Quote of the day (from non-riders)

gkmac wrote:
> Whilst Sclumpf-ing speedily on a leaf-covered cycle track next to a fast
> busy road, I've slightly jarred when I hear...
> \ " O I ! \ "
> ...from a passing Variety Club minibus.
> As far as I know that's used to attract attention, but I don't know why
> since he was gone in five seconds.

Maybe they were just listening to NoFX or something as they drove by :D


Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total
obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and
through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see
its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will

* Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear.

I'm late for checkers with the Dalai Lama!

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and dude, is that a sport unicycle or something?

you ate it on your unicycle and it fell in the water!
ME (laughing as well) i know!!
it was awesome huh?


><> Unicycle For Christ <><

-last edited by \"your mom\" at 8:35 pm -
skrobo's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/12272
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"Juggling is the key." random saying of some guy in a parking lot.


Leftover parts are proof you made it better!

blackbike wrote:
> My one goal in this life is to have someone use one of my quotes in
> their sig.

Benjaug wrote:
> WARNING: Bicycles were harmed in the making of this movie!

><>Unicycle For Christ<><

onewheelinwierdo's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/13514
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Me an edd were riding extreme hardcore trials the other day in town an a
mini bus/big humvy type thing went roaring by and some wierd guy hung
out the window an yelled "You Bastards!" for no reason, then a while
later at a different spot the same guy drove by again this time with a
load of other wierd guys in an they all yelled "You Bastards!", the
cheek! People have no respect these days, honestly.



Wheres my other wheel?! i'v only got one thats why its called a
"uni"cycle IDIOT!
leo_h's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/11829
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I had two different guys in their cars drive by and asked if I wanted a

Had one passanger say "How do you ride that". I replied with "with my
legs" :)

Oh and two people ask "Can you ride that thing". I get asked this more
often than "wheres your wheel". I get the feeling that when they ask me
if I can ride it, that they mean "can you show me".

Jamin's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/12597
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Had a great ride today, for me that's 5.5 miles averaging 7.1 mph along
a gravel road. Only discouraging part of the ride was passing a guy
walking his dog. He saw me coming from a distance so he had a long time
to prepare for me, and all he came up with was to hum the circus tune.
Almost asked him if HE just came from the circus. Even worst, it must
have unsettled me because I had my only UPD of the day about 30 feet
beyond him, he had to have heard it, luckily I coolly ran it off...


Ken ... a recreational unicyclist... Please wear a helmet!
Chrashing's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/7501
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Chrashing wrote:
> ...and all he came up with was to hum the circus tune. Almost asked him
> if HE just came from the circus.

My well learned reply is "The tune you are humming is Julius Fucík's
Opus 68 'Entrance of the gladiators', which means I am therefore a
gladiator and I am going to kick your ****, you shabby ****."

However, I wouldn't want to waste such a skillful reply on someone who
is quite clearly a ****, so I tend to make do with flipping the bird or
muttering "your mum" as I ride on past.

irussb's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/11884
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leo_h wrote:
> Me an edd were riding extreme hardcore trials the other day in town an a
> mini bus/big humvy type thing went roaring by and some wierd guy hung
> out the window an yelled "You Bastards!" for no reason, then a while
> later at a different spot the same guy drove by again this time with a
> load of other wierd guys in an they all yelled "You Bastards!", the
> cheek! People have no respect these days, honestly.
> Leo

You should have shouted, "You f**ker back at them! Even better turn
around and had a word with them:D


I do it because I can!!!:D24"muni:cool:
thejdw's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/13230
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The Uniman wrote:
> People ask me all the time if i can do a backflip.

Just say yes.

> So one of them asked me if i was hurt (i had a huge obvious gash on my
> arm). I was like, "Of course not" (my arm was really starting to bleed
> bad). Then they said, "O, thats good then", and left. Why do people say
> are u okay instead of asking how bad it is if it's obvious!

They are being nice, by giving you an opportunity to ask for help if
you need it. If you say 'Of course not' they can be on their way
without feeling guilty. They don't owe you anything, so it's always
nice of people to ask. And we usually hate it because we don't like
getting hurt, especially in front of people! :)

tobbogonist wrote:
> lol that is one of those things that you think of after wards and go
> "sh*t, that would have been awsome if i had said that", then you
> remmember it for ever just incase the chance arises to use it, but it
> never does.

Just keep on riding. It does. Except for the totally off-the-wall
comments, like "you should be a midget." That one was just funny!
That's why we keep lists of the responses to common quotes. Somebody
asks "What do you do if you get a flat?" (kind of a dumb one) I say "I
move my furniture in."

Trapper wrote:
> One young girl (11-ish) was halfway into her parents car when she
> shouted out "Can you juggle too?"

When people ask me this I usually reply with "No, I can juggle five."
But your instant response with the gum was a great one.

Jamin wrote:
> Oh and two people ask "Can you ride that thing"

My response to that one the other day was "No, I've had to have one of
these ever since my operation." My brother thought that one up, way
back when we did the original list in the USA Newsletter in 1981.

Chrashing wrote:
> He saw me coming from a distance so he had a long time to prepare for
> me, and all he came up with was to hum the circus tune. Almost asked
> him if HE just came from the circus.

You had as much time as him. I'd have probably said just that. "Wow,
you must be in the circus or something!" Say it so that you're still
talking as you pass him, giving him no time to think up a response.
Then you leave him wondering how you read his mind.

irussb wrote:
> My well learned reply is "The tune you are humming is Julius Fucík's
> Opus 68 'Entrance of the gladiators', which means I am therefore a
> gladiator and I am going to kick your ****, you shabby ****."

That is one of the best comebacks I've heard in a very long time!! I
would never use those exact words, but the first part would probably
make a great T-shirt for unicyclists. Is the composer's name really
Julius Fucík? I never knew that. That's funny all by itself! Seems like
that guy's name alone could be used in a comeback...


John Foss
"jfoss" at "unicycling.com" -- www.unicycling.com

"The worst thing you can do on a unicycle when you land is stop dead."
-- Kris Holm, world's expert on high-consequence unicycling
johnfoss's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/832
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A couple weeks ago we did a Port Townsend Coker ride with JC, Irene G.,
Andy C., Mark N. and me. JC and I got temporarily separated from the
other three and were riding through the Marina parking lot/boat launch
area, there was a stiff wind blowing through.

One of the marina guys took one look at us and said: "Where's your



Hop Drop & Roll

“If something is to hard to do, then it's not worth doing. You just
stick that guitar in the closet next to your
shortwave radio, your karate outfit and your unicycle and we'll go
inside and watch TV.” – Homer
UniBrier's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/1404
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A rather good looking daycare worker was tending to several yard monkeys
as I rolled passed. She enthusiastically tried to get a youngster to
check me out. "Look! Look! Over there! Isn't that COOL!" she said as
she pointed me out.
"nnnnoooooooooo........" was the lad's reply.

Our youth is doomed but hey, I was glad the 20 yr old cutie thought a
40 yr. old on a unicycle was cool. :D

Trapper's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/10341
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Two comments on today's park ride. On a narrow path, a walker who kindly
stepped into the bushes to give way to me said "That's clever".
Personally I don't think so, the path was dry and flat unlike the rest
of the route.

The second was from a runner. He said "Unusual way to exercise". Well,
at least he knew I was exercising.

On a different angle, two non-vocal responses as well. The first was an
old lady in the middle of a track, waiting for her dog to stop sniffing
the grass. She caught sight of me approaching, and just froze like a
statue, eyes fixed on me and mouth slightly open as I passed.

The second... as I was crossing a road to end up on a path in front of
an open farm gate, there was a car approaching at a decent speed in the
distance. As I dismount to check my map, the car had slowed down as if
it were turn off the road and go through the gate... except it didn't.
It just slowed right down and then gradually accelerated away down the
road for some reason. I can't think why...:rolleyes:


"It's a marvellous thing to see, someone in full flight on the
unicycle." - Stuart Maconie, Radio 2
"Oh no! Both my toes have gone numb!" - Joe Hodges
"You also met me gk! I was the one eating the sandwich!" - Adam Gayne
"Act your tyre pressure, not your age." - rob.northcott
gkmac's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/4577
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A couple years ago I passed a guy and a (attractive) girl going down a
steep hill near campus. He yelled "I'm not giving you 1st aid!"

10 minutes later I realized I should have yelled "Will she?" I always
think of the clever responses when it's too late :p


Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total
obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and
through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see
its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will

* Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear.

I'm late for checkers with the Dalai Lama!

My gallery:
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evil-nick's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/6692
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Ok this was odd. I was down at the beach practicing grinding on these
seat/bench things when one of the bogans who sit in the BBQ space and
get drunk everyday comes over and ask's if he can have a go? Me, after
looking at his drunk mates decided i would rather not be beaten into a
pulp by drunken yobos, decided to let him have a go. To which this half
tanked holden jacket toting first class bogon placed his can on the
ground, mounted my unicycle and road off down the pavement, reached a
lamp post, circled it road back and handed me back my unicycle, grunted
'thanks' and returned to his can.


tobbogonist's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/12176
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^Wow, that was probably weird to witness.^

Just yesterday, me and my friend Mike were riding up at our old
Elementary school, which was rebuilt, so they ended up putting some
nice stuff for unicyclist to ride on.

Anyways, we were riding there, and there was a good amount of little
kids, all about 7-10 years old, they were all outside playing and
watching us ride.

One of them says "Woah, how do they do that?" Another kid replied,
"They must have good balance." And right after he said that, a little
girls says, "It must take lots of practice."

I thought it was kool that little kids said those things.

About an hour of riding their, Mike wanted to go to Walmart, to buy
some under armor shirts, so on the way their, we pass by two 30 year
old guys standing on a street corner, and one hums the circus song.

After getting to Walmart, and after Mike said he had 15 dollars to buy
the shirt, he actually had 11, which wasnt enough, so we went across
the parking lot to the Dollar store so Mike could buy a bag of chips.
In the store, we got asked if we could ride them and if they were hard,
then a Dad and his son asked where to buy one, so we told him, and his
son will probably be getting one for Christmas. =p


~*~!I ride for Christ, Fun, Challenges, and a lot
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Blue Sex!
Jerrick's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/11632
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johnfoss wrote:
> That is one of the best comebacks I've heard in a very long time!! I
> would never use those exact words, but the first part would probably
> make a great T-shirt for unicyclists. Is the composer's name really
> Julius Fucík? I never knew that. That's funny all by itself! Seems like
> that guy's name alone could be used in a comeback...

Indeed it is, he was a Chekoslovakian composer. I like the T-Shirt

irussb's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/11884
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Hi, This post is very informative, however I would like some specific
information. If someone can help me then please send me a private
message. Best Regards,


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