Bill Sornson
Pat wrote:
>>> Tom's not right. He can disagree with her point of view, but this
>>> smearing of her character that the far right wing is wrong.
>> /Most/ people who criticize Ms. Sheehan do it with great restraint.
>> Pointing out that she tells two different stories about one event
>> AND is now garnering support from DAVID DUKE for God's sake due to
>> her anti-Israel stance is hardly "smearing her character". (Wonder
>> how DD and MM will get along at the rallies?!? LOL)
> I don't agree with what you said about "great restraint". I am not
> hearing that in the Dallas market. And, so what if she is getting
> support from David Duke? It's not like she asked him to support her!
> That IS smearing someone. If David Duke said, "Hey, I agree with Bill
> Sorenson". could we then say that you are "garnering support" and
> are "in bed" with David Duke, etc. when you had no part in his
> opinion in the first place?
If David Duke agreed with me because of an anti-Semitic stance I took, I'd
deserve to be painted with a pretty harsh brush.
>>> Tom's not right. He can disagree with her point of view, but this
>>> smearing of her character that the far right wing is wrong.
>> /Most/ people who criticize Ms. Sheehan do it with great restraint.
>> Pointing out that she tells two different stories about one event
>> AND is now garnering support from DAVID DUKE for God's sake due to
>> her anti-Israel stance is hardly "smearing her character". (Wonder
>> how DD and MM will get along at the rallies?!? LOL)
> I don't agree with what you said about "great restraint". I am not
> hearing that in the Dallas market. And, so what if she is getting
> support from David Duke? It's not like she asked him to support her!
> That IS smearing someone. If David Duke said, "Hey, I agree with Bill
> Sorenson". could we then say that you are "garnering support" and
> are "in bed" with David Duke, etc. when you had no part in his
> opinion in the first place?
If David Duke agreed with me because of an anti-Semitic stance I took, I'd
deserve to be painted with a pretty harsh brush.