Mountain Bikers SILENT about Environmental Destruction in Their Backyard!

You wrote (or copy & pasted):
"Eagleridge Bluffs contain preferred habitat for the rare Rubber Boa
(Charina bottae bottae) snake....."

Can I get a Rubber Boa to play in the bath tub along with my Rubber
Chicken? I promise I'll never run over either with a vehicle of any

Peace & Love,
>>>>So you post a bunch of inflammatory opinions on a foundation of bias on
>>>>website and a few hotheads or children send you a few emails.
>>>>How does this A: support the title you posted in the thread? (Mountain
>>>>Bikers SILENT about Environmental Destruction in Their Backyard!) B:
>>>>ANYTHING about the major majority of people who are following the IMBA
>>>>guidelines of being respectful on the trail?
>>> You are either very ignorant or very dishonest. Take your pick. IMBA's
>>> response, when 4 mountain bikers were arrested for building illegal
>>> trails, was that there aren't enough legal trails -- implying that
>>> such illegal trailbuilding is okay. So much for respectability! IMBA
>>> also censored information on its website that proves that mountain
>>> biking is more harmful than hiking. So much for respectability!

>>You mean the way you only post unfavorable stories or news on mountain

> Very funny. There ARE no articles favorable to mountain biking. It's
> impossible to give environmental destruction a rosy spin. Of course,
> you already knew that.... Liar.

Using your bias and opinions as a filter for determining what is or is not
valid or favorable or environmentally comparable is hardly scientific, not
acceptable for real discussion and ultimately proves nothing for the
statements you make. It is certainly NOT a determining factor for slandering
me with the term "liar". You are NOT the determining authority for this
information. That has been PROVEN as your opinions have been largely ignored
by those who make the rules and descisions for access across the country.
Exceptions remain (Yosemite, for example). However, the economics and
reality of recreation tied to access and preservation have prevailed with
cooperation and common sense to expand converation between user groups and
maintain access for multiple recreation opertunities.
>>while ignoring similar stories of injury, death, or tresspass pertaining
>>You mean the way you only quote, reference or post articles favorable to
>>your opinion while claiming other studies or opinions are based on "junk
>>So much for respectability!
On Sun, 21 May 2006 18:49:35 -0400, "S Curtiss"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>>>>>>>It's interesting that you are unable to quote even ONE alleged "lie".
>>>>>>>You wouldn't be LYING, would you?
>>>>>>>>It has been proven
>>>>>> This is a LIE, not a statement of opinion. The latter would start "I
>>>>>> think that...". QED
>>>>>Just so I understand... You can pick apart details of semantics and
>>>>>context to claim someone is a "liar",
>>>> Afraid to admit that you just LIED? Anyone who reads this can SEE
>>>> your lie. You just don't get it, do you?
>>>The only persons reading this is you and I at this point... and I have
>>>known the TRUTH about your basis of OPINIONS for over 10 years
>>>But just to make it clear - I also see your standard split-context tactic
>>>address only a portion of the statement in an attempt to misdirect and
>>>ignore the full context as completed below.

>> At this point, you are the only person in the world who has a clue
>> what you are trying to say. In my language -- English -- you make
>> absolutely no sense. It would appear that you like to drop big words
>> into your dialogue only for effect. You have no idea what they mean.

>At this point, you know exactly what I'm saying. Your attempts to mislead
>with references to my use of "big words" is invalid. What big words are you
>referring to...? OPINION...? TRUTH...?

They are "big" to you, since you don't know what they mean.

By the way... the two are not
>really interchangeable. Your OPINION is not TRUTH and claiming TRUTH when it
>is merely an OPINION creates a LIE. Merely pointing that out is not a lie.
>Your claim of it does not it so either.
>>>> but another party can not do the same
>>>>>thing with your posts to show flaws, holes or direct misstatements...?
>>>>>Another "vandeman" rule of converstaion. (Google group search "vandeman"
>>>>>will find this a common occurrence.
>>>>>> that in many areas walking can make a larger
>>>>>>>ecologically damaging footprint on the land than riding a bicycle
>>>>>>>through it.
>>>>>>>That is a lie. It's interesting that you provide not one shred of
>>>>>>>evidence to support it. I'm sure you just heard that somewhere and
>>>>>>>repeated it. Making assertions that you don't KNOW to be fact is
>>>>>>>called "lying". See my point?"
>>>>>>>Interesting how his assumption is automatically a "lie" yet your
>>>>>>>that he calls attention to are not. Two differeing opinions are not
>>>>>>>They are merely opinions. Your assertion that your "opinions" are
>>>>>>>more valid while any other different opinion is a "lie" only
>>>>>>>bias further.
>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>have provided not a single shred of evidence that he is. you have
>>>>>>>>>blandly stated that he is lying.


I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:fRFbg.13939$B42.1700@dukeread05...
>>>>>> Curtiss, you need to get on board and stop your defense of the
>>>>>> indefensible. You are on the side of the Devil and Vandeman is on the
>>>>>> side of the Angels. Can't you just hear the Heavenly Choir singing
>>>>>> when you read his messages!
>>>>> I would not expect a Heavenly Choir to be singing while someone is
>>>>> presenting incorrect information, advocating injury, and lying about
>>>>> credentials.
>>>> I have not noted any of the above.
>>> You have not noted my interest in Italian road bikes, yet I can assure
>>> you it exists. Your lack of desire to see beyond what you want to see is
>>> an issue you and your therapist will have to deal with.

>> Slob mountain bikers like yourself who only want to desecrate my sacred
>> footpaths cannot possibly be interested in road bikes, Italian or
>> otherwise. You are not fooling anyone. Vandeman and I have got the
>> measure of you. You are nothing but a slob mountain biker and that is all
>> you can ever be. So live with it, why don't you!

> Like Vandeman, reality escapes you...
> You just lost any credibility you may have held claim to. I own 2 mountain
> bikes (actually, one belongs to the wife). I personally own 5 road bikes:
> A Paramount, a Colnago, a Merckx and 2 Pinarellos. I spend 90% of my
> cycling time on the road bikes.
> The FACT of this apparently is beyond your scope - so you can take your
> claim of "the Great" and this schizo "saint" ego of yours, stick your butt
> in your comfy lounge chair on wheels, and ride back to where you came
> from.

Why can't you stay happy on your road bikes? Are there not enough roads in
the land for you to ride them on? Why must you invade sacred spaces like a
footpath - on a bicycle of all things. Can't you walk? Can't you hike? Why
are you such a slob and such a sinner and, indeed, such a cretin?

Curtiss stands condemned out of his own mouth. He has road bikes, but he
would like to be able to ride his bikes off-road. That is why he has a
mountain bike. He is nothing but a bully and a thug. He wants what is not
his to want. He is truly criminal in his attitude toward the natural world
and my sacred footpaths.

Vandeman is championing the creatures of the earth who cannot defend
themselves against criminal vandals and thugs like Curtiss. All Curtiss is
championing are his own selfish interests which, if he had any brains, he
should not have in the first place. There are special places in Hell
reserved for his kind. I, as a Great Saint, will point Curtiss out to God
when the time comes for him to get his just deserts.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> On Sun, 21 May 2006 00:48:47 -0500, "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]>
>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Curtiss, you need to get on board and stop your defense of the
>>>>>>> indefensible. You are on the side of the Devil and Vandeman is on
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> side of the Angels. Can't you just hear the Heavenly Choir singing
>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>> you read his messages!
>>>>>> I would not expect a Heavenly Choir to be singing while someone is
>>>>>> presenting incorrect information, advocating injury, and lying about
>>>>>> credentials.
>>>>> I have not noted any of the above.
>>>> You have not noted my interest in Italian road bikes, yet I can assure
>>>> you
>>>> it exists. Your lack of desire to see beyond what you want to see is an
>>>> issue you and your therapist will have to deal with.
>>>Slob mountain bikers like yourself who only want to desecrate my sacred
>>>footpaths cannot possibly interested in road bikes, Italian or otherwise.
>>>You are not fooling anyone. Vandeman and I have got the measure of you.
>>>are nothing but a slob mountain biker and that is all you can ever be. So
>>>live with it, why don't you!

>> "Pearls before swine" is the phrase that comes to mind....

> Actually, based on reality of numbers, the National Forest Service, the
> actual economy of recreation sustaining National Parks and recreational
> use areas, and the additional realization of wilderness preservation from
> the interest generated by recreation and economic interests from
> recreation...
> It is YOU who will have to live with mountain bikes. Slob elitists like
> you have fallen by the wayside. The internet has brought real information
> to the fingertips of anybody. No more do government agencies have to rely
> on self-important and self-assigned experts when the real public have
> access to real information and the real people and organizations that
> create policy.
> Live with that, why don't you!

All policy makers are educated men. Most government agencies that oversee
the land are staffed with college graduates. Many even have graduate degrees
in the natural sciences. I will trust them to put you and your ilk in your
place. They will listen to Vandeman because he has science on his side and
all you have on your side is your gluttonous desire to pig out on the
environment, without any regard for the wild creatures of the earth.

I would like to remind you that we humans came out of the wild ourselves
and, in fact, we are just about the only wild animals left on the surface of
the earth. What is needed is a genetics program to domesticate ourselves,
the same way we have domesticated sheep and all the other farm animals. A
wild animal in its' natural habitat is way too good for the likes of you.
You belong in a pig pen with all the other pigs.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
you have repeated what the other chap said and made it sound like you are correcting him! and please show others some courtesy by trimming posts down to the relevant sections rather than posting into the middle of the making them hard to believe.

You really do have a very preachy and patronising way of addressing people. Calling people criminals and thugs is way ott. It is not like you are talking to someone who has beaten up and raped your mother is it? They WON'T listen to Vandeman because he is argumentative and does not present a case in a convincing way at all. Regardless of the validity of Mike's case (I think he is wrong, you think he is right, we will never agree on that so there isno point discussing it again), he will never make any significant progress until he learns to stop slandering people. Is he aware that (In the UK at any rate) allegations made on internet messageboards CAN be challenged in court under grounds of slander or unreasonable defamation fo character? Whilst he may have the best intentions (Personally I don't think he does, and think he gets off on trolling internet messageboards) making allegations that will not stand up in a court of law is no way to present his case. The same goes for you. In a civilised society calling people violent thugs and cretins is no way to present your case and will merely get people's backs up rather than reaching a compromise situation. People are NOT criminals if they are NOT breaking a recognised law of the land. If they are breaking your moral laws then that is your tough luck and it is your perogative to decide whether you want to try and get the recognised laws changed such that they meet your moral standards.
On Tue, 23 May 2006 00:56:52 -0500, "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]>

>"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>> news:fRFbg.13939$B42.1700@dukeread05...
>>>>>>> Curtiss, you need to get on board and stop your defense of the
>>>>>>> indefensible. You are on the side of the Devil and Vandeman is on the
>>>>>>> side of the Angels. Can't you just hear the Heavenly Choir singing
>>>>>>> when you read his messages!
>>>>>> I would not expect a Heavenly Choir to be singing while someone is
>>>>>> presenting incorrect information, advocating injury, and lying about
>>>>>> credentials.
>>>>> I have not noted any of the above.
>>>> You have not noted my interest in Italian road bikes, yet I can assure
>>>> you it exists. Your lack of desire to see beyond what you want to see is
>>>> an issue you and your therapist will have to deal with.
>>> Slob mountain bikers like yourself who only want to desecrate my sacred
>>> footpaths cannot possibly be interested in road bikes, Italian or
>>> otherwise. You are not fooling anyone. Vandeman and I have got the
>>> measure of you. You are nothing but a slob mountain biker and that is all
>>> you can ever be. So live with it, why don't you!

>> Like Vandeman, reality escapes you...
>> You just lost any credibility you may have held claim to. I own 2 mountain
>> bikes (actually, one belongs to the wife). I personally own 5 road bikes:
>> A Paramount, a Colnago, a Merckx and 2 Pinarellos. I spend 90% of my
>> cycling time on the road bikes.
>> The FACT of this apparently is beyond your scope - so you can take your
>> claim of "the Great" and this schizo "saint" ego of yours, stick your butt
>> in your comfy lounge chair on wheels, and ride back to where you came
>> from.

>Why can't you stay happy on your road bikes? Are there not enough roads in
>the land for you to ride them on? Why must you invade sacred spaces like a
>footpath - on a bicycle of all things. Can't you walk?

Mountain bikers are too LAZY to hike.

Can't you hike? Why
>are you such a slob and such a sinner and, indeed, such a cretin?
>Curtiss stands condemned out of his own mouth. He has road bikes, but he
>would like to be able to ride his bikes off-road. That is why he has a
>mountain bike. He is nothing but a bully and a thug. He wants what is not
>his to want. He is truly criminal in his attitude toward the natural world
>and my sacred footpaths.
>Vandeman is championing the creatures of the earth who cannot defend
>themselves against criminal vandals and thugs like Curtiss. All Curtiss is
>championing are his own selfish interests which, if he had any brains, he
>should not have in the first place. There are special places in Hell
>reserved for his kind. I, as a Great Saint, will point Curtiss out to God
>when the time comes for him to get his just deserts.

Mountain bikers get their just desserts here on Earth: impotence and
other serious injuries. It's just poetic justice (I use words with
more than one syllable, because I know that mountain bikers can't
understand them).

>Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
>Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)
On Tue, 23 May 2006 20:24:34 +1000, davebee
<[email protected]> wrote:

>you have repeated what the other chap said and made it sound like you
>are correcting him! and please show others some courtesy by trimming
>posts down to the relevant sections rather than posting into the middle
>of the making them hard to believe.

Mountain bikers cut out the incriminating part so no one can catch
them LYING. I on the other hand have no fear of the truth, which is on
my side.

>You really do have a very preachy and patronising way of addressing
>people. Calling people criminals and thugs is way ott. It is not like
>you are talking to someone who has beaten up and raped your mother is
>it? They WON'T listen to Vandeman because he is argumentative and does
>not present a case in a convincing way at all. Regardless of the
>validity of Mike's case (I think he is wrong, you think he is right, we
>will never agree on that so there isno point discussing it again), he
>will never make any significant progress until he learns to stop
>slandering people. Is he aware that (In the UK at any rate) allegations
>made on internet messageboards CAN be challenged in court under grounds
>of slander or unreasonable defamation fo character? Whilst he may have
>the best intentions (Personally I don't think he does, and think he
>gets off on trolling internet messageboards) making allegations that
>will not stand up in a court of law is no way to present his case. The
>same goes for you. In a civilised society calling people violent thugs
>and cretins is no way to present your case and will merely get people's
>backs up rather than reaching a compromise situation. People are NOT
>criminals if they are NOT breaking a recognised law of the land. If
>they are breaking your moral laws then that is your tough luck and it
>is your perogative to decide whether you want to try and get the
>recognised laws changed such that they meet your moral standards.

I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:pO5cg.14342$B42.8005@dukeread05...
>> "Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> On Sun, 21 May 2006 00:48:47 -0500, "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]>
>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Curtiss, you need to get on board and stop your defense of the
>>>>>>>> indefensible. You are on the side of the Devil and Vandeman is on
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> side of the Angels. Can't you just hear the Heavenly Choir singing
>>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>>> you read his messages!
>>>>>>> I would not expect a Heavenly Choir to be singing while someone is
>>>>>>> presenting incorrect information, advocating injury, and lying about
>>>>>>> credentials.
>>>>>> I have not noted any of the above.
>>>>> You have not noted my interest in Italian road bikes, yet I can assure
>>>>> you
>>>>> it exists. Your lack of desire to see beyond what you want to see is
>>>>> an
>>>>> issue you and your therapist will have to deal with.
>>>>Slob mountain bikers like yourself who only want to desecrate my sacred
>>>>footpaths cannot possibly interested in road bikes, Italian or
>>>>You are not fooling anyone. Vandeman and I have got the measure of you.
>>>>are nothing but a slob mountain biker and that is all you can ever be.
>>>>live with it, why don't you!
>>> "Pearls before swine" is the phrase that comes to mind....

>> Actually, based on reality of numbers, the National Forest Service, the
>> actual economy of recreation sustaining National Parks and recreational
>> use areas, and the additional realization of wilderness preservation from
>> the interest generated by recreation and economic interests from
>> recreation...
>> It is YOU who will have to live with mountain bikes. Slob elitists like
>> you have fallen by the wayside. The internet has brought real information
>> to the fingertips of anybody. No more do government agencies have to rely
>> on self-important and self-assigned experts when the real public have
>> access to real information and the real people and organizations that
>> create policy.
>> Live with that, why don't you!

> All policy makers are educated men. Most government agencies that oversee
> the land are staffed with college graduates. Many even have graduate
> degrees in the natural sciences. I will trust them to put you and your ilk
> in your place. They will listen to Vandeman because he has science on his
> side and all you have on your side is your gluttonous desire to pig out on
> the environment, without any regard for the wild creatures of the earth.

They haven't so far. The National Forest Service management rulings came out
last year and allow bicycle access coordinated through local land managers.
What that means, mr. notsogreat, is that off-road cycling has been
recognized as a viable, non-motorized method of exploring many of the parks
and trails in the Country.
Local organizations are cooperating between cycling, hiking, equestrian and
other environmental preservation groups for the larger picture of slowing
sprawl and construction rather than bickering on how to access a trail.
Yours and Vandeman's hatred of off-road cyclists' has done nothing but
galvenize cyclists into a cohesive and educated block of individuals with
real information to counter the slander and bias that once was taken for
granted. You, Vandeman and myself will be gone at some point, but with the
help of recreationists' interests, perhaps some of the natural space will be
preserved well beyond our parting. If you want to spend the rest of your
days whining about your "sacred" footpaths, go forth and do so. Just always
remember, your voice is no more important than mine.
> I would like to remind you that we humans came out of the wild ourselves
> and, in fact, we are just about the only wild animals left on the surface
> of the earth. What is needed is a genetics program to domesticate
> ourselves, the same way we have domesticated sheep and all the other farm
> animals. A wild animal in its' natural habitat is way too good for the
> likes of you. You belong in a pig pen with all the other pigs.

You HAVE been overexposed to Vandeman. Now you are just making
non-statements and vague threats of reference. You better have some warm
milk and calm down. That button on the headboard will ring the nurse and she
will bring your medication.
"Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Tue, 23 May 2006 20:24:34 +1000, davebee
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>you have repeated what the other chap said and made it sound like you
>>are correcting him! and please show others some courtesy by trimming
>>posts down to the relevant sections rather than posting into the middle
>>of the making them hard to believe.

> Mountain bikers cut out the incriminating part so no one can catch
> them LYING. I on the other hand have no fear of the truth, which is on
> my side.

What a goofball! The thread offers true history of what has been stated. All
someone has to do is read it. The previous text does not go away when
clipped in the reply. (btw - Google Group search "vandeman" has many
examples of MV's context clips)
Beyond that, you may have no fear of the truth... But that is only because
you have no concept of the truth.
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:pO5cg.14342$B42.8005@dukeread05...
>>> "Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>> news:[email protected]...
>>>> On Sun, 21 May 2006 00:48:47 -0500, "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Curtiss, you need to get on board and stop your defense of the
>>>>>>>>> indefensible. You are on the side of the Devil and Vandeman is on
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> side of the Angels. Can't you just hear the Heavenly Choir singing
>>>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>>>> you read his messages!
>>>>>>>> I would not expect a Heavenly Choir to be singing while someone is
>>>>>>>> presenting incorrect information, advocating injury, and lying
>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>> credentials.
>>>>>>> I have not noted any of the above.
>>>>>> You have not noted my interest in Italian road bikes, yet I can
>>>>>> assure you
>>>>>> it exists. Your lack of desire to see beyond what you want to see is
>>>>>> an
>>>>>> issue you and your therapist will have to deal with.
>>>>>Slob mountain bikers like yourself who only want to desecrate my sacred
>>>>>footpaths cannot possibly interested in road bikes, Italian or
>>>>>You are not fooling anyone. Vandeman and I have got the measure of you.
>>>>>are nothing but a slob mountain biker and that is all you can ever be.
>>>>>live with it, why don't you!
>>>> "Pearls before swine" is the phrase that comes to mind....
>>> Actually, based on reality of numbers, the National Forest Service, the
>>> actual economy of recreation sustaining National Parks and recreational
>>> use areas, and the additional realization of wilderness preservation
>>> from the interest generated by recreation and economic interests from
>>> recreation...
>>> It is YOU who will have to live with mountain bikes. Slob elitists like
>>> you have fallen by the wayside. The internet has brought real
>>> information to the fingertips of anybody. No more do government agencies
>>> have to rely on self-important and self-assigned experts when the real
>>> public have access to real information and the real people and
>>> organizations that create policy.
>>> Live with that, why don't you!

>> All policy makers are educated men. Most government agencies that oversee
>> the land are staffed with college graduates. Many even have graduate
>> degrees in the natural sciences. I will trust them to put you and your
>> ilk in your place. They will listen to Vandeman because he has science on
>> his side and all you have on your side is your gluttonous desire to pig
>> out on the environment, without any regard for the wild creatures of the
>> earth.

> They haven't so far. The National Forest Service management rulings came
> out last year and allow bicycle access coordinated through local land
> managers. What that means, mr. notsogreat, is that off-road cycling has
> been recognized as a viable, non-motorized method of exploring many of the
> parks and trails in the Country.
> Local organizations are cooperating between cycling, hiking, equestrian
> and other environmental preservation groups for the larger picture of
> slowing sprawl and construction rather than bickering on how to access a
> trail. Yours and Vandeman's hatred of off-road cyclists' has done nothing
> but galvenize cyclists into a cohesive and educated block of individuals
> with real information to counter the slander and bias that once was taken
> for granted. You, Vandeman and myself will be gone at some point, but with
> the help of recreationists' interests, perhaps some of the natural space
> will be preserved well beyond our parting. If you want to spend the rest
> of your days whining about your "sacred" footpaths, go forth and do so.
> Just always remember, your voice is no more important than mine.

Mountain bikers are their own worst enemies. They will self-destruct like
all slobs do and eventually be banned from all hiking trails. The wilderness
and my sacred footpaths are for the cognoscenti, not for slob mountain
bikers. It takes brains to be able to appreciate wilderness, something that
mountain bikers sorely lack.

>> I would like to remind you that we humans came out of the wild ourselves
>> and, in fact, we are just about the only wild animals left on the surface
>> of the earth. What is needed is a genetics program to domesticate
>> ourselves, the same way we have domesticated sheep and all the other farm
>> animals. A wild animal in its' natural habitat is way too good for the
>> likes of you. You belong in a pig pen with all the other pigs.

> You HAVE been overexposed to Vandeman. Now you are just making
> non-statements and vague threats of reference. You better have some warm
> milk and calm down. That button on the headboard will ring the nurse and
> she will bring your medication.

You need to read, besides "1984", "Brave New World", after which you will
despair of mankind as I have. The only solution for what ails us is death.
Long Live Death!


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
>> They haven't so far. The National Forest Service management rulings came
>> out last year and allow bicycle access coordinated through local land
>> managers. What that means, mr. notsogreat, is that off-road cycling has
>> been recognized as a viable, non-motorized method of exploring many of
>> the parks and trails in the Country.
>> Local organizations are cooperating between cycling, hiking, equestrian
>> and other environmental preservation groups for the larger picture of
>> slowing sprawl and construction rather than bickering on how to access a
>> trail. Yours and Vandeman's hatred of off-road cyclists' has done nothing
>> but galvenize cyclists into a cohesive and educated block of individuals
>> with real information to counter the slander and bias that once was taken
>> for granted. You, Vandeman and myself will be gone at some point, but
>> with the help of recreationists' interests, perhaps some of the natural
>> space will be preserved well beyond our parting. If you want to spend the
>> rest of your days whining about your "sacred" footpaths, go forth and do
>> so. Just always remember, your voice is no more important than mine.

> Mountain bikers are their own worst enemies. They will self-destruct like
> all slobs do and eventually be banned from all hiking trails. The
> wilderness and my sacred footpaths are for the cognoscenti, not for slob
> mountain bikers. It takes brains to be able to appreciate wilderness,
> something that mountain bikers sorely lack.

It must not take a lot of brains... You claim to do it.
>>> I would like to remind you that we humans came out of the wild ourselves
>>> and, in fact, we are just about the only wild animals left on the
>>> surface of the earth. What is needed is a genetics program to
>>> domesticate ourselves, the same way we have domesticated sheep and all
>>> the other farm animals. A wild animal in its' natural habitat is way too
>>> good for the likes of you. You belong in a pig pen with all the other
>>> pigs.

>> You HAVE been overexposed to Vandeman. Now you are just making
>> non-statements and vague threats of reference. You better have some warm
>> milk and calm down. That button on the headboard will ring the nurse and
>> she will bring your medication.

> You need to read, besides "1984", "Brave New World", after which you will
> despair of mankind as I have. The only solution for what ails us is death.
> Long Live Death!

You need to read a comic book. Or be in one...
>>> Like Vandeman, reality escapes you...
>>> You just lost any credibility you may have held claim to. I own 2
>>> mountain
>>> bikes (actually, one belongs to the wife). I personally own 5 road
>>> bikes:
>>> A Paramount, a Colnago, a Merckx and 2 Pinarellos. I spend 90% of my
>>> cycling time on the road bikes.
>>> The FACT of this apparently is beyond your scope - so you can take your
>>> claim of "the Great" and this schizo "saint" ego of yours, stick your
>>> butt
>>> in your comfy lounge chair on wheels, and ride back to where you came
>>> from.

>>Why can't you stay happy on your road bikes? Are there not enough roads in
>>the land for you to ride them on? Why must you invade sacred spaces like a
>>footpath - on a bicycle of all things. Can't you walk?

> Mountain bikers are too LAZY to hike.

Opinion. Supposition. No basis in fact, statistics or scientific reference.
> Can't you hike? Why
>>are you such a slob and such a sinner and, indeed, such a cretin?
>>Curtiss stands condemned out of his own mouth. He has road bikes, but he
>>would like to be able to ride his bikes off-road. That is why he has a
>>mountain bike. He is nothing but a bully and a thug. He wants what is not
>>his to want. He is truly criminal in his attitude toward the natural world
>>and my sacred footpaths.
>>Vandeman is championing the creatures of the earth who cannot defend
>>themselves against criminal vandals and thugs like Curtiss. All Curtiss is
>>championing are his own selfish interests which, if he had any brains, he
>>should not have in the first place. There are special places in Hell
>>reserved for his kind. I, as a Great Saint, will point Curtiss out to God
>>when the time comes for him to get his just deserts.

> Mountain bikers get their just desserts here on Earth: impotence and
> other serious injuries. It's just poetic justice (I use words with
> more than one syllable, because I know that mountain bikers can't
> understand them).

You mean serious injuries like falls, slips, broken bones, cuts, bruises,
heart attacks, etc that are also sustained by hikers...? The only impotence
you need to be concerned with is that of your opinions. Besides, on a
mountain bike the rider is standing more often than on a road bike which
would tend to alleviate the cause of the suspected impotence. In this case,
your advocacy of cycling only on the road could lead to more incidents. Is
that your problem...? Too many road miles left you soft...?
On Wed, 24 May 2006 13:46:56 -0400, "S Curtiss" <[email protected]>

>>>> Like Vandeman, reality escapes you...
>>>> You just lost any credibility you may have held claim to. I own 2
>>>> mountain
>>>> bikes (actually, one belongs to the wife). I personally own 5 road
>>>> bikes:
>>>> A Paramount, a Colnago, a Merckx and 2 Pinarellos. I spend 90% of my
>>>> cycling time on the road bikes.
>>>> The FACT of this apparently is beyond your scope - so you can take your
>>>> claim of "the Great" and this schizo "saint" ego of yours, stick your
>>>> butt
>>>> in your comfy lounge chair on wheels, and ride back to where you came
>>>> from.
>>>Why can't you stay happy on your road bikes? Are there not enough roads in
>>>the land for you to ride them on? Why must you invade sacred spaces like a
>>>footpath - on a bicycle of all things. Can't you walk?

>> Mountain bikers are too LAZY to hike.

>Opinion. Supposition. No basis in fact, statistics or scientific reference.
>> Can't you hike? Why
>>>are you such a slob and such a sinner and, indeed, such a cretin?
>>>Curtiss stands condemned out of his own mouth. He has road bikes, but he
>>>would like to be able to ride his bikes off-road. That is why he has a
>>>mountain bike. He is nothing but a bully and a thug. He wants what is not
>>>his to want. He is truly criminal in his attitude toward the natural world
>>>and my sacred footpaths.
>>>Vandeman is championing the creatures of the earth who cannot defend
>>>themselves against criminal vandals and thugs like Curtiss. All Curtiss is
>>>championing are his own selfish interests which, if he had any brains, he
>>>should not have in the first place. There are special places in Hell
>>>reserved for his kind. I, as a Great Saint, will point Curtiss out to God
>>>when the time comes for him to get his just deserts.

>> Mountain bikers get their just desserts here on Earth: impotence and
>> other serious injuries. It's just poetic justice (I use words with
>> more than one syllable, because I know that mountain bikers can't
>> understand them).

>You mean serious injuries like falls, slips, broken bones, cuts, bruises,
>heart attacks, etc that are also sustained by hikers...?

It's well known that mountain biking is FAR more dangerous than
I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>> They haven't so far. The National Forest Service management rulings came
>>> out last year and allow bicycle access coordinated through local land
>>> managers. What that means, mr. notsogreat, is that off-road cycling has
>>> been recognized as a viable, non-motorized method of exploring many of
>>> the parks and trails in the Country.
>>> Local organizations are cooperating between cycling, hiking, equestrian
>>> and other environmental preservation groups for the larger picture of
>>> slowing sprawl and construction rather than bickering on how to access a
>>> trail. Yours and Vandeman's hatred of off-road cyclists' has done
>>> nothing but galvenize cyclists into a cohesive and educated block of
>>> individuals with real information to counter the slander and bias that
>>> once was taken for granted. You, Vandeman and myself will be gone at
>>> some point, but with the help of recreationists' interests, perhaps some
>>> of the natural space will be preserved well beyond our parting. If you
>>> want to spend the rest of your days whining about your "sacred"
>>> footpaths, go forth and do so. Just always remember, your voice is no
>>> more important than mine.

>> Mountain bikers are their own worst enemies. They will self-destruct like
>> all slobs do and eventually be banned from all hiking trails. The
>> wilderness and my sacred footpaths are for the cognoscenti, not for slob
>> mountain bikers. It takes brains to be able to appreciate wilderness,
>> something that mountain bikers sorely lack.

> It must not take a lot of brains... You claim to do it.

Not everyone can be a genius like me. You are forgiven your ignorance since
it is the common lot of mankind.

>>>> I would like to remind you that we humans came out of the wild
>>>> ourselves and, in fact, we are just about the only wild animals left on
>>>> the surface of the earth. What is needed is a genetics program to
>>>> domesticate ourselves, the same way we have domesticated sheep and all
>>>> the other farm animals. A wild animal in its' natural habitat is way
>>>> too good for the likes of you. You belong in a pig pen with all the
>>>> other pigs.
>>> You HAVE been overexposed to Vandeman. Now you are just making
>>> non-statements and vague threats of reference. You better have some warm
>>> milk and calm down. That button on the headboard will ring the nurse and
>>> she will bring your medication.

>> You need to read, besides "1984", "Brave New World", after which you will
>> despair of mankind as I have. The only solution for what ails us is
>> death. Long Live Death!

> You need to read a comic book. Or be in one...

There is no substitute for reading our betters. It is just about the only
way we ever learn anything. For instance, I will never learn anything from
you on these freaking newsgroups. If you want to make an impression on me,
you will have to get busy and write many volumes like Gibbon (The Decline
and Fall of the Roman Empire) and Toynbee (A Study of History) did. Then,
and only then, will I perhaps take you seriously. I urge you to get to work
writing a definitive multi-volume work on the impact of mountain biking in
the modern world. Who knows, once you embark on this great work, you may end
up in the same corner as Vandeman and me.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Wed, 24 May 2006 13:46:56 -0400, "S Curtiss" <[email protected]>
> wrote:
>>>>> Like Vandeman, reality escapes you...
>>>>> You just lost any credibility you may have held claim to. I own 2
>>>>> mountain
>>>>> bikes (actually, one belongs to the wife). I personally own 5 road
>>>>> bikes:
>>>>> A Paramount, a Colnago, a Merckx and 2 Pinarellos. I spend 90% of my
>>>>> cycling time on the road bikes.
>>>>> The FACT of this apparently is beyond your scope - so you can take
>>>>> your
>>>>> claim of "the Great" and this schizo "saint" ego of yours, stick your
>>>>> butt
>>>>> in your comfy lounge chair on wheels, and ride back to where you came
>>>>> from.
>>>>Why can't you stay happy on your road bikes? Are there not enough roads
>>>>the land for you to ride them on? Why must you invade sacred spaces like
>>>>footpath - on a bicycle of all things. Can't you walk?
>>> Mountain bikers are too LAZY to hike.

>>Opinion. Supposition. No basis in fact, statistics or scientific
>>> Can't you hike? Why
>>>>are you such a slob and such a sinner and, indeed, such a cretin?
>>>>Curtiss stands condemned out of his own mouth. He has road bikes, but he
>>>>would like to be able to ride his bikes off-road. That is why he has a
>>>>mountain bike. He is nothing but a bully and a thug. He wants what is
>>>>his to want. He is truly criminal in his attitude toward the natural
>>>>and my sacred footpaths.
>>>>Vandeman is championing the creatures of the earth who cannot defend
>>>>themselves against criminal vandals and thugs like Curtiss. All Curtiss
>>>>championing are his own selfish interests which, if he had any brains,
>>>>should not have in the first place. There are special places in Hell
>>>>reserved for his kind. I, as a Great Saint, will point Curtiss out to
>>>>when the time comes for him to get his just deserts.
>>> Mountain bikers get their just desserts here on Earth: impotence and
>>> other serious injuries. It's just poetic justice (I use words with
>>> more than one syllable, because I know that mountain bikers can't
>>> understand them).

>>You mean serious injuries like falls, slips, broken bones, cuts, bruises,
>>heart attacks, etc that are also sustained by hikers...?

> It's well known that mountain biking is FAR more dangerous than
> hiking.
> ===

Well known by who...? This has been acknowledged by which official
agency...? Your claims mean NOTHING. Your statements about dangers of
off-road cycling mean NOTHING. As long as you are going to only post
cycling related injuries or deaths, while making a claim that it is
"inherently" dangerous compared to hiking, and COMPLETELY IGNORE comparative
information showing similar incidents of hiking, then your statements mean
NOTHING. They are ramblings based on your OPINION and only highlight your
bias of reporting, your methods of discovery of information, and the lack of
foundation for your conclusions.
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:mR0dg.14483$B42.1484@dukeread05...
>>>> They haven't so far. The National Forest Service management rulings
>>>> came out last year and allow bicycle access coordinated through local
>>>> land managers. What that means, mr. notsogreat, is that off-road
>>>> cycling has been recognized as a viable, non-motorized method of
>>>> exploring many of the parks and trails in the Country.
>>>> Local organizations are cooperating between cycling, hiking, equestrian
>>>> and other environmental preservation groups for the larger picture of
>>>> slowing sprawl and construction rather than bickering on how to access
>>>> a trail. Yours and Vandeman's hatred of off-road cyclists' has done
>>>> nothing but galvenize cyclists into a cohesive and educated block of
>>>> individuals with real information to counter the slander and bias that
>>>> once was taken for granted. You, Vandeman and myself will be gone at
>>>> some point, but with the help of recreationists' interests, perhaps
>>>> some of the natural space will be preserved well beyond our parting. If
>>>> you want to spend the rest of your days whining about your "sacred"
>>>> footpaths, go forth and do so. Just always remember, your voice is no
>>>> more important than mine.
>>> Mountain bikers are their own worst enemies. They will self-destruct
>>> like all slobs do and eventually be banned from all hiking trails. The
>>> wilderness and my sacred footpaths are for the cognoscenti, not for slob
>>> mountain bikers. It takes brains to be able to appreciate wilderness,
>>> something that mountain bikers sorely lack.

>> It must not take a lot of brains... You claim to do it.

> Not everyone can be a genius like me. You are forgiven your ignorance
> since it is the common lot of mankind.

Whew... Conan the Librarian forgives me... Oh thank the Lord and pass the
When you say "genius"... You mean as in "Wile E. Coyote" genius... Don't

>>>>> I would like to remind you that we humans came out of the wild
>>>>> ourselves and, in fact, we are just about the only wild animals left
>>>>> on the surface of the earth. What is needed is a genetics program to
>>>>> domesticate ourselves, the same way we have domesticated sheep and all
>>>>> the other farm animals. A wild animal in its' natural habitat is way
>>>>> too good for the likes of you. You belong in a pig pen with all the
>>>>> other pigs.
>>>> You HAVE been overexposed to Vandeman. Now you are just making
>>>> non-statements and vague threats of reference. You better have some
>>>> warm milk and calm down. That button on the headboard will ring the
>>>> nurse and she will bring your medication.
>>> You need to read, besides "1984", "Brave New World", after which you
>>> will despair of mankind as I have. The only solution for what ails us is
>>> death. Long Live Death!

>> You need to read a comic book. Or be in one...

> There is no substitute for reading our betters. It is just about the only
> way we ever learn anything. For instance, I will never learn anything from
> you on these freaking newsgroups. If you want to make an impression on me,
> you will have to get busy and write many volumes like Gibbon (The Decline
> and Fall of the Roman Empire) and Toynbee (A Study of History) did. Then,
> and only then, will I perhaps take you seriously. I urge you to get to
> work writing a definitive multi-volume work on the impact of mountain
> biking in the modern world. Who knows, once you embark on this great work,
> you may end up in the same corner as Vandeman and me.

Since there is no substitute for "reading our betters", I can certainly stop
reading your posts... As you are of no consequence and certainly not my
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> On Wed, 24 May 2006 13:46:56 -0400, "S Curtiss" <[email protected]>
>> wrote:
>>>>>> Like Vandeman, reality escapes you...
>>>>>> You just lost any credibility you may have held claim to. I own 2
>>>>>> mountain
>>>>>> bikes (actually, one belongs to the wife). I personally own 5 road
>>>>>> bikes:
>>>>>> A Paramount, a Colnago, a Merckx and 2 Pinarellos. I spend 90% of my
>>>>>> cycling time on the road bikes.
>>>>>> The FACT of this apparently is beyond your scope - so you can take
>>>>>> your
>>>>>> claim of "the Great" and this schizo "saint" ego of yours, stick your
>>>>>> butt
>>>>>> in your comfy lounge chair on wheels, and ride back to where you came
>>>>>> from.
>>>>>Why can't you stay happy on your road bikes? Are there not enough roads
>>>>>the land for you to ride them on? Why must you invade sacred spaces
>>>>>like a
>>>>>footpath - on a bicycle of all things. Can't you walk?
>>>> Mountain bikers are too LAZY to hike.
>>>Opinion. Supposition. No basis in fact, statistics or scientific
>>>> Can't you hike? Why
>>>>>are you such a slob and such a sinner and, indeed, such a cretin?
>>>>>Curtiss stands condemned out of his own mouth. He has road bikes, but
>>>>>would like to be able to ride his bikes off-road. That is why he has a
>>>>>mountain bike. He is nothing but a bully and a thug. He wants what is
>>>>>his to want. He is truly criminal in his attitude toward the natural
>>>>>and my sacred footpaths.
>>>>>Vandeman is championing the creatures of the earth who cannot defend
>>>>>themselves against criminal vandals and thugs like Curtiss. All Curtiss
>>>>>championing are his own selfish interests which, if he had any brains,
>>>>>should not have in the first place. There are special places in Hell
>>>>>reserved for his kind. I, as a Great Saint, will point Curtiss out to
>>>>>when the time comes for him to get his just deserts.
>>>> Mountain bikers get their just desserts here on Earth: impotence and
>>>> other serious injuries. It's just poetic justice (I use words with
>>>> more than one syllable, because I know that mountain bikers can't
>>>> understand them).
>>>You mean serious injuries like falls, slips, broken bones, cuts, bruises,
>>>heart attacks, etc that are also sustained by hikers...?

>> It's well known that mountain biking is FAR more dangerous than
>> hiking.
>> ===

> Well known by who...? This has been acknowledged by which official
> agency...? Your claims mean NOTHING. Your statements about dangers of
> off-road cycling mean NOTHING. As long as you are going to only post
> cycling related injuries or deaths, while making a claim that it is
> "inherently" dangerous compared to hiking, and COMPLETELY IGNORE
> comparative information showing similar incidents of hiking, then your
> statements mean NOTHING. They are ramblings based on your OPINION and only
> highlight your bias of reporting, your methods of discovery of
> information, and the lack of foundation for your conclusions.

Nonsense, EVERYONE in the entire world KNOWS that mountain biking is far
more dangerous than hiking. However, from my point of view, it is not
dangerous enough. I would like to see mountain bikers killing themselves by
the thousands going down steep rocky slopes. Hells Bells, I might even help
them kill themselves by placing some obstacles on the trail for them to hit!
Yea, the more dead mountain bikers, the better!


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:mR0dg.14483$B42.1484@dukeread05...
>>>>> They haven't so far. The National Forest Service management rulings
>>>>> came out last year and allow bicycle access coordinated through local
>>>>> land managers. What that means, mr. notsogreat, is that off-road
>>>>> cycling has been recognized as a viable, non-motorized method of
>>>>> exploring many of the parks and trails in the Country.
>>>>> Local organizations are cooperating between cycling, hiking,
>>>>> equestrian and other environmental preservation groups for the larger
>>>>> picture of slowing sprawl and construction rather than bickering on
>>>>> how to access a trail. Yours and Vandeman's hatred of off-road
>>>>> cyclists' has done nothing but galvenize cyclists into a cohesive and
>>>>> educated block of individuals with real information to counter the
>>>>> slander and bias that once was taken for granted. You, Vandeman and
>>>>> myself will be gone at some point, but with the help of
>>>>> recreationists' interests, perhaps some of the natural space will be
>>>>> preserved well beyond our parting. If you want to spend the rest of
>>>>> your days whining about your "sacred" footpaths, go forth and do so.
>>>>> Just always remember, your voice is no more important than mine.
>>>> Mountain bikers are their own worst enemies. They will self-destruct
>>>> like all slobs do and eventually be banned from all hiking trails. The
>>>> wilderness and my sacred footpaths are for the cognoscenti, not for
>>>> slob mountain bikers. It takes brains to be able to appreciate
>>>> wilderness, something that mountain bikers sorely lack.
>>> It must not take a lot of brains... You claim to do it.

>> Not everyone can be a genius like me. You are forgiven your ignorance
>> since it is the common lot of mankind.

> Whew... Conan the Librarian forgives me... Oh thank the Lord and pass
> the gravy...
> When you say "genius"... You mean as in "Wile E. Coyote" genius... Don't
> ya?
>>>>>> I would like to remind you that we humans came out of the wild
>>>>>> ourselves and, in fact, we are just about the only wild animals left
>>>>>> on the surface of the earth. What is needed is a genetics program to
>>>>>> domesticate ourselves, the same way we have domesticated sheep and
>>>>>> all the other farm animals. A wild animal in its' natural habitat is
>>>>>> way too good for the likes of you. You belong in a pig pen with all
>>>>>> the other pigs.
>>>>> You HAVE been overexposed to Vandeman. Now you are just making
>>>>> non-statements and vague threats of reference. You better have some
>>>>> warm milk and calm down. That button on the headboard will ring the
>>>>> nurse and she will bring your medication.
>>>> You need to read, besides "1984", "Brave New World", after which you
>>>> will despair of mankind as I have. The only solution for what ails us
>>>> is death. Long Live Death!
>>> You need to read a comic book. Or be in one...

>> There is no substitute for reading our betters. It is just about the only
>> way we ever learn anything. For instance, I will never learn anything
>> from you on these freaking newsgroups. If you want to make an impression
>> on me, you will have to get busy and write many volumes like Gibbon (The
>> Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire) and Toynbee (A Study of History)
>> did. Then, and only then, will I perhaps take you seriously. I urge you
>> to get to work writing a definitive multi-volume work on the impact of
>> mountain biking in the modern world. Who knows, once you embark on this
>> great work, you may end up in the same corner as Vandeman and me.

> Since there is no substitute for "reading our betters", I can certainly
> stop reading your posts... As you are of no consequence and certainly not
> my "better".

I have gathered from your woeful lack of intelligence that you only read
junk science research which purports to show that biking and hiking are one
and the same thing - when any fool knows they are vastly different.

Curtiss, I urge you to get to a library and read something that was written
several hundred years ago. Most of what is presently being written today is
not good for you and will rot your brain. I suggest you begin with
Shakespeare and work your way up to the end of the 19th century. Anything
written after 1900 is not good for you and will make you even worse than you
already are. I plead with you to get some culture and to give up your slob
mountain biking ways.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

PS. Be sure to get to work right away writing the definitive history of the
impact of mountain biking on the modern world.
Does anyone else hear a gnat...?

"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I have gathered from your woeful lack of intelligence that you only read
> junk science research which purports to show that biking and hiking are
> one and the same thing - when any fool knows they are vastly different. opposed to junk science research which purports to show only that
biking is more harmful than hiking....?
Since you and MV are proclaiming the differences, it looks as if you are
also the "fool" you reference.
> Curtiss, I urge you to get to a library and read something that was
> written several hundred years ago. Most of what is presently being written
> today is not good for you and will rot your brain. I suggest you begin
> with Shakespeare and work your way up to the end of the 19th century.
> Anything written after 1900 is not good for you and will make you even
> worse than you already are. I plead with you to get some culture and to
> give up your slob mountain biking ways.

So now the great "Conan the Librarian" is pleading....? I don't need
Shakespeare to read a tragedy - I can do that by looking at Vandeman's
> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
> PS. Be sure to get to work right away writing the definitive history of
> the impact of mountain biking on the modern world.

At least it would be more entertaining than reading the one-word history of
the impact of Dolan on the modern world. (Dolan=Null)
No thanks - I believe I would rather ride and experience it first hand....