Originally Posted by urge2kill
Do they want to tax all religious institutions, or just the ones that border on being political organizations?
I know that communists think religion will become obsolete, but that doesn't necessitate opposition to religion. The Chinese government found a communistic reason to allow some religious freedom.
I'm aware that communism can make life terrible by restricting consumers' options, but China seems to have a decent market despite its communism.
It's actually much simpler. The church around here is -the- most rich organization of them all. Actually the church kinda owns most of the best real estate. They help alot of people giving them free food, sometimes free housing (not shelters, like a real house to live in) and they are still rich.
The commies are well aware of that fact, so they want that money. "Taxing them" its probably the beginning of actually making them a "corporation" and in communism there are no "corporations", everything belongs to the state...
In short, they want their property. This property is not property owned by individual clerics, but property "of the church".
I dont know if you know the fact that in all communist Russia, churches were demolished and replaced by "Civil centres", "Museums" etc.
Yep, communism only consumes and supports communism created products. That in combination of having workers who will get the same kind of money if they make something good or not produces inferior products which are then the -only- option.
Nice quote for that was in top gear (uk car tv-show) where they were presenting communist made cars. At some point one says to the other: "Why didnt they try to make it like that" and then other one says "Why the hell would they "try"???"
Yes, unless really crazy, "North Korea" style crazy, communism eventually "lets some Imperialistic stuff in", just to get some money.
They do produce bad products, but they also enjoy good products. They are probably mainly sold to foreign investors living there or some "more equal" citizens over there.
Btw, except Chinarellos, Chiancis, Chinese Venge's etc, China is also counterfeiting medical drugs!!!