Another setback with this bug that has been going around. I missed work today and only worked a half day yesterday. Maybe I can get on the trainer tommorow.
I feel you pain JS. Even these minor setbacks of a few days or weeks drive me nuts. I don't know how I would handle it if weeks turned into months or the better part of a year.
Good luck.
BTW, I read that Born to Run book. Pretty good read as far as exploring endurance sports. The author went to the same HS as me. I might try some barefoot running. Basically, it is the story of a guy that got frustrated by frequent running injuries--which in part is how I got interested in cycling in the first place. For him, ditching his running shoes and adopting an easy relaxed style of running recharged him. As I said, the book is a lot like a Krakauer book in terms of intersting tangents and a core story.