The end is near! My early morning rides are likely just about over, because it's been 50F and like to continue and soon get worse. Soon the wind will be coming. In that regards, I'm probably about 85% done with the mileage. 250 more to my 2K.
But I'm getting faster. Just did 27 miles in 18.3 w/ about 1350 ft of ascent. Beat my early July by .5mph which is a Crush! No major rises but for what it was, I felt like I was blasting up.
Two days ago had my 1st ride of summer where I didn't finish first, with the bike shop. I'm going to make an effort next year for some road socialization and try to get a few bike buddies, but my schedule and being spoiled by living 10 miles out of town makes it a little tough.
Soon it'll be back to 10-15 min.'s on the trainer, wt lifting, table tennis and short runs.