Same here. Due to a bunch of rain forecast for Saturday and Sunday. I'll try to work a short ride in on both days, but no promises.
Consecutive riding day number 85:
I rode 51 miles this afternoon in glorious 82 degree warmth and bright sunshine. The wind was a very manageable 7 to 9 MPH and I climbed 2100'. The speed was just 16.4 MPH average...I slowed down for about a mile to chat with a cute young gal on a Giant mountain bike. She wasn't making any speed, but I had passed her earlier when headed North. I was going like a rocket and barely had time to lift the right hand from the drops in a half-hearted wave as I went by on the centerline so as not to freak her out. She had said a breathless 'Hello!' as she was working hard to get up a small incline.
She must have hung an East turn and then a South turn a couple miles below my turns and I come up on her again about 10 minutes after originally passing her. She was trying to get 'back in shape' and her Giant was obviously a new bike. No helmet...sitting bolt computer. She had no idea how far she had ridden, but I'm guessing it was at least 10 miles. Good for her! I told her she was ahead of 95% of the population in her conditioning, gave her some encouragement and wished her a safe ride before getting back up to speed and blasting into the light headwind for 20 more miles.
The ride felt good and I was unloading on bigger gears all the way home.
The game? You might as well go ride! Or at least fuggeddabout da diabeetus and get bombed out of your gourd. should crush that third rate team from Ohio.
Yep, but the atmosphere is great, we will tailgate and it is a good warmup for Gatorhater week.