Quote of the day (from non-riders)

i got a few yesterday(didn't do the uni thing today... I WANT A NEW

so here we go, see what I can remember

"oh wow i've never seen anyone hop on a unicycle ... oh wow now hes one
footin it!!!! OH - MY - GO(sh) HE JUST CLEARED A PARKING SPOT (i ran
past the first line like a foot, but landed about 6" over the 2nd line)


><> Unicycle For Christ <>< PM me if you would like to join!!!RIDE

i have been riding for 3 years, doing tricks for 7 months and being
sorta hardcore for 4 months

skrobo's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/12272
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/38668
haha i was going to add more but I didn't so here it is

you are awesome on that thing
"can you do any cool tricks on that thing?"

"DANG! did you see that he just jumped like 3 ft high" (I only jump
26" at my very best)

"dude, straight up, your'e good on that thing"


><> Unicycle For Christ <>< PM me if you would like to join!!!RIDE

i have been riding for 3 years, doing tricks for 7 months and being
sorta hardcore for 4 months

skrobo's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/12272
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/38668
Today's occurred while working on hopping up some stairs at the park in
about 95 degree heat. I was looking kinda bedraggled, at least I
thought so, with the sweat pouring out of my helmet. An elderly man
headed by on the way to the water fountain:

-"That looks like fun."

"It's a challenge, but yeah, it's fun."-

On the way back from the fountain:

-"You have more energy than a 20 year old. I'm jealous."

"Heh -- thanks very much."-

Back to hopping....


Weep in the dojo... laugh on the battlefield.
'LiveWire Unicycles' (http://www.livewireunicycles.com)
'Strongest Coker Wheel in the World'
'29er Tire Study' (http://u-turn.unicyclist.com/29erTireStudy/)
'New York Unicycle Club' (http://www.newyorkunicycle.com)
-- Dave Stockton
U-Turn's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/691
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/38668
The 'respect' comment always makes me smile inwardly.
I get it a lot from other cyclists, be they roadies, BMXers, mountain
bikers or urban trials riders.
Whether it be a simple smile, a nod or wink, or the actual spoken
It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :D

Into the blue

"Now listen up, you primitive screwheads...See this?...This is my -BOOM-
Into the blue's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/12084
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/38668
skrobo wrote:
> "oh wow i've never seen anyone hop on a unicycle ... oh wow now hes one
> footin it!!!! OH - MY - GO(sh) HE JUST CLEARED A PARKING SPOT (i ran
> past the first line like a foot, but landed about 6" over the 2nd line)

I just read your 6" as 6 foot, and was freakin o0ut, but an
impressing jump anyway.

Muniacal's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/12868
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/38668
Well there hasn't been a post in a few days sooo..... yesterday I went
riding and I was riding around at the park after some football tryouts
and people were coming up the hill towards the stairs I was riding on
and at every possible break in the crowd I would charge down a small
dirt hill around a corner down the stairs then ride backwards up to the
stairs and 'attempt to hop back up. I heard a lot of "wow"s and some
"thats not right"s and a few "DID HE JUST RIDE DOWN THE STAIRS-!!" I
did this for a period of 15 minutes with a non-stop flow of people then
there is a curb where there is at least 3 inches on either side so I
rode along it and one guy after I hopped off the curb asked if it was
Super-hard to ride and I said "depends" then he asks if he can try and
I of course say "go ahead" he gets on rides around and gets off, then
he says "I haven't done that since I was 10" I was impressed and
hopefully encouraged him to pull his uni out of the closet and start
riding again


*\"YOU'VE LOST A WHEEL!\" \"Don't be daft, where would I put a second

Spencer Hochberg wrote:
> So recently I have been having problems with my nipples snapping in
> half.

Ducttape's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/12006
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/38668
I was talking to a dad from the father/son group I'm in, who is helping
sponsor me in the upcoming 'MS-150'
(http://www.unicyclist.com/forums/showthread.php?t=51208) charity ride
I'm doing. I was grousing about how my training the previous month was
off, and I was only able to ride 150 miles instead of my 200 mile goal.
His reply helped put a new perspective on things:

-"I'm amazed that you would even consider riding five miles on one
wheel, much less 150 or 200. To me, that's seems about the same as
flying to the moon with one of those rigs where you pedal to make the
wings flap. One endeavor sounds about as feasible to me as the other.
I don't know how you do it..."-

I think that one will help sustain me through the long ride ahead... :)


Tailgate at your own risk...

UNICYCLING to fight Multiple Sclerosis...click 'here'
(http://tinyurl.com/px9q9) to help.
tomblackwood's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/3762
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/38668
Went past two teenage girls in the park today. They both stared at me
with eyes as big as dinner plates. As I go past, one whispers to the
other, "Did you see that? He had no handlebars!"
No mention of a missing wheel at all.
Later on I go past an -impossibly- cute 8 or 9 year old little girl
playing with her dad. She mantains eye contact with me as I approach,
and in a crisp, clear voice says, "You're clever."

That made my day.

Into the blue

"Now listen up, you primitive screwheads...See this?...This is my -BOOM-
Into the blue's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/12084
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/38668
while im buscking some guy came up to me and said hey man nice work and
put $2 in my tin the funny thing is that he had his GF on his back

dan de man

\"underestimate zombies and you get eaten\"
i got post 77000 in 'mr'
'.' (http://tinyurl.com/gsfgg)'.' (http://postsecret.blogspot.com/)'.'

pm me to rent a . any site you want (nothing rude though)
dan de man's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/11403
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/38668
dan de man wrote:
> while im buscking some guy came up to me and said hey man nice work and
> put $2 in my tin the funny thing is that he had his GF on his back
> :eek:

Was her name Michelle?



Common Abbreviations:
1) G.F. Girlfriend
2) B.F. That Bloody Fool she is going out with.
Naomi's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/3322
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/38668
Naomi wrote:
> Was her name Michelle?



'three short gs and a long e-flat™'
(http://w3.rz-berlin.mpg.de/cmp/beethoven_sym5_1.wav) - 'world jump
day' (http://www.worldjumpday.org/)
'if i'm murdered, don't execute my killer.'
'harper' (http://tinyurl.com/c9epx)
'NAMASTE!' (http://tinyurl.com/4qcxw)
'Dave' (http://www.lyricsdir.com/d/deep-purple/child-in-time.php)
GILD's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/657
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/38668
pkplonker wrote:
> The best someone said to my m8 as i was filming him was.....

Welcome to the forum pkplonker.
Are we going to see some of this movie at some stage?


'three short gs and a long e-flat™'
(http://w3.rz-berlin.mpg.de/cmp/beethoven_sym5_1.wav) - 'world jump
day' (http://www.worldjumpday.org/)
'if i'm murdered, don't execute my killer.'
'harper' (http://tinyurl.com/c9epx)
'NAMASTE!' (http://tinyurl.com/4qcxw)
'Dave' (http://www.lyricsdir.com/d/deep-purple/child-in-time.php)
GILD's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/657
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/38668
Last night Matt, Sam, and another friend spent the night at my house,
and we went out riding, and we were up at a place that has a little bit
of everything (I'm pretty sure the name is a strip mall). Anyway, we
were riding by, and this ~25 YO guy yells to Matt and I "Hey, if y'all
hold hands, you'll have a -real- bike!"


Alex, MR addict.

Into the blue wrote:
> I wish Alex would change his sig too.

monkeyman's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/11455
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/38668
Funniest comment I've heard when we were up at Lutsen for the MN North
Shore Muni Weekend. The chairlift guy up at the top had this great
laugh and all you needed to do was talk to him and he'd laugh. It was
great. So someone said he should try riding one of our uni's to which
he replied (after laughing of course), "That'd be like me balancing on
my pecker and that's not going to happen" or something like that. Let's
just say it was super funny.


Jamey (formaly tuna6869)

Which is worse, a president who screws an intern, or a president who
screws the country?

I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the
morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day!"~Frank
unicycle6869's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/8990
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/38668
Yesterday I was out on my 28" and a lady in a 3-wheeled recumbant passed
in the other direction and said "hey, do you need a wheel? I've got an
extra!" I missed the opportunity to reply "no, I don't need the
training wheel anymore!"

Then later an old lady on a bike went by and said "you look like Darth
Vader". Strange. Sure, I had leg and elbow armor, and a helmet, but
I'm fairly sure you won't see Darth Vader riding a unicycle in _any_
star wars movie. Ha ha.

And of course, "hey, a unicycle!" like about 50 times. It seems that
every kid has to say that.

CrazyChrisVT's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/12606
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/38668