Leg Suck: better/worse on different types?

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Oh ****........ Steve, you mean bents are NOT supposed to flying through the air upside down and
backwards?????...gee am glad U didn't mention Cartwheeling through traffic.
"S. Delaire "Rotatorrecumbent"" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Pete The best math lesson I ever learned was at the first day of high school
> shop. The black board equation went like this: man + machine X motion = mayhem The teacher wanted
> us to be sure we understood that ANY machine can cause
> and what can we do to minimize this. Looking at published data for emergency room visits related
> to bicycle
> 80% are upper body, head, shoulders, arms. These kind of injuries are rare
on a
> recumbent. Common injury on recumbents are ankles and lower legs. A more survivable
> An average of 800 people die on bikes each year but in the 20 years I've
been into
> recumbents there has been only 3 (small community, word spreads quick) Now days when I ride an
> upright it feels very unsafe. Feels like a small
bump will
> make me come off head first. My opinion is that one of the reasons that recumbents haven't
> "caught on"
is they
> aren't Xtreme enough. [[[[[[[They don't fly through the air up side down
and backwards]]]]]]]]
> like all the popular sports of these modern times. They are a low risk
> Try some recumbents you'll like em. Happy cycling Steve "Speedy" Delaire
> "(Pete Cresswell)" wrote:
> > I was close to getting a 'bent. Then I read about leg suck and thought
> > clumsy as I am, it'e inevitable....If you can't afford to lose, don't
play the
> > game."
> >
> > But looking at different configs, it seems like the probability of
getting a
> > broken leg out of it are lower on some than others.
> >
> > Comments?
> > -----------------------
> > Pete Cresswell
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