Another weather rant - It's brutal here and it is interfering with my riding.

Their roads are generally better engineered than the ones here so we have the steepness but more O2 to breathe. We just hired an ex-pro female cyclist in marketing. I suspect when we meet for a ride I may get my **** handed to me. She has that disgusting youth thing going for her.
Better looking, too!

I just checked the topo maps for the Hannibal Locks was 575' (could be 650' depending on where the road crests the ridge) for the first climb followed by 450'. I remember it was so steep I was passing guys that stalled out and had to get out of the pedals and run their bikes to a more shallow pitch to remount.

We had a looooong neutral start because the descent to the Ohio River was deemed too fast to be safe for racing. Did I ever tell you how annoying it is to ride the brakes for 5 miles?
Are you still cycling?
Isn't it too hot over there for that now?

Ooooh yeah... I forgooot, it's noooot.


It's swimming time here!!!!!

Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB .
I'll be down there in a couple of years. Plans are now leaning towards keeping the farm and second house up here while renting a house down there...and somewhere else warm. Ohio is a great 3-season state, but after this winter there is no way I'll spend my free time here in January!


Oh, you think just because you quit, Global Warming is gonna quit too??? It dont work that way! You need the 4 Season Tires! The 4 Season Tires!!!!!!!!!!!! (Lololololol

Funny, I had to look up some info on a client's second home in Florida yesterday. Google Maps brought up the street view image - nice ranch on a canal about two blocks off the Gulf of Mexico. Palms in the yard, big pink hibiscus near the front door. Looked damned good after this past winter. I used to laugh at all of the snowbirds who spent winters in Fl at their retirement homes, but I kinda see the appeal now.
70 yesterday and going to be mid 70s this weekend and warmer later in the week. I plan to break in my new tires Saturday and Sunday.
I did about a 40 mile ride last Sat, gonna try for 60 tomorrow, again in some of the more hilly terrain so I push myself.
65° today. I finished the install and test drive of the new hydrostatic transaxle this morning as it warmed up. Damn! A man's got to be a contortionist with midget hands to get everything hooked up on that thing and finding the proper assembly order is a convoluted process.

After poling the garage floor with hips, knees, shoulders, etc. I figured my legs would be pretty flat. I got lucky. After a slow warmup I thought I had time to knock out 60-75 miles. Two gels and 3000' of climbing later the metric+ flew by.

Yeah, MBB. Floriduh looks better with each passing winter. Load up a Harley, a couple bikes, lots of T-shirts and go find out where the best Rum & Cokes are served in the keys.
Yeah, I find the gels give me about 250 additional Watts....


No. That's the EPO that does that.

The gels are good for some calories and sugar energy...caffeine, too, if you get GU Roctanes or similar. They work from anywhere between 10 and 20 miles, depending on tempo and energy state of the rider (just my down & dirty estimate). I might get 25-30 miles into a ride and start feeling the need for more power and the gels seem to get my energy level back up...usually.

Three or four gels is my max. They tend to knock out my stomach if I over-do them. But, like yesterday's's just clip in...keep eating as you roll...boom!...back at the car without missing a beat. Two gels, two bottles, a few hard hunger knock. And nothing ingratiates yourself to a training partner as handing him a Tri-Berry gel just as he's detonated with 10-15 miles left to get back to the cars.
Not reading this whole thread, but......

Dress appropriately for the conditions.

If you're to soft, but are a bit of a head case - set up your bike on the indoor trainer.

If you're just to damn soft for cycling and suffer from rational thinking - don't go training in the cold or rain.

HTFU and do sum miles.