I'm only looking to beat my time in the 1996 event when I was 32 years old.
Long as I beat that time I am good. Looking at some of the guys , doing it in 45 minutes .
I'd be happy to ride double that . 1:30:00 is okay with me. I dunno about the avg speed.
I'm out of my training loop for a few days as I was a dummy and ran on the treadmill after Monday nights ride. Of course shins knees hips butt all complaining. No more running until October's scheduled big rides are over.
My running session is ALWAYS two days after my long ride with full rest day in between. I'm also only mildly sore after the long ride. And then the running sessions only goes for 3 consecutive days per week.
Running can be harsh on the tendons. A painful tendon can feel like a joint pain and that pain can spread to the muscles. I also try to avoid getting sore from running and so I keep my running sessions short.
When I was much younger, working out 'til your sore worked for me. But now that I'm much older, avoiding soreness now works better.
Some elite trainers out there will also tell you the same thing, don't get your muscles sore from running or strength training. Reduce the number of reps or weights you do or cut short your running sessions. Because getting sore from these can potentially ruin your rides and vice versa, ruin your running and strength training sessions.