Quote of the day (from non-riders)

Riding around today. I pass an elderly gent who is sitting on a bench.
In a loud, clear voice he says "You could eat your sandwiches -and-
have a cup of tea at the same time!"
This is possibly one of the most original thing's I have heard since I
I wanted to get off my uni and hug him.

Into the blue

"Now listen up, you primitive screwheads...See this?...This is my -BOOM-
Into the blue's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/12084
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/38668
Into the blue wrote:
> Riding around today. I pass an elderly gent who is sitting on a bench.
> In a loud, clear voice he says "You could eat your sandwiches -and-
> have a cup of tea at the same time!"

Or even mow the lawn *and* drink beer. Unicycles are great for


Danny Colyer

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"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." - Thomas Paine
Danny Colyer's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/11637
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Danny Colyer wrote:
> Or even mow the lawn *and* drink beer. Unicycles are great for
> multitasking.
> :)

I took out the trash while riding my unicycle one time.


Alex, MR addict.

Naomi wrote:
> Nao ... who just spent half a minute trying to delete a tiny tiny
> insect , that was posing as a comma in the last sentence.

monkeyman's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/11455
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I was riding today at a historic gardens preserve thingy with some
AWSOME natural trials, and these two old laddies were walking together.
I get this one all the time. One of the laddies says "You should join
the circus!". Usually im like "Im not a frickin clown!!!!!", but today
I just smiled and rode along cause I was afraid of an old lady ass

maximus unius

> Originally Posted by *Brian MacKenzie*
> Have you tried rubbing your nipples with grease before twisting them so
> tightly?

maximus unius's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/13699
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A little kid saw me riding through a rock garden on my Muni, and started
yelling enthusiastically at me, "Go, go, go!".

A very young child asked me of my unicycle, "Is that broken"? (I've
gotten this a few times).

Old man asks me: where's your other wheel? Daughter of old man asks
me, "how many times have you heard that before"?

unibabyguy's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/683
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Riding past a grocery store I encounter an employee walking out to his
car. He appears to be in his 50s or 60s, and he says "I haven't seen
one of those in a long time." I thought of asking him if it was in a
circus but bit my tongue.

Minutes later I pass a car with a man, woman and small boy taking a
break from a long drive. Dad and boy are outside the car enjoying the
lovely springlike air. As I get close to them they say nothing, simply
watching me. As I pass by I hear the dad say to the boy, "That's
pretty cool, huh."

idiorythmic's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/12653
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Five of us were riding MUni through the woods this morning when we came
across several people riding those 2-wheeled thingys. One of them (the
people, not the 2-wheeled thingy) asked several intelligent questions
regarding unicycle riding. Then, he asked us if the circus had shut

I told him those were fight'n words. :mad:

He was wearing one of those brightly colored team cycling outfits. I
should have asked him were he got his clown costume. :rolleyes:

Wheel Rider

A man can fail many times but he isn't a failure until he begins to
blame someone else. - Waite Phillips
Wheel Rider's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/10656
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guy: how come you're on your bike?
me: I broke my unicycle in half
guy: you what
me: I broke my unicycle in half
guy: wow, you broke your unistar (the guy rides, but not much or well)
me: yeahh... i jumped off of bleachers at about 5' high
guy: WHAT
me:yeah, its really not that amazing
guy: but you broke your unicycle... you are freaking insane skrobo,

last night a pretty young lady called me Superhero Stephen for the same


><> Unicycle For Christ <><

-last edited by \"your mom\" at 8:35 pm -
skrobo's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/12272
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Wheel Rider wrote:
> He was wearing one of those brightly colored team cycling outfits. I
> should have asked him were he got his clown costume. :rolleyes:

I like that:D, it's been one of my potential comebacks to a comment such
as "Doesn't that make you look silly?" but I've never yet had such a
speech to use that retaliating weapon.

It's true, isn't it? Two wheeled-riders in skin-tight multi-coloured
lycra look far more ridiculous than us one-wheelers.


"It's a marvellous thing to see, someone in full flight on the
unicycle." - Stuart Maconie, Radio 2
"Oh no! Both my toes have gone numb!" - Joe Hodges
"You also met me gk! I was the one eating the sandwich!" - Adam Gayne
"Act your tyre pressure, not your age." - rob.northcott
gkmac's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/4577
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when I uni my paper route, I get like 10 people asking me, "Can you ride
that thing?" Fortunately I am able to resist the urge to ask them how I
got here and if i can"t ride a unicycle, why do I have one with


Leftover parts are proof you made it better!

agentQ wrote:
> Who needs grammer when you got a unicycle?!

><>Unicycle For Christ<><

onewheelinwierdo's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/13514
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I work at a sports centre and today I cycled in on my coker. We have an
astroturf with floodlights which need turning off at the end of each
night. The light box is over on the turf (not in the main building) one
of us has to trek over to turn them off. Today it was my turn so I rode
over. When i got onto the pitch the hockey club that was using it were
just packing up so I let them be and cycled past to the box. I had lots
of laughs from the players and the leader, trying to regain attention
of the group, said "he may be able to do that but he cant play hockey".
Set my mind wandering to how they'd react to unicycle hockey.

Made me giggle.

twerpy's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/13262
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onewheelinwierdo wrote:
> when I uni my paper route, I get like 10 people asking me, "Can you ride
> that thing?" Fortunately I am able to resist the urge to ask them how I
> got here and if i can"t ride a unicycle, why do I have one with
> me!?!?:rolleyes:

One day I might reply with, "As well as you can walk with those things
on your feet"

or " Can you walk in those" while pointing to their shoes.

Jamin's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/12597
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ok i just spent an hour and a half in the shed making BC wheel. all the
while dad was coming in and going doing 'dad stuff' and taking little
interest in what i was doing. I just finished it as he was about to
leave on one of his trips into the house when he turned and sppoke to
me for the first time since i had entered the shed, he said: "Are you
going to break your neck now or wait untill the morning?"


tobbogonist's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/12176
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