Hi, New Girl here.

Originally Posted by urge2kill
Do they want to tax all religious institutions, or just the ones that border on being political organizations?

I know that communists think religion will become obsolete, but that doesn't necessitate opposition to religion. The Chinese government found a communistic reason to allow some religious freedom.

I'm aware that communism can make life terrible by restricting consumers' options, but China seems to have a decent market despite its communism.

It's actually much simpler. The church around here is -the- most rich organization of them all. Actually the church kinda owns most of the best real estate. They help alot of people giving them free food, sometimes free housing (not shelters, like a real house to live in) and they are still rich.

The commies are well aware of that fact, so they want that money. "Taxing them" its probably the beginning of actually making them a "corporation" and in communism there are no "corporations", everything belongs to the state...

In short, they want their property. This property is not property owned by individual clerics, but property "of the church".

I dont know if you know the fact that in all communist Russia, churches were demolished and replaced by "Civil centres", "Museums" etc.

Yep, communism only consumes and supports communism created products. That in combination of having workers who will get the same kind of money if they make something good or not produces inferior products which are then the -only- option.

Nice quote for that was in top gear (uk car tv-show) where they were presenting communist made cars. At some point one says to the other: "Why didnt they try to make it like that" and then other one says "Why the hell would they "try"???"

Yes, unless really crazy, "North Korea" style crazy, communism eventually "lets some Imperialistic stuff in", just to get some money.

They do produce bad products, but they also enjoy good products. They are probably mainly sold to foreign investors living there or some "more equal" citizens over there.

Btw, except Chinarellos, Chiancis, Chinese Venge's etc, China is also counterfeiting medical drugs!!!
Originally Posted by Volnix

It's actually much simpler. The church around here is -the- most rich organization of them all. Actually the church kinda owns most of the best real estate. They help alot of people giving them free food, sometimes free housing (not shelters, like a real house to live in) and they are still rich.

The commies are well aware of that fact, so they want that money. "Taxing them" its probably the beginning of actually making them a "corporation" and in communism there are no "corporations", everything belongs to the state...
Did you know there's another sect of Catholicism other than the Eastern Orthodox? The Chinese government keeps the Chinese Catholic Church separate from the Roman Catholic Church despite their common origins.

Catholicism... communist style!

Originally Posted by urge2kill

Did you know there is a third sect of Catholicism? The Chinese government keeps the Chinese Catholic Church separate from the Roman Catholic Church despite their common origins. They really like having control.

There is also the Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church from the East-West schism, which makes three... Those incompetent volunteers didn't teach us anything in Religious Ed.

No, havent checked much about the Chinese lifestyle actually.

I have some co-students that are now working in China in the shipping industry. Basically they leave their house and go to their house using the company's car with the company's driver.

They are just 30yo engineers, not some politician or something. Apparently going to work with "their own means" is "unsafe"... probably forget about commuting to work by bike at all.

Not to mention what would happen if they get busted with a gram of weed or something "insane" like that...

I dont really feel like I wanna go to China at all. Even if they show me the nice 2% of country, which kinda feels "Yeah western tourist, here good stuff too" I would probably not enjoy knowing that there are some very bad places around and quite alot of negative vibes.

Yep, the church is another story. They are also kinda "weird" but they usually keep to them selfs. (The Christian church that is). They have been used as leverage quite some times though, crusades, votes etc.

Another major problem with communism is that it's kinda -bad- for you to do good work. I learned that in the army, which is another ^%$&hole alltogether.

Me and forum member X are working in the same factory making bikes. Forum member X is making bad bikes and I am making good ones.

Next week, Forum member X is gonna work for 3 hours instead of 8 and I am gonna work for 13 and we are both going to take the same paycheque.
Originally Posted by Volnix

Yep, the church is another story. They are also kinda "weird" but they usually keep to them selfs. (The Christian church that is). They have been used as leverage quite some times though, crusades, votes etc.
Did you watch that documentary I posted, Sex in a Cold Climate?

Btw All churches are Christian. A Jewish 'church' is a synagogue. A muslim 'church' is a mosque. A Buddhist 'church' is a temple.
"The Church" refers to the Christian Catholic Church, which includes both Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Catholic churches. The Catholic Church traces all the way back to the beginning of Christianity. The Protestant variations of Christianity arose during the Protestant reformation, when many Christians began protesting the church's ways.

"One day I met a lady who was dying of cancer in a most terrible condition. And I told her, I say, 'You know, this terrible pain is only the kiss of Jesus — a sign that you have come so close to Jesus on the cross that he can kiss you.' And she joined her hands together and said, 'Mother Teresa, please tell Jesus to stop kissing me'."
Originally Posted by urge2kill .

Did you watch that documentary I posted, Sex in a Cold Climate?

Btw All churches are Christian. A Jewish 'church' is a synagogue. A muslim 'church' is a mosque. A Buddhist 'church' is a temple.
"The Church" refers to the Christian Catholic Church, which includes both Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Catholic churches. The Catholic Church traces all the way back to the beginning of Christianity. The Protestant variations of Christianity arose during the Protestant reformation, when many Christians began protesting the church's ways.

Haven't no... Was it in the "Satan" thread?

Yeah, them guys, the ones that are Christian.

The Orthodox Church and the Catholic church used to be one at some point. But then they had a "schism" and they became two separate churches. (Money!

These would be the very big church in Rome and the very big church in Istanbul.



After the schism, the "Orthodox church" (meaning "the original way", more or less) and the "Catholic church" (meaning the "holistic way", more or less) changed their way of church practice.

Basically the Catholic ones changed their icons with sculptures etc. Mainly minor details, but after all these years they grew to be quite different.

Many, many, many whackos in both!

But not as nearly as many whackos as in "them" churches:

Originally Posted by Volnix

Haven't no... Was it in the "Satan" thread?
Yes. Rather than watch the documentary, you can just skip through the selected witness testemony in the appendices of this report.
Oh yeah, I know that case... I watched the movie too.


Communism today does not show it's ideology. It does not show it's comforting theories. Communism does not reveal it self, because it knows, that at the present time, people of advanced perception and education, cannot have faith in it.
Communism...Socialism...Progressive...Liberal...Democrat...it's all one and the same. A mental disease called by many names.
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
Communism...Socialism...Progressive...Liberal...Democrat...it's all one and the same. A mental disease called by many names.

Communism, fascism, democracy..................................they are essentially just labels.
My own view for what it is worth is that Totalitarianism applies, to varying degrees, across all of these labels describing forms of government worldwide.

Democracy is benign totalitarianism.

Fascism and Communism are more extreme versions of the same Totalitarianism
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
Communism...Socialism...Progressive...Liberal...Democrat...it's all one and the same. A mental disease called by many names.
Wikipedia - Liberalism: Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas such as free and fair elections, civil rights, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free trade, and private property.

... Liberalism is totally just another name for communism...

Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
"My spouse may have been murdered, but I can't afford a murder investigation!"

Here's a "murder investigation. The shooter killed the murderer of his child...got 5 years probation for doing it.


Have a pistol and a spine? Ammunition is cheap. OK...not so cheap any more.
And when I kill the wrong guy, I can plead temporary insanity. The system works.

I forgot that we get free lawyers too. If you cannot afford a lawyer, the government gives you legal aid.
Originally Posted by limerickman


Communism, fascism, democracy..................................they are essentially just labels.
My own view for what it is worth is that Totalitarianism applies, to varying degrees, across all of these labels describing forms of government worldwide.

Democracy is benign totalitarianism.

Fascism and Communism are more extreme versions of the same Totalitarianism
Any ideology needs to be adaptable. It is useless to cling to a set of seemingly unrelated beliefs. There needs to be a method for acquiring new information, and responding accordingly.
Quote by u2k:
"And when I kill the wrong guy,"

Why would you kill the wrong guy? Do your homework. The whole point is to wax the right guy. Study Chuck Bronson...

"I can plead temporary insanity."

You know, I think that might just work.

"The system works."

The system is down! <thump...thump...thump...thump...thump...thump...thump...thump>
The system is down! <thump...thump...thump...thump...thump...thump...thump...thump>
The system is down! <thump...thump...thump...thump...thump...thump...thump...thump>
The system is down! <thump...thump...thump...thump...thump...thump...thump...thump>

Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
The system is down! <thump...thump...thump...thump...thump...thump...thump...thump>
The system is down! <thump...thump...thump...thump...thump...thump...thump...thump>
The system is down! <thump...thump...thump...thump...thump...thump...thump...thump>
The system is down! <thump...thump...thump...thump...thump...thump...thump...thump>

Originally Posted by urge2kill

Any ideology needs to be adaptable. It is useless to cling to a set of seemingly unrelated beliefs. There needs to be a method for acquiring new information, and responding accordingly.
What do you define as being adaptable?
Originally Posted by q2cycling
Haha. Now I understand the span of 4-8 years of communism in US. Your president is a bit like socialist... He likes large government like our communist party. Haha.

And also I know US also has communist parties. How is the life for them?

Honestly, our generation we don't give a **** about the communist party. Actually we make a lot of jokes about it among internet...

Although our parents and grandparents, they are so communism...

I found what looks like a complete list of all the parties appearing on state ballots in the 2008 election. Each state has rules regarding what parties can show up on the ballot; a party can appear on some states' ballots, and be absent from other states' ballots.

No communist parties got on the list, but it has socialist parties:
  • Party for Socialism and Liberation-Florida
  • Florida Socialist Workers
  • Party for Socialism and Liberation
  • Socialist Party Of Florida
  • Socialism and Liberation Party
  • Socialist Party USA
  • Socialist Workers Party

Originally Posted by limerickman
What do you define as being adaptable?
I defined it implicitly, but I could define it further.

I mean that the ideas should be thought of as reasonable assumptions rather than foundational truths.
The statement "Free markets are better" is not qualified in any way—it doesn't offer any reasoning that I can criticize.
The statement "Free markets are better because they prevent loafing" contains a claim that can be criticized. The statement implicitly acknowledges that a free market policy could actually be bad if it somehow promoted loafing. For example, maybe free market policies on college education make it exceedingly difficult for the poor to become successful, and thereby encourage apathetic loafing among the poor.
Lou Reed and a Roddy Piper mullet! Good calls!

Quote by U2K:
"No communist parties got on the list, but it has socialist parties:"


Socialists ARE commies. Commies stopped calling themselves commies and started using the term 'socialists'. Later, they adopted the even more benign use of 'liberal' and 'progressive'. Now, they are simply 'Democrats'.

The end result is the same. Communism.

**** commies, by every name they go by.
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
Lou Reed and a Roddy Piper mullet! Good calls!

Quote by U2K:
"No communist parties got on the list, but it has socialist parties:"


Socialists ARE commies. Commies stopped calling themselves commies and started using the term 'socialists'. Later, they adopted the even more benign use of 'liberal' and 'progressive'. Now, they are simply 'Democrats'.

The end result is the same. Communism.

**** commies, by every name they go by.

Technically, socialism is just the economic system that happens to be preferred by communists, but most of those socialist parties are communist too.

For example...

Wikipedia - Socialist Workers Party: ideology: communism, Marxism, and Castroism.
Wikipedia - Party for Socialism and Liberation: The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) is a Marxist-Leninist political party in the United States,

But the Socialist Party USA (and its Florida chapter Socialist Party of Florida) aren't very communist, or at least aren't the typical kind of communist.

Wikipedia - Socialist Party USA: The Socialist Party USA (SPUSA) is a multi-tendency democratic-socialist party in the United States. [...] The party is officially committed to left-wing democratic socialism. [...] Opposing both capitalism and "authoritarian Communism"

However, social democracy is listed on the Wikipedia page for Marxism. While still Marxists, it seems there was a bitter divide between the "reformist socialists", who began to call themselves social democrats, and the "revolutionary socialists", who began to call themselves communists.
It says the split occurred because the social democrats wanted to support their respective countries in WWI.
Another fun fact. The Republican Party began its life as a progressive party opposed to slavery. Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 election as a Republican.
In contrast, the Democratic Party was a conservative party favored by rural southerners until the first half of the twentieth century, when it began promoting liberal policies like desegregation.