Originally Posted by danfoz .
I think we naturally find what works best for our own particular anatomies (i.e. femur/tibia-fibula length, etc.) in context wih our riding positions. It sounds like you have found yours. Personally i have always pedaled with my hips and not my legs, or at least my brain sees it that way. Any force vector that does not originate as an extension from my center is going to be sub par by comparison. And it's not mashing either, as my ride data indicates an average of around 95-105rpms with rock steady hips and upper body. But what do you mean by cannot be copied? Maybe there is video of another rider from the media era who rides similarly which we can compare against? Unless the pro peleton hasn't caught up to this new pinnacle of pedal power.
You will not naturally find a method of applying the same maximal torque at 12 and 1 as that applied at 3 o'c. By 'cannot be copied ' I mean, **** Fosbury created a new high jump technique with which he won an olympic gold, but his advantage was short lived because all changes were visable for all to see and copy. Anquetil's superior tt technique revealed absolutely nothing as to what was involved and how the muscles were used, which meant he could retain this advantage throughout all his racing years.