel 44 1382 660111 ext. 33637 Univ. of Dundee, Ninewells Hospital
Fax 44 1382 640177 Dundee DD1 9SY Scotland UK
net [email protected]
"Peter Clinch" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
Peter Clinch wrote:

> But "Islamic Law" is not Islam.

See, for example, which is
hardly a Muslim apologist site. Some selected quotes:

"Traditional Islamic law is called Sharia or Shariah (?????). Like most
religious cultures, Islam classically drew no distinction between
religious and secular life. Hence Sharia covers not only religious
rituals, but many aspects of day-to-day life. However, this traditional
view of religious law is opposed by modern liberal movements within Islam.

What modern liberal movements? Certainly not in the Middle East. Most
definitely not in Saudi Arabia and Iran.

The main sources of Islamic law are the Qur'an and the Hadith, but ijma,
the consensus of the community, was also accepted as a minor source.
Qiyas, reasoning by analogy, was used by the law scholars (Mujtahidun)
to deal with situations where the sources provided no concrete rules.
The practices called Sharia today, however, also have roots in local
customs (Al-urf)."

""Honor killings" are, in the Western world, often erroneously
identified as part of Islamic teaching, though they are in fact a
cultural practice which is neither exclusive to, nor universal within,
the Islamic world."

A cultural pracitce that is sanctified by the religion! Of course it is not
universal as not everyone is crazy.

"Like Jewish law and Christian canon law, Islamic law has no one, set
meaning for all times and places. In the hands of moderates, religious
law can be moderate, even liberal. In the hands of post-Englightenment
readers of philosophy, religious law is relegated to ritual (as opposed
to law in a civil sense), or even to just being history. In the hands of
fundamentalists, it becomes legally enforced against all people of a
faith, and even against all people that come under their control.
Islamic law to American Muslims in Dearborn, Boston, or Houston is a
very different thing than Islamic law to religious Muslims in Egypt,
Saudi Arabia, the Gaza Strip, western China, Nigeria[1], Indonesia, or
Pakistan. All of them are following Islamic law, yet it varies as much
as individual Muslims vary."

We are only concerned with how it applies in the countries of the Middle
East since that is where all the terrorism is coming from. It is highly
amusing to me that Peter thinks Islam as it is found in the West is in any
way relevant. Please look up the word constrained. That is what Islam is in
the West. It is constrained.

There is no liberalism at all to Islam. It is all nothing but fundamentalism
of the most primitive sort. At least that is what we are having to deal with
via the Middle East. Islam has never had a Martin Luther. It is as primitive
as the day it was born.

Iran is going to be a very major problem in the near future if they do not
back down from their pursuit of nuclear weapons. Peter might apply some
attention to this problem instead of telling us what a civilized and peace
loving religion Islam is.


Ed Dolan - Minnesota

Peter Clinch Medical Physics IT Officer
Tel 44 1382 660111 ext. 33637 Univ. of Dundee, Ninewells Hospital
Fax 44 1382 640177 Dundee DD1 9SY Scotland UK
net [email protected]

Screw all the above signature. I have come to hate every word of it. Peter
Clinch is an ego maniac. For all I know he may very well be a Muslim too.
That would account for his stupidity.
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Ogg Oggibly" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...

>> As a separate matter of some interest to me, a noted Hollywood actor,
>> Robert Redford, is moving his residence to Ireland - or at least he
>> promised he would if George Bush won the US election, which of course he
>> quite handily did.
>> I think you will enjoy having Redford as a neighbour - at least sort of a
>> neighbour as Scotland is to Ireland. If there are any Dolans' left in
>> Ireland he may find his residence there less than hospitable and may try
>> moving to Scotland where he possibly may have a better chance of finding
>> kindred spirits. Please help make him feel at home if that possibility
>> should eventuate.

> Robert Redford no more belongs in Ireland than he does in the US. May I
> recommend Canada to him. They have a long and disgraceful record of
> accepting American trash like him. The more we can dump the Robert
> Redfords' into Canada, the better off the US will be and the worse off
> Canada will be. In other words, Robert Redford and Canada deserve one
> another.

Redford wants to live in a castle. Does Canada have castles?

Ogg O
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

> The Muslims are the same about how they treat women and non-Muslims the
> same way I would treat abortion doctors. If someone wants to blow their
> ****ing heads off, I say good riddance. And the women who think abortion
> is OK can burn in Hell too for all I care. Now maybe you began to see how
> Muslims think about you and the non-Muslim universe.

Ed Dolan - The first atheist terrorist in the making.
"Ogg Oggibly" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "Ogg Oggibly" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...

>>> As a separate matter of some interest to me, a noted Hollywood actor,
>>> Robert Redford, is moving his residence to Ireland - or at least he
>>> promised he would if George Bush won the US election, which of course he
>>> quite handily did.
>>> I think you will enjoy having Redford as a neighbour - at least sort of
>>> a neighbour as Scotland is to Ireland. If there are any Dolans' left in
>>> Ireland he may find his residence there less than hospitable and may try
>>> moving to Scotland where he possibly may have a better chance of finding
>>> kindred spirits. Please help make him feel at home if that possibility
>>> should eventuate.

>> Robert Redford no more belongs in Ireland than he does in the US. May I
>> recommend Canada to him. They have a long and disgraceful record of
>> accepting American trash like him. The more we can dump the Robert
>> Redfords' into Canada, the better off the US will be and the worse off
>> Canada will be. In other words, Robert Redford and Canada deserve one
>> another.

> Redford wants to live in a castle. Does Canada have castles?

I think most of those castles in Ireland are nothing but ruins.

Redford represents an interesting phenomenon in the US. He of course gained
his wealth without sweating much for it, unlike the common man. He must be
wracked by guilt at his easily gained wealth. He knows that he is
essentially a worthless son of a *****. And so he tries to identify with the
common man to ease his conscience, but still he wants to live in a castle.
God, liberals are just too, too contemptible!


Ed Dolan - Minnesota
"Ogg Oggibly" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> <snip>
>> The Muslims are the same about how they treat women and non-Muslims the
>> same way I would treat abortion doctors. If someone wants to blow their
>> ****ing heads off, I say good riddance. And the women who think abortion
>> is OK can burn in Hell too for all I care. Now maybe you began to see how
>> Muslims think about you and the non-Muslim universe.

> Ed Dolan - The first atheist terrorist in the making.

Yes, I understand the Muslim terrorists better than most here think. It is
essentially nihilism brought on by despair that is in play. The well fed and
satisfied will never understand this mentality. That is why it is so
necessary to kill them with dispatch.

By the way, atheists can have the morality equal of any religionist. But it
takes enormous education to achieve this. For simple people religion is the
best and most practical way to achieve morality.


Ed Dolan - Minnesota
"Peter Clinch" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
Peter Clinch wrote:

> But "Islamic Law" is not Islam.

See, for example, which is
hardly a Muslim apologist site. Some selected quotes:

"Traditional Islamic law is called Sharia or Shariah (?????). Like most
religious cultures, Islam classically drew no distinction between
religious and secular life. Hence Sharia covers not only religious
rituals, but many aspects of day-to-day life. However, this traditional
view of religious law is opposed by modern liberal movements within Islam."

This seems to contradict your Islamic Law is not Islam proposition.

Those within liberal movements in Islamic Republics are having their throats


Pete wrote:

""Honor killings" are, in the Western world, often erroneously
identified as part of Islamic teaching, though they are in fact a
cultural practice which is neither exclusive to, nor universal within,
the Islamic world."

Regardless of what your research tells you, "Honor Killings" are condoned by
Islamic governments and under Islamic law. What difference does your
research make to those who have been murdered to preserve a Muslim man's


I have a problem with the abuse of women and female children under Islam.
You can write dissertation after dissertation on the wonderfulness of Islam
and the horrors of Christianity and it won't change how I feel about this
abuse one iota.

Sometimes I feel no one cares about these women and children. Frank Olson
doesn't seem to care. Tom Sherman doesn't seem to care. Peter Clinch
doesn't seem to care. Feminist leaders don't seem to care. Americans don't
seem to care. Europeans don't seem to care. Who does care?

Amnesty International cares. Mrs. Shirin Ebadi cares. She is an Iranian
lawyer who possesses the personal courage to speak out against these
atrocities. Mrs. Ebadi is the first Iranian and Muslim female to win the
Nobel Peace Award for 2003. She is at tremendous risk. I hope they don't
kill her. The youth movement in Iran cares. I've read they were encouraged
by the Bush re-election and are secretly flashing the V for victory signs to
each other. Im sure they are hoping Americans will come and chase the
Mullahs back to the caves just as they did in Afghanistan.

Two months ago a 16 year old girl named Ateqeh Rajabi was hung to death in
the town square in the northern province of Mazandaran (Iran) by the
ayatollahs for the crime of "acts incompatible with chastity". At no time
did Miss Rajabi have access to a lawyer. During her "trial" Miss Rajabi
expressed outrage at the hatred of women and injustice in the Islamic
Republic and its Islam-based judicial system. The Muslim judge was so
incensed by her protestations that he personally put the noose around her
neck (photo available).

As you were doing you research Pete, a 13 year old girl named Zhila Izadi is
condemned to death by stoning after her father, a devout Muslim, informed
the authorities that his daughter had "disgraced" the family honor by
becoming pregnant by her 15 year old brother. Her brother's punishment - a
severe whipping.

Pete why don't you send your research to13 year old Zhila in care of the of
the Islamic court in Marivan, Iran. I sure she would find your words
comforting as she contemplates kneeling in a field and having Muslim holy
men hurl large stones at her until she is dead.

Ogg O

P.S. Pete do you by any chance have daughters of you own?
Mark wrote:
> "Ogg Oggibly" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>Redford wants to live in a castle. Does Canada have castles?

> There's one in the middle of Toronto:
> One in Victoria, BC:
> And one in Hamilton, Ont.:
> The news reported yesterday that right after the election the Canadian
> Immigration website saw a 500% jump in inquiries from the U.S.
> Mark

There are sites on the web that will walk you through an application for
immigration to Canada. Two things really come into play: your age, and if you
have a job guaranteed and waiting for you. Old and/or unemployed, and chances
are they'll turn you down.

Larry Varney
Cold Spring, KY
I should think tho with the money he's made over the years he could build

"Mark" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Ogg Oggibly" <[email protected]> wrote:
> > Redford wants to live in a castle. Does Canada have castles?

> There's one in the middle of Toronto:
> One in Victoria, BC:
> And one in Hamilton, Ont.:
> The news reported yesterday that right after the election the Canadian
> Immigration website saw a 500% jump in inquiries from the U.S.
> Mark
"Mark" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> The news reported yesterday that right after the election the Canadian
> Immigration website saw a 500% jump in inquiries from the U.S.
> Mark

Q: What do you call 20,000 liberals moving to Canada?

A: A good start

Ogg Oggibly wrote:

> ...
> Sometimes I feel no one cares about these women and children. Frank Olson
> doesn't seem to care. Tom Sherman doesn't seem to care....

You should stop making mistaken assumptions like this, as it does not
reflect well on your judgement.

> ...The youth movement in Iran cares. I've read they were encouraged
> by the Bush re-election and are secretly flashing the V for victory signs to
> each other. Im sure they are hoping Americans will come and chase the
> Mullahs back to the caves just as they did in Afghanistan....

On what right-wing propaganda site or rag did you read this? Bush
strengthened the position of the hard-liners in Iran greatly when he
made his utterly ridiculous "Axis of Evil" statement.

Iran has three times the population of Iraq and is much more unified
culturally than Iraq. (After all it is a thousands of years old nation,
and not a post WW1 creation of European colonials.) A US invasion would
unite the people almost universally against the occupying forces. An
occupation would be even less successful than in Iraq, because there
would be much fewer collaborators available to purchase.

> ...
> Two months ago a 16 year old girl named Ateqeh Rajabi was hung to death in
> the town square in the northern province of Mazandaran (Iran) by the
> ayatollahs for the crime of "acts incompatible with chastity". At no time
> did Miss Rajabi have access to a lawyer. During her "trial" Miss Rajabi
> expressed outrage at the hatred of women and injustice in the Islamic
> Republic and its Islam-based judicial system. The Muslim judge was so
> incensed by her protestations that he personally put the noose around her
> neck (photo available).


> As you were doing you research Pete, a 13 year old girl named Zhila Izadi is
> condemned to death by stoning after her father, a devout Muslim, informed
> the authorities that his daughter had "disgraced" the family honor by
> becoming pregnant by her 15 year old brother. Her brother's punishment - a
> severe whipping.
> Pete why don't you send your research to13 year old Zhila in care of the of
> the Islamic court in Marivan, Iran. I sure she would find your words
> comforting as she contemplates kneeling in a field and having Muslim holy
> men hurl large stones at her until she is dead....


Tom Sherman
"Use your head, Mr. Ed" – Slugger
Edward Dolan wrote:

> "Peter Clinch" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> Peter Clinch wrote:
>>But "Islamic Law" is not Islam.

> See, for example,
> which is
> hardly a Muslim apologist site. Some selected quotes:
> "Traditional Islamic law is called Sharia or Shariah (?????). Like most
> religious cultures, Islam classically drew no distinction between
> religious and secular life. Hence Sharia covers not only religious
> rituals, but many aspects of day-to-day life. However, this traditional
> view of religious law is opposed by modern liberal movements within Islam.
> What modern liberal movements? Certainly not in the Middle East. Most
> definitely not in Saudi Arabia and Iran.
> The main sources of Islamic law are the Qur'an and the Hadith, but ijma,
> the consensus of the community, was also accepted as a minor source.
> Qiyas, reasoning by analogy, was used by the law scholars (Mujtahidun)
> to deal with situations where the sources provided no concrete rules.
> The practices called Sharia today, however, also have roots in local
> customs (Al-urf)."
> ""Honor killings" are, in the Western world, often erroneously
> identified as part of Islamic teaching, though they are in fact a
> cultural practice which is neither exclusive to, nor universal within,
> the Islamic world."
> A cultural pracitce that is sanctified by the religion! Of course it is not
> universal as not everyone is crazy.
> "Like Jewish law and Christian canon law, Islamic law has no one, set
> meaning for all times and places. In the hands of moderates, religious
> law can be moderate, even liberal. In the hands of post-Englightenment
> readers of philosophy, religious law is relegated to ritual (as opposed
> to law in a civil sense), or even to just being history. In the hands of
> fundamentalists, it becomes legally enforced against all people of a
> faith, and even against all people that come under their control.
> Islamic law to American Muslims in Dearborn, Boston, or Houston is a
> very different thing than Islamic law to religious Muslims in Egypt,
> Saudi Arabia, the Gaza Strip, western China, Nigeria[1], Indonesia, or
> Pakistan. All of them are following Islamic law, yet it varies as much
> as individual Muslims vary."
> We are only concerned with how it applies in the countries of the Middle
> East since that is where all the terrorism is coming from. It is highly
> amusing to me that Peter thinks Islam as it is found in the West is in any
> way relevant. Please look up the word constrained. That is what Islam is in
> the West. It is constrained.
> There is no liberalism at all to Islam. It is all nothing but fundamentalism
> of the most primitive sort. At least that is what we are having to deal with
> via the Middle East. Islam has never had a Martin Luther. It is as primitive
> as the day it was born.
> Iran is going to be a very major problem in the near future if they do not
> back down from their pursuit of nuclear weapons. Peter might apply some
> attention to this problem instead of telling us what a civilized and peace
> loving religion Islam is.

Yo Ed,

Fix your posting. The quote level marks are missing from the quoted
portions of Peter Clinch's post. And remove the signature separator if
you are going to quote someone else's signature and put new text after it.

This is one of the more screwed up posts I have seen - almost as bad as AOL.

Tom Sherman
"Use your head, Mr. Ed" – Slugger
Edward Dolan wrote:

> ...
> The Dems could not win anything anymore without the colored minorities vote.
> Are you a member of a colored minority? If you are, then go ahead and vote
> Democratic. They will best give you what you need. If you are not a member
> of a colored minority, then you need to rethink what the hell it is you are
> voting for when you vote Democratic. The way things are going, we Whites
> will soon be a minority in this country and then we can all vote Democratic
> too along with the Blacks and the Indians and idiots like Mr. Sherman....

And it a good thing it will be too when Republicans stop winning
elections on racism, homophobia and ignorance.

Tom Sherman
Straight but not narrow
Edward Dolan wrote:

> It is the g.d. liberals who favor abortion. I am in favor of taking women
> out who have had an abortion and executing them by stoning them to death for
> committing the crime of murder. The g.d. abortion doctors need to be
> executed too. Whenever one of them gets their ****ing heads blown off, I
> rejoice.
> That right there is reason enough not to have voted for Kerry, who favored
> late term abortions. That for sure is nothing but murder. What I want to
> know is how anyone could be in favor of late term abortions and not be in
> favor of infanticide. Hells Bells! As far as that goes, why can't I kill
> anyone I want to regardless of how far they are removed from the womb. Maybe
> a liberal could put his brain into gear and answer that. Unfortunately,
> liberals do not have any brains - which is reason enough they should never
> be given any authority or power....

But hey, it is okay to kill tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi's in the
name of neo-imperialism.

Tom Sherman