Originally posted by Romans 3:23,24
If you want to load up on glucogen more effectively stop eating carbs from the 7th to the 3rd day before a race and ride easy, the on the last 2 days eat carbs like crazy, studies have shown that you can add 20 to 50% more glucogen to your muscles and liver when you deplete them for a period of time.
Try a 4-1 ratio sports drink (4 carbs, 1 protein) it's shown that a little protein makes your pancreas secrete a lot more insuline than plain sugar, it'll drive those carbs straight into your muscles, you can make your own for a lot cheaper, just combine gatorade powder with a good qualitiy whey protein (I use Isopure from "Nature's Best"), make sure the protein is really low in fat, some low quality proteins have a lot of fat and you don't want that. Add a little salt to it if you'll ride for more than 2 hours. It works wonders.