Gary S. wrote:
> On Sun, 14 May 2006 05:37:41 GMT, Mike Vandeman <[email protected]>
> wrote:
>> Why would someone blow FOREVER their chance to talk with the world
>> expert on the environmental impacts of mountain biking, by being rude?
>> NOW he wants to apologize?! Is there ANY group in the world stupider
>> or more abusive than mountain bikers?????
>> Mike
Ummmm... you!? (Mikey V collection of quotes follow...)
I hate mountain BIKING.
Bikes belong on pavement. Period.
Nothing can possible mitigate the danger and discomfort of having to
watch out for speeding bikes when you want to experience nature.
And mountain bikers (I have never seen an exception) seem to feel that
it's necessary to lie.
I have yet to meet even ONE mountain biker who doesn't lie.
BS. I simply pointed out your lie.
Learn to read.
In fact, I have yet to meet a mountain bikers who ISN'T a slob.
Health comes from exercise, NOT from riding a bike.
I am still waiting to hear even ONE good reason to allow bikes off-road.
I just pointed out that mountain bikers are their own worst enemies.
BS. Mountain bikers support mountain biking. Nobody else does.
Banning bikes from natural areas causes no real hardship.
Mountain bikers aren't environmentalists, except in their own
minds,where it doesn't count.
After 10 years, I am still waiting to hear even ONE good reason to allow
bikes off-road.
There may be a non-idiot mountain biker (I'm open-minded!), but in 12
years of searching, I haven't found any. That's just a FACT.
Just get rid of the cars (many of which are driven by mountain bikers to
get to the trails)!
Mountain Bikers attack me as if I were a big threat to their way of
life. So I must be!
I've seen the animals killed by mountain bikers. I have yet to see an
animal killed by a hiker.
The solution is simple: keep bikes off trails. Bikes aren't human, and
don't have rights, you know.
There's no such thing as "responsible" mountain biking.
That's obvious to everyone but mountain bikers.
You're wasting your breath. Mountain bikers don't listen to anyone, even
their peers.
I have seen it hundreds of times with my own eyes.
No, you are lying because you are afraid to tell the truth.
That is a bald-faced LIE.
I just tell the truth about things such as mountain biking.
BS. EVERY mountain biker I have met has demonstrated that they are
liars, you included.
It proves that a MAJORITY of mountain bikers, NOT just a" few bad
apples", as is usually claimed, break the law.
That's a bald-faced lie, disproved by my paper.
Mountain biking demonstrates ignorance and disrespect for the environment.
Mountain bikers get away with murder of wildlife all the time.
That's a lie. You can't prove it.
stay off the trails.
They are obviously irresponsible -- just like ALL mountain bikers.
Thanks for demonstrating just how utterly IGNORANT mountain bikers are.
If you think otherwise, produce a good reason to allow bikes off
pavement (HINT: there aren't any).
You can tell from my web site.
That's a LIE.
I have never met ANY group of people who lie as much as mountain bikers do.
In reality, any vehicles that are designed for off-road use, including
mountain bikes, are ORVs. DUH!
It's still impossible to experience nature while on a bike.
No one likes to encounter bikes when they go out to see NATURE.
Then stay on the road, where you can't destroy wildlife habitat.
mountain bikers are ensuring their own extinction by making
themselves impotent.
If we remove all nearby roads and trails, there won't be any way for the
typical lazy human to get there.
mountain biking should be banned.
knowing how violent mountain bikers are.
It's sad that you can't think of any way to have fun that isn't DESTRUCTIVE.
Education is also worthwhile. You should try it.
The only interest they have is in preserving MOUNTAIN BIKING. They could
care less if the wildlife all died.
You mountain bikers couldn't reason your way out of a paper bag.
riding a bike in natural areas, for which there is NO good reason.
Every one I have observed has acted irresponsibly and lied.
I don't think I have EVER seen a hiker act irresponsibly.
I just tell the truth. Mountain bikers hate that
Bikers rarely stop, since it doesn't give them the necessary THRILL.
mountain bikers, who are too lazy to ride to the trail head.
Some of the fattest people I have ever seen have been mountain bikers.
Off their bikes,
they can barely walk....
You are hopelessly brain-dead.
Mountain bikers are juveniles that don't care about anyone else.
They would have to agree with me, as everyone who has heard my talks
have done.
I love it when mountain bikers pick on each other, the way they pick on
Anyone who claims he can enjoy watching nature while mountain biking is
BS. I simply pointed out your lie.
You are LYING. It is a big waste of time talking with a liar.
BS. You just fabricated that.
It's obvious that mountain bikers want to censor any criticism of their
destructive sport.
And ALL of them were debunked in my paper.
whipsnakes was killed by a mountain biker.
I win! You guys are so easy!
I'm having fun. It's like shooting fish in a barrel, you guys are SOOOO
I don't need to give any reasons.
You guys travel so fast that you have no way of knowing what you've
killed along the way.
You are lying through your teeth.
Since bicycles require wider trails, parks now often use bulldozers to
create and maintain those trails.
More material for my anti-mtb web site.
Carbon Dioxide From Mountain Bikers Contributing to Global WARMING
Your threat of physical violence is duly noted.
Did you say something?