Bush biking toward nowhere?

>>>Bird kill is a red herring regularly trotted out by the oily ones.
>>>Don't fall for it.

>>One of the oily ones:

>I'll take your word for it since they don't say where their funding
>comes from.

Sorry, I should have put a smily face in my reply.

Since the CBD files lawsuits against just about anything which impact
habitat (including road building, Alaskan oil development, *and* windmills),
I think it's safe to say they're not bosum-buddies with the "oily ones".

Chris Neary
[email protected]

"Prize the doubt, low kinds exist without"
- Inscription at Ramsmeyer Hall, Ohio State University
Mon, 29 Aug 2005 17:50:53 -0700,
<[email protected]>, Chris Neary
<[email protected] > wrote:

>>>>Bird kill is a red herring regularly trotted out by the oily ones.
>>>>Don't fall for it.
>>>One of the oily ones:

>>I'll take your word for it since they don't say where their funding
>>comes from.

>Sorry, I should have put a smily face in my reply.
>Since the CBD files lawsuits against just about anything which impact
>habitat (including road building, Alaskan oil development, *and* windmills),
>I think it's safe to say they're not bosum-buddies with the "oily ones".

I caught the sarcasm and replied in kind.

The only credible thing about them is they're on the Capital Research
Center's list of "bad" greens along with Greenpeace and PETA.
On 28-Aug-2005, "Bill Sornson" <[email protected]> wrote:

> Sock Puppet wrote:
> > On 18-Aug-2005, "Bill Sornson"
> > <[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> >> If David Duke agreed with me because of an anti-Semitic stance I
> >> took, I'd
> >>
> >> deserve to be painted with a pretty harsh brush.

> >
> > Only a dumb ass equates criticism of Zionist conquest with prejudice
> > against Jews in general.

> Read some of her comments, anonymous mouse potato troll.
> ".(Sheehan) voiced vaguely anti-Semitic rhetoric when she alleged that the
> Iraq War was all about protecting Israel, i.e. a Jewish conspiracy (a
> similar opinion is frequently expressed by David Duke and his ilk)." -
> From
> the Lonestar Times August, 13, 2005
> There's lots more if you care to Google...but what do Jews know about
> Anti-Semitism?!?

The State of Israel is a Zionist creation - there is no logical
contradiction of being against colonization/conquest by Europeans of Arab
lands (i.e. the creation of Israel) but not having general prejudice against
ethnic Jews and/or practitioners of Judaism.

Prejudice against Palestinian Arabs is anti-Semitism, since the Arabs are
also a Semitic people.

Sock Puppet
On 29-Aug-2005, "Cheto" <[email protected]> wrote:

> "Sock Puppet" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Oral sex among teenagers is OK, and will not result in unwanted
> > pregnancies.

> How many teenage daughters do you have?

Less than one, not that it matters.

If I had teenage daughters, I would tell them that sex was OK as long as it
was what they really wanted to do if they took reasonable precautions
against STD transmission and unplanned pregnancy.

Sock Puppet