[email protected] wrote:
> Stephen Harding wrote:
>>WMDs which he was known to possess. No one (except political Lefties)
>>doubts he had them.
> ...
>>I don't think liberals have largely been in favor of any war post
>>Korea have they? ...
> ...
>>The more radical Left has attempted to undermine every war effort since
>>the good old days of Vietnam.
> ...
>>Iraq must really get you guys excited! With a little luck, there will
>>be rioting in the streets and hundreds of thousands choking the DC mall.
>>The 60's return!!! You must be thrilled with the possibilities!
> ...
>>"Moral rules"? There's something we don't hear so much from liberals
>>these days.
> ...
> Nice going, Stephen. If someone disagrees with this "war," they must
> be liberal, leftist, radical, and probably Communist, correct?
No. Leftists, communists, etc are more than likely against this war.
They are likely to have been against every war or "action" the US has
been in since Vietnam. Pacificism seems to be a large part of it.
However there are those against this war that are outside of these
political groups.
> Except those labels don't fit me. I have some liberal friends. They
> think of me as a conservative. Yet I think this unprovoked invasion
> and conquest (don't glorify it by calling it a "war") is a huge
> mistake.
Possibly. It will most certainly be a mistake if we end up withdrawing
prematurely, and Jihadi types end up viewing the US exit as a "victory".
You can justifiably argue the war was not necessary and should not have
been initiated. I was marginally in favor of it, not because of WMDs
(which I was absolutely convinced Saddam had and was going to use), but
because Saddam was Saddam, and we'd have to deal with him sooner or
later, so let's just do it now. The possibility of completely changing
the political landscape of the middle east with the establishment of an
Arab democracy (possibly an oxymoron) was appealing as well. It could
have huge positive effects for American interests (which involve more
than just oil, so don't go on about it, please!). I'm just very sorry
the planners didn't think [apparently *at all*] about the "peace" that
would follow the "war". Absolute bungling of a lost opportunity, making
the job so very much more difficult than it had to be.
But rightly or wrongly, *we are at war now*! It needs to be seen
through to a successful conclusion. To do otherwise would be a very
very bad thing [IMHO].
> And I'm not alone. Last I heard, roughly 60% of Americans thought it
> was a mistake. Surely even you don't think 60% of Americans are
> liberal, leftist, radical, and probably Communist.
You've entirely mis-interpreted my statements. I'm not calling
everyone who disagrees with the war a leftist fifth columnist
Quisling type. Those that are Quisling fifth columnist types are
more likely to be lefties (IMHO).
What I rail against are those using the war to attempt to score
political points against Bush. If it weren't the war, it would
be made up or "enhanced" stories of something else. It's the
bitter, "take no prisoner" type politics of Right and Left.
As mentioned before, right wing conservative types will do the
same thing if/when given the opportunity, as was illustrated with
an incident of marital infidelity being blown up into eventual
impeachment proceedings. Extremely unfortunate!
> You're grasping at straws, trying to berate your opposition with false
> labels. Why? Because you've run out of facts.
Says someone representing a position where "neo-cons" is hurled
as an expletive, and Bush administration assigned all types of
negative qualities deserving of a Nazi? "False labels"???
Do you actually even read what I write???
Well I'm done (do I hear cheering from the group?). I've had my
say and although I was under no illusion my words would fall on
fertile ground, I feel the group is largely dominated by the more
liberally inclined, so I've got to at least throw in some alternative
comments for the record, from time to time.
You liberal types need to know there are bicycle riders that own
pickup trucks with more conservative points of view, that bike
commute to work all year long (even through snow) and wish the Bush
administration was a bit more "green" in its environmental policies.
But alas, all I can ever really be here is just a dogmatic, right
wing neo-con, hoping to make the world a lot poorer so I can become
a little richer while keeping my Saudi friends living lifestyles of
the rich and famous while suppressing their own citizens and blowing
up buildings filled with people in the US.