An early morning ride, left at 7:00, decided to explore some new roads. I wanted hills and I've found them! I had no clue about some of these local towns near me, but they are very scenic and low traffic. The perfect kind of roads for cycling. I felt sore from yesterday, but cowardice wasn't an option. Was at a 3 way intersection and hills were in every direction! I climbed and climbed some more, was the first time in a while I've needed to use the lower gears(39/28). The way out was all up, but the way back had a good mix of hills and downhills.
I got lost a few times, but made it back home. Google maps is the worst in small towns, it guides you to roads that don't even exist anymore! I really need to invest in a garmin for better navigation. Not a straight uphill killer for some, but its the most climbing I've done in a while. 49.6 miles/3479 ft of climbing/16 mph. A tough effort and enjoyable ride.