I think we should not get personal here...Originally Posted by daveryanwyoming .
Please don't look to me to explain or defend his theories. As far as I'm concerned it's just idle speculation and trying to make sense of a talented cyclist that didn't appear to pedal like everyone else. For all we know Anquetil was so talented that he succeeded in spite of an inefficient pedaling style not because of it but we'll never know as we lack the empirical data.
When Noah can produce objective data that demonstrates his theories, we might pay attention but he's been pushing this stuff for at least the six years I've been on these boards but there's still no data or case studies supporting his linear pedaling ideas.
I think the 11-5 stroke is not a theory but what a lot of big gear mashers actually do. but those guys are certainly no toe pointers but strong guys sitting as far back as they can so that the can start the mashing earlier. but I don't really see any of that in anquetil.