Jeri Toll
1) in Vietnam, the US was fighting another nation, North
Vietnam, and forces which were coming in from Cambodia,
Laos, and China.
In Iraq, we already conquered the enemy, and are fighting
terrorists who are coming in from Syria, Iran, etc. There is
a big difference.
2) in Vietnam, the US allowed Pol-Pot, and other Communist
Leaders to participate in the Media, and they were
allowed to travel to other nations and create Public
Relations problems, etc. The US had a Hands-Off approach
to the Communist Leaders.
In Iraq, we have killed or captured most of the enemy
leaders, and are openly trying to capture the ones who are
still at large.
3) in Vietnam, the US never stated any type of goal, and the
Armed Forces were hampered by constant political
interference and "Peace Talks" that lasted many years.
In Iraq, we bombed them alot first, and except for Rumsfeld
not providing the amount of troops necessary, the US has
done most of it right (More Troops are needed). The stated
goal was to take over Iraq and turn it into a Democracy
similar to Japan and Germany after World War II.
4) Casualties- Due to the constant fighting in the jungles,
the corruption of the South Vietnam military, and the
complicity of the Vietnamese; the US Soldiers took heavy
casualties. 54,000 dead, around 200,000 injured.
In Iraq, there is no forest or jungle. The "insurgents" are
limited to constant roadside bombings and roadside attacks
and bushwacking soldiers who are doing Patrols inside the
cities. While there is daily fighting, attacks, and
casualties; the battles are on a much smaller scale. That is
because there is no way a full-sized battallion of
Terrrorist Soldiers could get into Iraq along with its
necessary support. Any such concentration of troops would
get bombed into the Stone Age by the US Troops. So the
"Insurgents" are limited to small squads which attack US
Soldiers and Iraq Police. Of course, there is no "good" way
to look at daily casualties. However compared to Vietnam,
where 54,000 US Soldiers died, Iraq is a much better
controlled war. Less than 850 Soldiers have been killed in
over a year in Iraq. Hopefully as the Iraq Police take over
more functions, they will be the ones getting killed by
their fellow Muslims.
1) in Vietnam, the US was fighting another nation, North
Vietnam, and forces which were coming in from Cambodia,
Laos, and China.
In Iraq, we already conquered the enemy, and are fighting
terrorists who are coming in from Syria, Iran, etc. There is
a big difference.
2) in Vietnam, the US allowed Pol-Pot, and other Communist
Leaders to participate in the Media, and they were
allowed to travel to other nations and create Public
Relations problems, etc. The US had a Hands-Off approach
to the Communist Leaders.
In Iraq, we have killed or captured most of the enemy
leaders, and are openly trying to capture the ones who are
still at large.
3) in Vietnam, the US never stated any type of goal, and the
Armed Forces were hampered by constant political
interference and "Peace Talks" that lasted many years.
In Iraq, we bombed them alot first, and except for Rumsfeld
not providing the amount of troops necessary, the US has
done most of it right (More Troops are needed). The stated
goal was to take over Iraq and turn it into a Democracy
similar to Japan and Germany after World War II.
4) Casualties- Due to the constant fighting in the jungles,
the corruption of the South Vietnam military, and the
complicity of the Vietnamese; the US Soldiers took heavy
casualties. 54,000 dead, around 200,000 injured.
In Iraq, there is no forest or jungle. The "insurgents" are
limited to constant roadside bombings and roadside attacks
and bushwacking soldiers who are doing Patrols inside the
cities. While there is daily fighting, attacks, and
casualties; the battles are on a much smaller scale. That is
because there is no way a full-sized battallion of
Terrrorist Soldiers could get into Iraq along with its
necessary support. Any such concentration of troops would
get bombed into the Stone Age by the US Troops. So the
"Insurgents" are limited to small squads which attack US
Soldiers and Iraq Police. Of course, there is no "good" way
to look at daily casualties. However compared to Vietnam,
where 54,000 US Soldiers died, Iraq is a much better
controlled war. Less than 850 Soldiers have been killed in
over a year in Iraq. Hopefully as the Iraq Police take over
more functions, they will be the ones getting killed by
their fellow Muslims.