Mark Hickey wrote:
> [email protected] wrote:
> > Good
> >job, W. Lasso a grieving mother into posing for your mindless
> >patriotism tableau.
> Oh give me a break... the POTUS takes time to meet with a grieving
> mother and "that's a bad thing" in Frank's book. Better if he didn't?
> Or perhaps he should invite each family over to the White House for a
> month, and let them share the stage with him during all press
> conferences?
Something like that. Or maybe a compromise position: At least let the
public see the caskets coming home. At least let them see the faces of
those who have really sacrificed for this astounding mistake.
As it is, this is a nice, sanitary war for oil. It's our patriotic
duty to keep shopping. My God, don't consider conserving oil! Why,
anything smaller than a Ford F-100 would be unpatriotic, because it
couldn't carry enough magnetic ribbons!
Oh, and don't mind those oil company profit sheets. Don't mind that we
never _declared_ war. Don't pay attention to those grieving mothers.
Let's all just take a month off - maybe invite our Saudi friends to an
oil-fueled barbecue.
> >I'm still waiting for the Limbaugh fans to say "We were wrong. There
> >were no WMDs."
> Actually, there WERE WMDs - no one (who's ever read anything on the
> subject) would disagree with that. We just don't know what happened
> to them.
Mark, that's pitiful. The claim was that there were WMDs ready to go
in 45 minutes. The claim was that we had to invade ASAP to prevent
Saddam using them on other countries.
You will apparently be the last man alive to admit that was totally
> >I'm still waiting for them to say "We engaged in an immoral invasion on
> >false pretenses."
> You might have quite a wait on your hands.
I already have. Morality is out the window when there's money to be
> >And I'm still waiting for them to notice that it's Saudis, not Iraqis,
> >who flew planes into buildings, AND who bombed subways in London.
> Are you building the future invasion plans?
Nope. Although this is beyond you, I don't believe in taking over
entire countries based on foggy intelligence. Preemptive attacks don't
meet the centuries-old definition of a "just war."
> >If they ever do notice, perhaps they can explain why we invaded Iraq,
> >but continue to shovel money at the Saudis.
> You might look over the UN documents on why we invaded Iraq (doesn't
> take a rocket scientist to figure it out).
Yet somehow, almost the entire UN - hell, the entire world -
decided against us. We managed to get a few hundred personnel out of
the countries that we could hit up the hardest. It doesn't take a
rocket scientist to know why.
> And the Saudis (hardly a
> model society) are at least cracking down on terrorism enough to
> become targets themselves, as opposed to the Baathist regime that
> openly supported terrorism.
Whoa! Did they crack down on those guys that attacked London? Are
there no more of them waiting around in Saudi Arabia? Are their
aggressive fundamantalist training camps now out of commission?
And say - what exactly HAVE we said to the Saudis about the fact that
they seem to be sending out more civilian killers than anybody?
(Excepting us, of course...)
Seems to me the only thing we've told them is "We'll take another few
million barrels of your oil, please. Price is no object."
- Frank Krygowski