What happened to BentRiderOnline?

In article <saIKc.117664$IQ4.50374@attbi_s02>, Mark Leuck
<[email protected]> wrote:

> "Slugger" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:180720042037201523%[email protected]...
> >
> > Macs don't even compete with windows. Apple innovates and M$ theives.
> > Plain and simple.

> One could say Apple does the same thing, in the case of the mac they got
> much of the technology from Xerox, even the Ipod was somewhat based on
> existing MP3 players, they do have a great design but also got exclusive use
> of new and smaller hard drives which other companies couldn't get when they
> created the first hard drive based players

Apple innovated this field..i never said they started it.
Apple never stole the Xerox stuff. They paid for it.

> > Mac's are expensive?
> > Compared to a Dell they are cheaper.
> > Go to Dell's website and configure an XPS(their top of the line
> > home/office PC), then go to Apple's site and configure a G5.

> Apples to oranges (pun intended), Apple now only deals with dual processor
> models whereas Dell does not at least for consumer systems, I could go
> elsewhere and get a dual AMD Opteron system with a better graphics card for
> less than what I just looked at with Apple
> > The mac wins in price and performance.
> > Bottom of the line G5 for 1999.00 is a dual 1.8ghz

> Wanna know WHY Apples only offers dual processor models? Because IBM can't
> produce anything as fast as what Intel and AMD currently put out (yet). The
> only way Apple can even come close speedwise is with the dualies, note they
> are also all water cooled because it is almost a requirement with the G5 but
> isn't with AMD (note Intel now is running into heat problems on the new
> Northgate processors)

Actually thats not true.
The single 1.8ghz is comparable to the single pentiums and AMD's.
My point was that you get 2 CPU's for the price of one of Dell's single
Two CPU's don't make the mac twice as fast but it helps with apps that
have SMP specific code. Heavy rendering apps specifically, which is
where speed really counts. Also it shines in multitasking.

Only the 2.5 dually is liquid cooled. (thermally conductive fluid)
Many PC's have that feature. Cooling is always going to be an issue
with computing as processors are made faster/hotter. So no they are
not all liquid cooled..i wish they were though because they would all
run a bit faster. You make it sound like thats a bad feature! Its an

> Apple has in the past made outlandish claims as far as performance that has
> never been backed up and refuted many times dating back to the original
> imac, while the G4 and 5 are good processors they aren't nearly as powerful
> as Intel or AMD. (remember last years "fastest desktop made?" campaign? It
> was bogus when actual independent tests were done

I agree whole heartedly that apple overstated the G5 but the CPU is
comparable and competitive to any Pentium/AMD on the market, single CPU
32 bit or 64 bit.

> Here's a few benchmarks from a quick Google search
> http://www.alienware.com/review_pages/review_template.aspx?FileName=review_mac
> world_1203.asp
> http://reviews.zdnet.co.uk/hardware/desktops/0,39023846,39117451,00.htm
> http://www.pcworld.com/news/article/0,aid,112749,pg,8,00.asp
> Look em up all you want, the result is the same, while it is a step up for
> Apple it still doesn't beat a high end PC

Sure from PCworld and PC manufacturers.
zdnet is also anti mac.
http://www.barefeats.com will give you some mac specific benchmarks
against the PC. Yes its a mac info site. No the mac doesn't win in all
tests. Yes they are configured fairly.

> > top of the line XPS is 3.2ghz for 1999.00 add 3.4ghz upgrade the the
> > Dell for another 760.00 because it will need a speed boost(not that it
> > will make much difference.). There was no option to add a second CPU to
> > match the Dual CPU's on the low end mac so i just upgraded the XPS to
> > 3.4ghz, i'm sure adding another similar CPU would cost another 700
> > bux.)

> Yes if you went Intel, if you went AMD it would be much cheaper and far more
> powerful. And Dell doesn't deal with dual processors for regular customers
> however we have quite a few dual and quad Dells at work

Bet they cost an arm and a leg too.

> > Now add the firewire ports to the XPS. Since they don't offer the FW800
> > ports we'll add 4 FW400's to match the mac's 2x400's and 2x800's
> > thats 50 bux each. In fact it doesn't look possible to add more than
> > one FW port, at least not on the site.

> Don't need to, the vast majority use USB :)

I guess you don't own a DV cam then?

> I have a firewire drive and a couple of ports, almost never used since to me
> USB is more convenient and much more supported. The new FW800 is twice as
> fast but its also fairly new and not that many devices take advantage of the
> speed.

> Apple shot themselves in the foot with firewire, one of the reasons USB
> became so popular even when it wasn't as good was because of the high
> royalty price Apple wanted for it, motherboard makers chose USB instead

On the contrary,
Every PC/DV owner that didn't get a FW card in their PC has to go and
buy one. Apple didn't shoot themselves in the foot.
They won a freaking oscar for the FW port. All DV cam companies
support FW as a standard. Forget the motherboard, its the peripheral
companies that drive port adoption. You will not find USB on any
HDDVcams as it won't be able to handle the bandwidth that HDDV will
require. Thanks to Apple, FW800 is available to those who want to edit
high def. digital video straight off the camera.
Apple wins over hollywood.
I'm not saying there is no use for USB but it loses in the
highbandwidth products.
Great for printers and keyboards, mice, joysticks.
> > Add another 30 bux for the media software to match Apple's iLife apps
> > that come free with the system.

> Why are you bringing the PC up to Mac standards? Instead you need to go the
> other way. For instance if you are a gamer the Mac is out of the picture
> completely, even with the same video card the Mac doesn't come close in
> sheer performance
> And since we are now talking software consider the fact the PC has far more
> titles available for it than the Mac

Plenty of games available to the mac. I don't have all damn day to play
games but i like UT 2004, Medal of Honor, Tony Hawk and Doom3 whenever
that surfaces. Games are not my life but i do play some. I often
consider buying a nice little shuttle PC for gaming and then i realize
thats a waste of money. I could just buy an Xbox or PS2 ow whatever.
Anyways there are tons of games for mac. Not as many granted, but more
than i have time for. :D
As for the video card...well how aboout i add an ATI Radeon 9800XT with
256mb of RAM? is that good enough?

> > Add Norton because your PC isn't safe with out it.

> Lol Norton sucks in my opinion, use McAffee, if you want a firewall don't
> use either and get a router

Norton, mcaffee, same **** different stack.

> > Add another 80 bucks for the XP pro edition. You know, for the added
> > security!! :D

> We've discussed that in previous threads but for now you are correct
> > Security is free with the mac.

> Nonsense, the fact is no hacker will waste his time on 3% of the market when
> he can do far more damage to 90% which is why exploits on the Mac haven't
> been found yet, no software is perfect and neither is OSX. Since it appears
> Apple is starting to move away from computers in general I doubt they ever
> go beyond the share of the market they currently have.

I never claimed that OSX isn't hackable.
I claim that Doze is, ships with all the ports open!!
What a ****around! You can't go online with a brand new computer with
out virus software and you may get hit right away before updating your
virus ware. **** all that ****. I don't have the time for it. I think
some of you PC users don't know any better. Its a hostile environment
on the web and windows is not ready for it out of the box. Period.

> > Ok in all fairness the XPS gives you a monitor with it. A value of
> > about 150 bux. And also in all fairness the PC comes with elcheapo
> > kodak camera. a value of 100 bux.

> Actually the camera is pretty nice and worth more than $100, a couple of
> guys at work got Dells and the cameras, and in all honesty $150 will get you
> a shitty monitor

i dunno about the camera. It looks budget to me and so does the monitor
but thats why i gave Dell the benefit of the doubt. Neither is worth
more than 250.00

> > The PC comes with more RAM so add 75 bux to the mac.
> > And another 50 bux to get the video card to be similar(in RAM) to the
> > PC's.
> > The mac's total without monitor is 2124.00

> I was pricing the 2.5ghz dual G5 which came out to almost $3,000

The 2.5ghz would stomp the PC.
Its just not a fair comparison.
neither is the dual1.8 but thats all they had.
A single 1.8 would compete and run along side the PC.

> > The PC with imaginary 4 FW ports and monitor and free crappy camera
> > comes to 3058.00
> > Lets be good to Dell and take off 500 bux for the monitor and crappy
> > camera.
> > Still the total equals 2558.00 for the XPS and the Mac for a mere
> > 2124.00
> >
> > Sure you could go to Walmart and buy a vanilla PC for cheap, but it
> > won't be half the computer that Apple or Dell is selling.

> Sorry but that was a funny one, the reason why I build my own PC's is
> because I could get a far better machine without going through proprietary
> Apple stuff and semi-proprietary Dell stuff (Dell has non-standard
> motherboards with non-standard power supplies and they only seem to work
> with Dell keyboards)

Thats nice that you have the knowledge to build your own PC and
support it when something goes wrong. You will save some good coin
there. Ed don't have a hope in hell however.

> But since most do not build their own machines please continue
> > Ok so never mind the price, the mac wins,whatever.
> > The Dual G5 will run circles around the XPS.

> Again comparing Apples to oranges

> > The G5 beats AMD chips in 4 out of 5 speed tests.

> According to who? I hope you aren't getting this from Apple, they tend to
> inflate figures quite a bit (see above)

Once again i point you to http://www.barefeats.com for the performance
minded mac user. Look for the PC comparisons. They are objective
because the PC chips beat the G4's no doubt.
But the G5 wins many tests.
The site is updated frequently, when ever he gets his hands on a system.

> > AMD is faster than
> > intel chips on single operations. intel excels over AMD on multitasking
> > operations.

> Actually the tests go back and forth between Intel and AMD regardless of
> multitasking, while Intel does have Hyperthreading the AMD chip is much more
> efficient, remember the AMD is running a full gigahertz below the compared
> Intel chip
> > The G5 is a true speed champ.

> Only in Apples mind, unfortunatly for them the rest of the world knows
> better which is why Apple has only 3% of the market down from a high of 5%
> 10 years ago

Apparently in VT's mind also.

I urge you to look at Virginia Tech's G5 mac cluster. 1100 G5 duallies
producing 13 Teraflops for dirt cheap. It's the 3rd fastest
super-computer in the world and the cheapest of the clusters
price/performance ratio according to the school. I'm sure they did
their research. I think its currently disassembled to upgrade to
Xserve 2.5ghz G5's. They may even get second place.
In article <[email protected]>, Edward Dolan
<[email protected]> wrote:

> "Slugger" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:180720042037201523%[email protected]...
> [...]
> > ok i'm done venting now.
> > Just so you know Ed, macs are competitively priced to their equivalent.
> > I'm not trying to talk you into switching, since you have already
> > stated you are incapable of learning anything new. Simply pointing out
> > that you are wrong about your assumptions on the mac.
> >
> > Slugger

> The moral of this little story is never, never get into a discussion with a
> Mac user. They are fanatics about their computers.

Yup i whole heartedly admit that i like macs alot.
How many PC users say " i Looooooooooooove windows sooooo much!!!!"
Why? because windows betrays you too many times.

> But Slugger misses my point entirely in that I do not give a hoot about top
> of the line computers. I only care about bottom of the line computers. So
> far, no one beats Wal-Mart with their E-Machines loaded with Linux for less
> than $500. and that includes a monitor and I believe a printer too. My own
> set up was a Wal-Mart special HP for $700. which I got a couple of years
> ago. Slugger is in the stratosphere. I, as is my want, have both feet
> planted squarely on planet earth.

Slugger didn't miss that point because you never made it until now ed.
But whatever makes you feel better about yourself. Capital letters 'n

> By the way, it is not that I am incapable of learning anything new, it is
> just that I prefer not to - since the world is full of **** and I do not see
> any reason why I should have to stay abreast of every piece of new **** that
> comes down the pike. This is the sort of wisdom that only comes with age.

Why then, do you waste your time with 'doze?
Face it ed, you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
Funny thing is, your an old dog and the mac has been around for a hella
long time but your so ****ing close minded you have never given it a
Your a waste of time dude.
In article <rhIKc.113933$MB3.110233@attbi_s04>, Mark Leuck
<[email protected]> wrote:

> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > Slugger is making the same argument here that a friend of mine who has

> been
> > working around computers all of his life also makes. He is the lone Mac

> user
> > that I know. But unless you are fairly knowledgeable like Slugger and my
> > friend, you are not ever going to change the operating system that comes
> > already loaded on your computer.

> True
> > It is also my understanding that the Mac is sufficiently different so that

> a
> > lot of new learning will have to be accomplished. Most of us do not really
> > enjoy learning anything new. It is hard work. Windows, as user friendly as
> > it might be, still keeps me hopping all the time with just one problem

> after
> > another. The vast majority of computer users are never going to learn the
> > Mac. Changing an OS is not for the faint of heart.

> Different does not always mean harder, I've played with OSX a little and if
> someone cannot go from Windows to it they are hopeless

OSX is idiot proof but i don't know if its ed proof.
Windows requires port configuration, and a vigilant attitude when on
the web. A virus program should be installed as well, in my opinion its
a prerequisite. I don't have the time for that ****. I want to trust my

> > The main thing my friend who has the Mac complains about is that most all
> > programs are designed for Windows and not always for the Mac. But other

> than
> > that, he is as enthusiastic as Slugger is about his Mac OS.

> True the PC has many more titles, you could use an emulator with the Mac
> much like you can with Linux but many times it is way slower and doesn't
> always work

Macs have PC program equivalents, in many cases they are better than
the PC version. There isn't always a solution but due to OSX's unix
roots there are alot more options with all the linux software available
to be ported. Most of it free.
There are thousands and thousands of PC shareware apps out there many
of them do the same thing. Its a competitive market for PC shareware.
A lot of it is garbage and their is always one or two really great
titles in a category. The good thing about apple software is that they
have very specific guidelines for application development. So programs
are more predictable. Less contextual menus hidden in every possible
right click. The one button mouse has always been a challenge to
developers to put everything on the screen and not hidden behind a
right click somewhere. Buttons look like buttons. Menus look like
Xnews for instance has the shittiest interface of any program i have
seen in a long time. Its astounding what your expected to assume is a
button. How the hell are you supposed to know that? My point is there
is no standardization to the applications in windows land. and you get
programs of all sorts of looks with all kinds of interface designs.
Drives me batty and i don't have time/patience for it.


> something, like I did with my Outlook Express

There is another really big difference between Mac and Doze
The windows mentality is to call everything "My Computer" My Pictures
My Music etc..
Apple is all about the I's
itunes imovie ichat isight ipod.

Just an observation.
"Slugger" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:190720041620599461%[email protected]...
> In article <[email protected]>, Edward Dolan
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> > "Slugger" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:180720042037201523%[email protected]...
> > [...]
> > > ok i'm done venting now.
> > > Just so you know Ed, macs are competitively priced to their

> > > I'm not trying to talk you into switching, since you have already
> > > stated you are incapable of learning anything new. Simply pointing out
> > > that you are wrong about your assumptions on the mac.
> > >
> > > Slugger

> >
> > The moral of this little story is never, never get into a discussion

with a
> > Mac user. They are fanatics about their computers.

> Yup i whole heartedly admit that i like macs alot.
> How many PC users say " i Looooooooooooove windows sooooo much!!!!"
> none.
> Why? because windows betrays you too many times.

I don't love a piece of machinery like you do because I am not an idiot like
you are.

> >
> > But Slugger misses my point entirely in that I do not give a hoot about

> > of the line computers. I only care about bottom of the line computers.

> > far, no one beats Wal-Mart with their E-Machines loaded with Linux for

> > than $500. and that includes a monitor and I believe a printer too. My

> > set up was a Wal-Mart special HP for $700. which I got a couple of years
> > ago. Slugger is in the stratosphere. I, as is my want, have both feet
> > planted squarely on planet earth.

> Slugger didn't miss that point because you never made it until now ed.
> But whatever makes you feel better about yourself. Capital letters 'n
> such.

And why the hell do you think I was discussing $500. E-Machines for sale at
Wal-Mart if I am not strictly low end? And just why the hell don't you
capitalize words that should be capitalized? I am fed up with reading your
****-posts! Get it right or get lost!

> >
> > By the way, it is not that I am incapable of learning anything new, it

> > just that I prefer not to - since the world is full of **** and I do not

> > any reason why I should have to stay abreast of every piece of new ****

> > comes down the pike. This is the sort of wisdom that only comes with

> Why then, do you waste your time with 'doze?
> Face it ed, you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
> Funny thing is, your an old dog and the mac has been around for a hella
> long time but your so ****ing close minded you have never given it a
> chance.
> Your a waste of time dude.

I have only recently gotten into computers so it is irrelevant to me how
long Mac has been around - or you either for that matter.

As to wasting your time, why not put it to good use and learn how to read
and write better. I suggest a class at your local community college if they
will let you in. The Freshman course in English Composition would do you a
world of good. What good does it do to know something about computers but
otherwise be an illiterate dumbbell? I mean, people will think you are a
****ing moron if you can't compose simple sentences correctly without making
a fool of yourself.

Ed Dolan - Minnesota
"Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan wrote:
> > ...
> > Good Grief! You mean they are selling fewer now than they did 10 years

> > I have never seen a Mac at Wal-Mart. My philosophy has always been that

> > you can't buy it at Wal-Mart, then you don't need it!...

> What brands of recumbent bicycles does Wal-Mart sell?
> --
> Tom Sherman – Quad City Area

Apparently 12 different models that have lousy trail
"Slugger" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:190720041608203926%[email protected]...
> Thats nice that you have the knowledge to build your own PC and
> support it when something goes wrong. You will save some good coin
> there. Ed don't [doesn't] have a hope in hell however.

Ed has not given his life over to computers like you two assholes have. If
you could only see yourselves as others see you you would be ashamed of
yourselves and slither back into your snake holes never to emerge again into
the light of day. Tell me, were you born this stupid or did you have to work
at it?

Mark Leuck wrote:

> > Oddly enough I have to agree with Ed on this one (shudder)[.]

> Ed don't [doesn't] know his ass from a muffler.

Mark at least has some connection with the real world, unlike Slugger who
has gone off the rails. He illustrates for me perfectly why no sane person
should have anything to do with computer geeks and freaks. They have
descended into their own world of ultimate dumbness and are no longer fit
for other humans to associate with. Slugger doesn't realize it yet, but
those who live by the machine will die by the machine - and that is all the
computer is, just another machine.

Thanks for all the good laughs guys! Maybe the two of you can get together
and open your own computer repair shop - provided you can ever sort
yourselves out on the pressing question of which type of computer with its
associated components and operating systems is the crappier?

Here we have one asshole (Slugger) who does not capitalize anything and
another asshole (Mark) who does not put periods at the end of sentences. But
Slugger has even more elementary problems with his grammar. These two morons
ought to get along great with one another.

Ed Dolan - Minnesota
"skip" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > It is also my understanding that the Mac is sufficiently different so

> a
> > lot of new learning will have to be accomplished. Most of us do not

> > enjoy learning anything new. It is hard work. Windows, as user friendly

> > it might be, still keeps me hopping all the time with just one problem

> after
> > another. The vast majority of computer users are never going to learn

> > Mac. Changing an OS is not for the faint of heart.
> >

> Actually it's not that hard to learn how to use a Mac if you know how to

> a PC. I found that out by signing up for a Photoshop class at our local
> tech school. When I walked into the classroom there were only Macs there.
> I was telling the teacher I was out of there when she said sit down, pay
> attention, and I'll show you how to use a Mac. Turns out the class would
> have folded if I left so she was motivated. She was also good looking and

> liked the idea of learning how to deal with a Mac so I stayed. I'm glad

> did.
> There are things I like a lot about Macs and in some ways I find them more
> intuitive, but they aren't crash proof - from time to time I managed to
> crash the one I was using.
> skip

skip, if my computer had come loaded with the Mac I would have learned it.
But I have already invested a lot of time and effort into learning the PC
(Windows XP Home) and I do not want to repeat the process with the Mac. I
guess if I had to I would, but I am finding that Windows is getting better
and better for me as I go along.

My main fear continues to be a virus taking me down. So far my anti-virus
program seems to be catching most of them. Also, I believe my ISP is also
doing a lot of filtering for me too as I do not ever seem to get much spam.
I also have ZoneAlarm and Spybot. I feel like I can only do so much. I am
not a utilities man like some computer users. I have only a limited interest
in computers and I will only devote so much time to them. Most everyone I
know uses them strictly for nothing but emails.


Ed Dolan - Minnesota
Slugger wrote:

> ...
> Being a minority doesn't bother the mac user....

Low production does not necessarily mean inferior. For example, the
recumbent bicycle with the best overall riding experience had a total
production run of 18.

Tom Sherman – Quad City Area
"Slugger" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:190720041608203926%[email protected]...
> In article <saIKc.117664$IQ4.50374@attbi_s02>, Mark Leuck
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> > "Slugger" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:180720042037201523%[email protected]...
> > >
> > > Macs don't even compete with windows. Apple innovates and M$ theives.
> > > Plain and simple.

> >
> > One could say Apple does the same thing, in the case of the mac they got
> > much of the technology from Xerox, even the Ipod was somewhat based on
> > existing MP3 players, they do have a great design but also got exclusive

> > of new and smaller hard drives which other companies couldn't get when

> > created the first hard drive based players

> Apple innovated this field..i never said they started it.
> Apple never stole the Xerox stuff. They paid for it.

I never said Apple stole it and you are correct they made it popular
although in my opinion much of what Apple does is popular almost as a fad
instead of a great product, the original Imac comes to mind

> > Wanna know WHY Apples only offers dual processor models? Because IBM

> > produce anything as fast as what Intel and AMD currently put out (yet).

> > only way Apple can even come close speedwise is with the dualies, note

> > are also all water cooled because it is almost a requirement with the G5

> > isn't with AMD (note Intel now is running into heat problems on the new
> > Northgate processors)

> Actually thats not true.
> The single 1.8ghz is comparable to the single pentiums and AMD's.
> My point was that you get 2 CPU's for the price of one of Dell's single
> CPU.

And again that is the ONLY way Apple can currently compete, had the PowerPC
processor been faster Apple wouldn't need to go to a dual processor

> Two CPU's don't make the mac twice as fast but it helps with apps that
> have SMP specific code. Heavy rendering apps specifically, which is
> where speed really counts. Also it shines in multitasking.

Yes it does and I too would love to have dual AMD Opteron processors instead
of these old 2000+'s :)

> Only the 2.5 dually is liquid cooled. (thermally conductive fluid)
> Many PC's have that feature.

By choice tho not by design, a stock out of the box AMD or Intel chip
doesn't require liquid cooling although AMD's previous chips and Intel's
current ones almost do

> Cooling is always going to be an issue
> with computing as processors are made faster/hotter. So no they are
> not all liquid cooled..i wish they were though because they would all
> run a bit faster. You make it sound like thats a bad feature! Its an
> advantage.

Considering the lower performance that the PowerPC chips give it is, when
IBM can start designing the chips to run cooler like AMD has then liquid
coolant will be a optional bonus

> > Apple has in the past made outlandish claims as far as performance that

> > never been backed up and refuted many times dating back to the original
> > imac, while the G4 and 5 are good processors they aren't nearly as

> > as Intel or AMD. (remember last years "fastest desktop made?" campaign?

> > was bogus when actual independent tests were done

> I agree whole heartedly that apple overstated the G5 but the CPU is
> comparable and competitive to any Pentium/AMD on the market, single CPU
> 32 bit or 64 bit.

depends on how you define comparable, yes it will run the code and who knows
if the differences in performance are noticable but if both machines cost
the same I'd think I'd rather have the faster one especially when the
current faster one runs far more software

> >
> > Here's a few benchmarks from a quick Google search
> >
> >
> >

> > world_1203.asp
> >
> > http://reviews.zdnet.co.uk/hardware/desktops/0,39023846,39117451,00.htm
> >
> > http://www.pcworld.com/news/article/0,aid,112749,pg,8,00.asp
> >
> > Look em up all you want, the result is the same, while it is a step up

> > Apple it still doesn't beat a high end PC
> >

> Sure from PCworld and PC manufacturers.
> zdnet is also anti mac.
> http://www.barefeats.com will give you some mac specific benchmarks
> against the PC. Yes its a mac info site. No the mac doesn't win in all
> tests. Yes they are configured fairly.

Actually the first one is a repost from MacWorld, feel free to raise the
anti-mac bias but I seriously doubt it's there and again that was a very
small sample that I pulled up from Google, many many more exist

> >
> > > top of the line XPS is 3.2ghz for 1999.00 add 3.4ghz upgrade the the
> > > Dell for another 760.00 because it will need a speed boost(not that it
> > > will make much difference.). There was no option to add a second CPU

> > > match the Dual CPU's on the low end mac so i just upgraded the XPS to
> > > 3.4ghz, i'm sure adding another similar CPU would cost another 700
> > > bux.)

> >
> > Yes if you went Intel, if you went AMD it would be much cheaper and far

> > powerful. And Dell doesn't deal with dual processors for regular

> > however we have quite a few dual and quad Dells at work

> Bet they cost an arm and a leg too.

True and so does the servers Apple makes, thats a different market. Heck one
of my servers is a Dell single Intel 1 gig with IDE drives and 512 megs,
damn thing is like $2500 :)

I could build my own dual Opteron for far less than either Apple or Dell

> > Don't need to, the vast majority use USB :)

> I guess you don't own a DV cam then?

Nope but that is one of the few devices that require FireWire, on the other
hand I have a Sony camera, 3 external hard drives, 2 memory drives, a mouse
and memory reader that do USB.

I'll bet you more people have the same devices I have than yours :)

> > Apple shot themselves in the foot with firewire, one of the reasons USB
> > became so popular even when it wasn't as good was because of the high
> > royalty price Apple wanted for it, motherboard makers chose USB instead

> On the contrary,
> Every PC/DV owner that didn't get a FW card in their PC has to go and
> buy one. Apple didn't shoot themselves in the foot.

Yes they did, part of the reason USB is more dominant is because of its
early inclusion onto motherboards which is where much of the royalties come
from, when you have a dog-eat-dog environment like motherboard
manufacturing, a slightly higher royalty price means that option won't make
it onto the board which is what happened for a long time with FireWire,
instead they chose USB

> They won a freaking oscar for the FW port.

Wooo, I'm trying to think of several lousy movies that also won oscars (not
meant that as a comparison to firewire). FireWire is good but the fact is it
isn't nearly as popular as USB for very good reasons unrelated to the actual

Its the same argument between SCSI and IDE, SCSI has more bandwith but is
also more expensive which is why most PC's are IDE

> All DV cam companies
> support FW as a standard. Forget the motherboard, its the peripheral
> companies that drive port adoption.

Not true, if you look at the OEM world you will find the vast majority of
computer customers never open the box, at this time the big move in the PC
world is for PCI-Express which will get rid of the AGP graphics port, this
is being driven by Intel and AMD and not peripheral companies, they tend to
only change when they have to

> You will not find USB on any
> HDDVcams as it won't be able to handle the bandwidth that HDDV will
> require. Thanks to Apple, FW800 is available to those who want to edit
> high def. digital video straight off the camera.
> Apple wins over hollywood.

Actually Linux wins over hollywood especially when it comes to animation

> I'm not saying there is no use for USB but it loses in the
> highbandwidth products.

Depends on the product, I also have a hard drive that does both USB and
Firewire, I saw no real difference I could see in performance myself and
other benchmarks also bear that out, while Firewire is faster its not enough
to notice, note this doesn't include the new Firewire 800 standard.

> Great for printers and keyboards, mice, joysticks

I also have a mouse, joystick and printer that is USB, these aren't
high-bandwith devices tho
> > And since we are now talking software consider the fact the PC has far

> > titles available for it than the Mac

> Plenty of games available to the mac. I don't have all damn day to play
> games but i like UT 2004, Medal of Honor, Tony Hawk and Doom3 whenever
> that surfaces. Games are not my life but i do play some. I often
> consider buying a nice little shuttle PC for gaming and then i realize
> thats a waste of money. I could just buy an Xbox or PS2 ow whatever.
> Anyways there are tons of games for mac. Not as many granted, but more
> than i have time for. :D

I don't have the time to play them either but the PC still has many more
titles than the Mac, partly because of it's higher percentage of the market
but also partly because only until recently Mac's have been able to play
current games since just a few years ago Nvidia and ATI started making cards
for the Mac

> As for the video card...well how aboout i add an ATI Radeon 9800XT with
> 256mb of RAM? is that good enough?

Yes it is however a PC with that 9800XT will push more frames per second
than a Mac with a 9800XT, why that is I don't know but its related to each
particular machines architecture and operating system,

BTW: I have a 9600XT AIW, nice cards

> > > Add Norton because your PC isn't safe with out it.

> >
> > Lol Norton sucks in my opinion, use McAffee, if you want a firewall

> > use either and get a router

> Norton, mcaffee, same **** different stack.

More people seem to have problems with Norton compared to McAfee

> >
> > > Add another 80 bucks for the XP pro edition. You know, for the added
> > > security!! :D

> >
> > We've discussed that in previous threads but for now you are correct
> >
> > > Security is free with the mac.

> >
> > Nonsense, the fact is no hacker will waste his time on 3% of the market

> > he can do far more damage to 90% which is why exploits on the Mac

> > been found yet, no software is perfect and neither is OSX. Since it

> > Apple is starting to move away from computers in general I doubt they

> > go beyond the share of the market they currently have.

> I never claimed that OSX isn't hackable.
> I claim that Doze is, ships with all the ports open!!

Doze also comes with a firewall option although I'd much have a router
anyway regardless of which machine I use

> > Actually the camera is pretty nice and worth more than $100, a couple of
> > guys at work got Dells and the cameras, and in all honesty $150 will get

> > a shitty monitor
> >

> i dunno about the camera. It looks budget to me and so does the monitor
> but thats why i gave Dell the benefit of the doubt. Neither is worth
> more than 250.00


> > > The PC comes with more RAM so add 75 bux to the mac.
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Mark Leuck wrote:
> > > Oddly enough I have to agree with Ed on this one (shudder)[.]

> >
> > Ed don't [doesn't] know his ass from a muffler.

> Mark at least has some connection with the real world, unlike Slugger who
> has gone off the rails. He illustrates for me perfectly why no sane person
> should have anything to do with computer geeks and freaks. They have
> descended into their own world of ultimate dumbness and are no longer fit
> for other humans to associate with. Slugger doesn't realize it yet, but
> those who live by the machine will die by the machine - and that is all

> computer is, just another machine.

While I disagree with some parts of what Slugger is saying I'd bet he knows
quite a lot more than you on subjects unrelated to computers, like
recumbents for example

And I consider myself a geek as well, deal with it
"Robert Haston" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:z%[email protected]...
> I'm just glad all you guys out there are spending 2K or more for the state
> of the art, so a few years later I can buy it for $400.

Ain't that the truth :)

> When we get Linux up to speed that will drop the price down even more.

God don't get me started on a Windows vs Linux debate
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>> > Different does not always mean harder, I've played with OSX a little

> if
> > someone cannot go from Windows to it they are hopeless

> I have tried different email programs. They are all similar, yet have

> differences so that you have to apply yourself to learn those differences.

> went from Outlook Express to Eudora, but I gave up on Eudora as there were
> just too many new things to learn about it.

This from a "genius"? amazing
"Slugger" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:190720041649412780%[email protected]...
> > something, like I did with my Outlook Express

> There is another really big difference between Mac and Doze
> The windows mentality is to call everything "My Computer" My Pictures
> My Music etc..
> Apple is all about the I's
> itunes imovie ichat isight ipod.
> Just an observation.
> Slugger

I did always hate that about Windows although it is "MY" computer :)
"Slugger" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:190720041643421235%[email protected]...
> OSX is idiot proof but i don't know if its ed proof.
> Windows requires port configuration, and a vigilant attitude when on
> the web. A virus program should be installed as well, in my opinion its
> a prerequisite. I don't have the time for that ****. I want to trust my
> computer.

Nothing is idiot proof, our friend Ed is proof of that
"Mark Leuck" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Edward Dolan wrote:
> >
> > > ...
> > > Good Grief! You mean they are selling fewer now than they did 10 years

> ago?
> > > I have never seen a Mac at Wal-Mart. My philosophy has always been

> if
> > > you can't buy it at Wal-Mart, then you don't need it!...

> >
> > What brands of recumbent bicycles does Wal-Mart sell?
> >
> > --
> > Tom Sherman - Quad City Area

> Apparently 12 different models that have lousy trail

My God! Only one very simple sentence and this idiot can't mange to put a
period at the end of it!

Those 12 very beautiful bikes that Wal-Mart sells for practically nothing
( a true miracle of capitalism) are the kind of bikes that others in the
world would either die for or kill for. The trail on an upright bike can
vary by several degrees and still be perfectly rideable and it will handle
like a dream. If only we could say as much for most recumbents where the
trail is all over the place and most of them handle more like a nightmare
than a dream.

Ed Dolan - Minnesota
"Slugger" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:190720041649412780%[email protected]...
> > something, like I did with my Outlook Express

> There is another really big difference between Mac and Doze
> The windows mentality is to call everything "My Computer" My Pictures
> My Music etc..
> Apple is all about the I's
> itunes imovie ichat isight ipod.
> Just an observation.
> Slugger


Just a comment.

Ed Dolan - Minnesota
"Slugger" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:190720041643421235%[email protected]...
> OSX is idiot proof but i don't know if its ed [Ed] proof.
> Windows requires port configuration, and a vigilant attitude when on
> the web. A virus program should be installed as well, in my opinion its
> a prerequisite. I don't have the time for that ****. I want to trust my
> computer.

Slugger, what is so awful about having an anti-virus program loaded onto
your computer's hard drive. The one I have got (WindCleaner QuickHeal) even
uploads daily automatically. I think it is costing me about $12. per year. I
think their offices are located in India, but when I had a problem recently
they were very good about getting it corrected for me. I do not know anyone
who has a PC who does not also have an anti-virus program. There are even
free ones available which enjoy a very good reputation (AVG).

Ed Dolan - Minnesota
"Mark Leuck" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > Mark Leuck wrote:
> >
> > > > Oddly enough I have to agree with Ed on this one (shudder)[.]
> > >
> > > Ed don't [doesn't] know his ass from a muffler.

> >
> > Mark at least has some connection with the real world, unlike Slugger

> > has gone off the rails. He illustrates for me perfectly why no sane

> > should have anything to do with computer geeks and freaks. They have
> > descended into their own world of ultimate dumbness and are no longer

> > for other humans to associate with. Slugger doesn't realize it yet, but
> > those who live by the machine will die by the machine - and that is all

> the
> > computer is, just another machine.

> While I disagree with some parts of what Slugger is saying I'd bet he

> quite a lot more than you on subjects unrelated to computers, like
> recumbents for example [.]

You and Slugger are both a couple of ignorant computer nerds. What you know
and what you think you know are worlds apart. But I have never yet known a
computer nerd who didn't think he was the cat's pajamas. Apparently, when
you get your computers you must also have to check in the brains you were
born with. By the way, do either of you two jerks perhaps have a Ph.D. in
Computer Science? Maybe at least a Master's degree (and not from an online
university either)?

If and when the two of you are ever able to write English as it was given to
us by our forefathers, then maybe I will grant you the boon of being at
least human and not some kind of an accessory to a computer. But as for
being educated, I would say you have your life's work cut out for you and
the g.d. computer is not going to help you in the least in that regard. Too
bad you two freaks missed the boat of civilization.

In another era these two morons would have spent all their free time arguing
about batting averages of baseball players and other sport trivialities. And
all the time they would be doing this they would regard themselves as the
smartest people in the world. God, I would love to be that dumb and stupid.
I have often thought that the dumb and the stupid are the happiest people in
the world. Maybe ignorance really is bliss?

> And I consider myself a geek as well, deal with it [!]

Can you not read? I said in the above paragraph that a sane person should
have nothing to do with computer nerds, freaks and geeks like you and
Slugger. What part of that did you not understand?

Ed Dolan - Minnesota
"Mark Leuck" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Robert Haston" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:z%[email protected]...
> > I'm just glad all you guys out there are spending 2K or more for the

> > of the art, so a few years later I can buy it for $400.

> Ain't that the truth :)
> > When we get Linux up to speed that will drop the price down even more.

> God don't get me started on a Windows vs Linux debate

Mark Leuck, the man of the missing periods, does not want to discuss Windows
vs Linux because he knows I will be here kibitzing him every inch of the
way. How much fun can that be for him? He could be rid of me if he would
just put periods at the end of his sentences, but absent that I will plague
him from now until Kingdom come!

Ed Dolan - Minnesota