I just browsed some European news outlets and came across the following story (in German)
'Wiener Blut' It is mostly about athletes from other endurance sports, but of course, there's always a few cyclists:
You recognize the names of course even if you don't read German. From what I gather, it concerns blood doping. And of course, everyone named in the article denies any involvement. Seems another pile of steaming **** is headed straight to the big ceiling fan.
'Wiener Blut' It is mostly about athletes from other endurance sports, but of course, there's always a few cyclists:
Wien - Insgesamt werden mindestens 30 Athleten als Kunden der Blutbank verdächtigt, darunter auch die Radsportler Georg Totschnig (Österreich), früher beim deutschen Gerolsteiner-Team, Michael Rasmussen (Dänemark), Michael Boogerd (Niederlande) und Denis Mentschow (Russland). Totschnig bestreitet die erhobenen Vorwürfe.
You recognize the names of course even if you don't read German. From what I gather, it concerns blood doping. And of course, everyone named in the article denies any involvement. Seems another pile of steaming **** is headed straight to the big ceiling fan.