"Frank Olson" <
[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> The Koran is what anyone wants to make of it. So is the Bible. Christians
>> stopped making a horror of the Bible several centuries ago.
> Oh?? Really?? How do you explain the Biblical "horrors" of this century
> then?? David Koresh. Jim Jones. Bountiful.
The horrors of this century are all being committed by Muslims. The horrors
of the last century, which you reference, were very small cults, aberrations
of Christianity. However, the main horrors of the last century were
committed by leftist ideologues, like ****** and Stalin and Mao, etc. In
other words, they were like you that way since you are also nothing but a
leftist ideologue.
>> The Muslims are still making a horror of their Koran.
> So are people that espouse Christianity.
Not right now today they aren't.
>> "Islam" (as a religion) is open to interpretation just as
>>> Chrisianity is. God gave us the ability to reason and the freedom to
>>> interpret His Word. Individuals that choose to "spin" that Word abound.
>>> "Extremists" exist in *every* faith. You can't condemn an entire people
>>> because of the actions of a few insane individuals.
>> The very great numbers of Muslims who are choosing to interpret their
>> religion one way as opposed to another way are never just a few, but
>> rather constitute the vast majority in various regions of the world, most
>> particularly in the Middle East.
> And this premise is based on what statistical evidence??
The great statistic of believing what you see with your own two eyes.
>>>> The same goes for Tom Sherman who prefers to bash Christianity and
>>>> refer us to cartoon sites making jokes of hanging women and stoning
>>>> children in lieu of condemning these atrocities.
>>> Islamic fundamentalism isn't responsible for these atrocities. Men (and
>>> even some women) are.
But all those men (and women) turn out to be Muslims. Most peculiar? Or just
>> It is precisely and exactly Islamic fundamentalism that is indeed
>> responsible for the atrocities that Muslims are committing in the world
>> today. What men think matters and religious thought gone astray is just
>> as dangerous as any other kind of thought gone astray, maybe more so.
> You obviously don't know how a "fundamentalist" interprets the Quran.
Sure I do. It is a simple religion for simple people. Anyone who is not an
idiot like you can understand it.
>>>> We've already covered the point there is not much you can do about what
>>>> is happening in other counties. As I told you earlier at least you
>>>> could speak up, take a stand, and condemn the abuse. You could even do
>>>> that now if wished.
>>> I've always believed that "actions are louder than words". I find it
>>> funny that people like you (and Mr. Dolan) would "insist" I "take a
>>> stand" or condemn a certain action (or religion) to prove I'm "worthy"
>>> or "a patriotic American". I'm one voice in a cosmic fugue (perhaps
>>> not as strident as Mr. Dolan's, but at least I'm not horribly "off
>>> key").
>> You are an apologist for a religion that is an abomination. To equate
>> Islam with Christianity is your biggest mistake.
> I *never* have "equated" one with the other.
You do nothing but that. You are doing it in this present post of yours.
Muslims commit murders, so do Christians. Blah, blah, blah. How tiresome!
>> One has evolved into a universal religion worthy of all mankind and the
>> other has never evolved and is suited only for savages.
> And you sir are blind. I'm surprised actually. I thought you capable of
> at least a semblance of intelligence.
Flattery will get you nowhere with me. You must appeal to my intellect if
you would get through to me.
>> Ogg has already shown to you what they are capable of when it comes to
>> their treatment of women.
> Ogg has shown me what *men* are capable of. *Men* are capable of the same
> thing in North America (and they're not necessarily Muslim either).
Nope, we Christians and other civilized types do not stone anyone, let alone
little girls, for having "dishonored" some male ape with a bit of sexual
experimentation. Frank, you g.d. blockhead, you are a ****ing idiot and I am
really getting fed up with you. You may yet force me to go to a dictionary
of invective to get some new names to call you. Just calling you an idiot
doesn't do justice to what you are.
>> 9/11 has shown the entire world what they are capable of in their
>> treatment of non-Muslims - and all in the name of their religion.
> 9/11 demonstrated what a few sick twisted individuals are capable of when
> working in concert. I'm sure you'll continue to "extol their bravery",
> but the bottom line is they were fanatics as well as Terrorists.
> Reasonable men do not strap 10 lbs of Semtex to their toros and walk up to
> a bus load of kids to blow it up. You should read a bit more on the
> psychology the Terrorists employ at their so called "training camps". The
> men and women that "voluteer" themselves for immolation are not rational
> beings.
Men who are religious fanatics do exactly what we see them doing. Today it
is only Muslims who embody this degree of fanaticism. They are not crazy and
they are brave and courageous. They are giving their lives for a cause that
they believe in.
Time to wake up Frank and touch reality before you find yourself flying
through the ether, just another victim of a "sick twisted individual." Now
please excuse me while I go to the smallest room in my house and puke while
I think of you and your ****ed up philosophy.
>> It is their despicable religion that motivates them in almost everything
>> they think and do.
> The Christian faith has been responsible for more atrocities than I can
> list here. But do go on...
But not lately. And lately is all I care about at the moment.
Ed Dolan - Minnesota