Hi, New Girl here.

Originally Posted by q2cycling
To Volnix.....

Really troll?

To q2cycling...

It's off-topic, but it would be interesting to define "racism", seeing how it's often used as an attack in debates. Even if we define "race" in unambiguous terms, there's still the problem that different cultures emerge among people of the same "race". Should one be considered racist just because they have a negative appraisal of the predominant culture of those people? Some black neighborhoods are very high in crime, but others are ironically very low in crime. Can one be considered racist just for criticizing a culture, or are they merely ethnocentric?

For those out of the loop, "race" isn't actually 100% genetic. Genetic analysis shows that people of different "races" are often more similar than people of the same "race". In other words, the "races" aren't actually races. While this undermines "race" as a concept, we can still maintain "racism" as a concept if the racist holds the mistaken belief that "race" or even "racial"culture is genetic (e.g. that Africans act differently because they have different genetics). But how can we call someone a racist if they don't actually believe in human races? Ethnocentric would be more accurate. Hence q2cycling should have called Volnix an ethnocentrist, for there is insufficient evidence to call him a racist.
An interesting concept but taking it one step further many refer to people that comment on other cultures as Xenophobes. I think that Native Americans were tremendous Xenophobes since they mistrusted the white man so much.:)
Political correctness as in other concepts is abused sometimes. It is often easier to use the race card when you have no logical debate or retort. I have met attractive Oriental females and attractive female of African decent but I am not particularly attracted to them. I prefer brunettes to females with very dark hair. Does that make me racist? I also don't like beets but don't wish to have them outlawed.
It seems the whole world is getting more polarized.One camp thinks "stick and stone will break my bones and words will never hurt me" while the other camp thinks a derogatory term is enough for the death penalty or banishment from society. You cannot legislate good behavior or common courtesy.

Without television and the internet we would probably never have known how much we mistrust each other.
Originally Posted by jhuskey
I have met attractive Oriental females
Buahaha! The important question is whether you think asian women can be smart, friendly, and able to resist hitting their children.

Yes, "xenophobia" takes ethnocentrism a step further. It says you actually have a distaste or discomfort for people from that ethnic group.
Quote by JH:
" I have met attractive Oriental females and attractive female of African decent but I am not particularly attracted to them. Does that make me racist?


That makes you gay.

I'm an equal opportunity hetero right up to 140 pounds or there about ('plus size' catalog models may be an exception...).
Originally Posted by urge2kill

Buahaha! The important question is whether you think asian women can be smart, friendly, and able to resist hitting their children.
Smart and friendly, absolutely and fast learners. Never saw one hit a child but I am always open to new experiences.
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Quote by U2K:
"The important question is whether you think asian women can be smart, friendly, and able to resist hitting their children drive without killing half of mankind."

Meh. I'ld still go to town in the back seat of her Lexus.

Dat's hawt!
Quote by JH:
"Never saw one hit a child but I am always open to new experiences."

I raughed!
Quote by JH:
"It seems the whole world is getting more polarized."

Well, sunglasses have improved over the years.
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
Quote by JH:
"It seems the whole world is getting more polarized."

Well, sunglasses have improved over the years.
I have a plan to work my way through all the pretty white girls first. I think I may be about 33% mission accomplished now. Plus sized catalog? Well I will need to meditate a bit to get a bad image out of head now.
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
I'm an equal opportunity hetero right up to 140 pounds or there about ('plus size' catalog models may be an exception...).
Weight isn't an accurate predictor of attractiveness until >180 lbs (and <95 lbs
I'ld do a 160 pounder (getting into land whale stautus depending on height), but I would rather be seen riding shitmaNO than having my friends hearing about that adventure.
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
I'ld do a 160 pounder (getting into land whale stautus depending on height), but I would rather be seen riding shitmaNO than having my friends hearing about that adventure.

You need to stay out of those all you can eat buffet places with a salt lick in the ladies room. That is no a place to meet females.
Quote by JH:
"I think I may be about 33% mission accomplished now."

Slacker. At your age, you should be working on the Romanian Midgets by now.