"Slugger" <
[email protected]> wrote in message
[email protected]...
> In article <[email protected]>, Edward Dolan
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> > Did you notice how the media has reported the Cheney episode but
> > the previous Kerry episode. And then there are some who claim that we
have a
> > neutral media!
> >
> > But let's face it - who wouldn't end up swearing and cussing at that
> > blockhead from Vermont?
> >
> > --
> > Ed Dolan - Minnesota
> Why would the media be neutral on two completely different news stories?
> How are they related?
> When is the media ever neutral?
> Use your head mister ed
Kerry also used the f--- word in a semi-public comment, but the media did
not dwell on it like they did when Cheney used it in connection with that
blockhead senator from Vermont. The news stories were similar in that they
were all about the use of the f--- word.
Liberals are all the time maintaining that the media is fair and impartial
(neutral) in their reporting of the news. That is patently ridiculous. The
New York Times is nothing but a liberal propaganda organ and most of the
rest of the major media are similarly inclined. If they weren't, Kerry would
not have a ghost of a chance. But Kerry could win because the liberal media
(all the major media except for Fox News and talk radio) are behind him and
they slant the news always in his favor. But mostly they just tell lies
about Bush and Cheney and make a big to do about nothing. They remind me of
the days when kindly old avuncular Walter Cronkite was reporting the news on
the Vietnam War for CBS and always managed to get everything wrong. But that
is liberalism for you!
Ed Dolan - Minnesota