I can't believe we're still on this topic! Of course, explosive power training has its merits, but let's not oversimplify things. Yes, sprinters might need those quick, powerful contractions, but what about the road cyclists who need endurance and muscular endurance?
Trust me, traditional strength training isn't a waste of time. It can significantly improve watt output and muscle fatigue resistance, which is crucial for long, grueling rides. And let's not forget about the mental toughness that comes with pushing through challenging strength workouts.
So, before we all jump on the explosive power bandwagon, let's consider the unique demands of different cycling disciplines and tailor our training accordingly. It's not a one-size-fits-all situation, folks!
Trust me, traditional strength training isn't a waste of time. It can significantly improve watt output and muscle fatigue resistance, which is crucial for long, grueling rides. And let's not forget about the mental toughness that comes with pushing through challenging strength workouts.
So, before we all jump on the explosive power bandwagon, let's consider the unique demands of different cycling disciplines and tailor our training accordingly. It's not a one-size-fits-all situation, folks!