The dude probably doesnt have insurance.
****! I know you got a police report in addition to a painful aberlamps ride to the ER.
Please...tell me he has a job and least half of his teeth. Did you see or hear this one or was it like my last one? Just a black blur and I was on the deck. No warning. No time to even get the, "Oh sh...", thought fully formed.
Of my four dog crash incidents, dog strike No. 2 was my favorite. Old woman about 70 years into life comes strolling out of her front yard after her beloved Fido ran into my front wheel while I was sailing down grade at 27 MPH. Fastest speed of the ride recorded as this was the first down hill stretch of road on the course.
I landed on the chip & seal and other than being tore up and bleeding from everything that stuck out...I wasn't really hurt. I got very lucky as this was a fast one!
Her first words...I **** you not!...were, "Please don't sue me! I'm a widow and I'm on a fixed income!".
I asked her how many acres she own of what was obviously a decent size farm.
"150 acres." She answered.
Dead serious, I told her my lawyer and I would split 75 of that to cover medical costs, lost wages, loss of services, loss of training and a replacement bike.
The look on her face was priceless.
My bike was trashed and my wife had to bring her SUV to pick me up. I stopped by an old neighbor's farm and he told me to rub WD40 into the road rash and it would heal faster.'ll pass on that!
People that can't keep their mutts off the roads are idiots. My in-laws' insurance company forked over $50G in a law suit to cover a local club member's shoulder surgeries after he crashed into their mutt. They learned their lesson YEARS after I kept telling them to TIE the damned thing up.
The club member was an old friend and I felt terrible about the crash and the price he has paid in pain in the years following that completely unnecessary crash.
I hope you're resting easy tonight and your wife brought your favorite hip flask. And yeah, screw those Gator's! Yes! Vol's for da win!