"Rich Westerman" <
[email protected]> wrote in message
[email protected]>...
> >
> > "Ted Anderson" <
[email protected]> wrote in message
> >
> > > I have been riding a v-rex for about 4 years and have yet to find the optimal leg extension. I
> > > find that if my extension is that of a roadie
> I
> > > develop considerable discomfort in my calves and, when I shorten the extension, my knees get a
> > > bit sore. Any thoughts? (my cadence is about 80--100, depending on the terrain)
> > >
> could it be possible that one of your legs is longer than the other? as wierd as this sounds, its
> just the problem that I have- my left leg is ~ .5" longer than my right and so far this has
> prevented me from finding just the 'right' seat distance on both of the bents I've owned. I've
> reconciled myself to a life of compromise, I guess.
> rich, walking in circles (albeit large ones)
My brother! My left leg is .5" longer than my right, also. I'm constantly running around in
In any case, Ted's issue sounds like it's happening in both knees. Are you using clipless pedals?
Have you had the cleat alignment checked? Having the cleats slightly off can cause knee soreness.
Also, as strange as it may sound, playing with the seat angle can change the tension on your leg
muscles. You may be able to get the seat distance "close" and then fine tune with the seat angle.