"bil" <
[email protected]> wrote in message
Edward Dolan wrote:
> > Bil is one in six billion. [I did not say "one in six
> > billion". That
is surely the last refuge of a scoundrel - to doctor someone
> > elses' words.] No one
> > else would ever even think of going to all this trouble
> > just to avoid Microsoft, although he is making all sorts
> > of compromises there too. The bottom line is that no one
> > can avoid Microsoft. Since that is the case,
> > not make the best of it without going to the ends of the
> > earth in order
> > avoid it. If Bil only knew how uninterested most of us
> > are in our
> > he would never post such foolishness as he has here
> > on ARBR.
> To bad for you, dull and stupid person.
To should be too. But there are other things wrong
with the sentence above. See if you can figure out
what they might be?
I have said it before and I will say it again - why are all
the top posters idiots (I have edited his post to make it
correct)? Or is it that all idiots are top posters? So here
we have a slob who does not observe the elementary decencies
of Usenet posting and he has the gall to call others dull
and stupid. He is of course describing himself to
> I am interested in just about everything. Bonsai
> trees(95), guns, computers, cars, bikes(10), etc, etc. I
> have taken apart and put back together almost every piece
> of equipment I have ever had. And after I prune and repot
> some of my trees one would think I rebuilt them too. ;-)
You nothing but a busy-body who has got to be active all the
time or you would drive yourself even nuttier than you
already are. Why don't you engage your mind and pursue
something intellectual and thereby become intelligent and
literate. The world is full of your types who mistake
activity for progress. You strike me as being permanently
retarded at about the age of
16. How must it be to feel yourself a child all of your
life I wonder?
> I don't compromise, I improvise.
> If I wanted to only play games on my 5 systems, PS1/2,
> SNES, N64, Gamecube, I would never touch an m$ product.
> But I have to share.
> I only got W95 initially bcuz the guy I had build the
> system was in trouble w/ m$ and had to charge ALL of his
> customers for it, whether they wanted it or not. I figure
> since m$ has never produced a working OS, they owe me.
> BTW: I was a contractor working 80+ hr weeks so no time to
> build a system, but OH!, that overtime....
> Anyone can avoid m$, use Linux.
Like I said previously in my post (which you can read
above at the top of this post - thanks to me) no one can
avoid Microsoft, not even this busy-body Bil character.
But he does not read any better than he writes. He most
likely has a computer for a brain which is why he is so
screwed up all the time.
Ed Dolan - Minnesota