Carrera -
You (and Simpson) may consider it "silly" to think GWB's major motivation for invading Iraq was oil, but that's the unvarnished truth. There may have been ancilliary motivations that 'went along for the ride', but they are ALL subordinate to one thing: O-I-L.
If you believe differently, let me try to disabuse you of your naivete':
You, and perhaps Simpson, need to understand the consequences of the coming catastrophe that is known in industry circles as "Peak Oil"; the best predictions have said that this will occur sometime between now and and about 2010. Some say it has already begun. It will be one of the greatest emergencies of human history, and will change forever humanity's way of life as we now know it.
This is not some fallacious, doomsday, whacko pipe dream - it is simple fact based on known oil reserves and world consumption, and the fact that everything in the industrialized world is based on the exploitation and use of fossil fuels. Since oil and natural gas are not renewable commodities, once the'ye gone - that's it - there won't be any more. There are also no current or future technologies known that will compensate anywhere near the levels of what is needed to replace oil/NG energy use. Moreover, the world's oil industry is not finding new reserves to replace the fields that are already at peak, or in decline. One frightening example is Saudi Arabia's biggest field, Ghawar. It has reached it's peak output, and will now only continue to decline in output until it goes dry. It has been said that if Ghawar has peaked, the world has peaked.
Do you remember a year or so ago, when the Saudi's promised to increase production? Well, their total production never increased, because it cannot. The recent meeting between GWB and the Saudi prince in Crawford netted another promise from the Saudi's to increase production. But no matter what lip service they spew for public consumption, the fact remains that they cannot increase their oil production - because the oil that they once had just isn't in the ground.
So guess what? Don't live by the notion that solar, wind, biofuels, hydrogen, nuclear, etc. is going to bail the world out of this one, because even those technologies can't be produced and operated without oil. Also, tech's like hydrogen are net energy
loser's, because it takes more energy to get energy from it than what it produces. Uranium and plutonium are also publicly unpopular, potentially highly dangerous, has disposal problems, and is also a finite commodity.
Cheney has been well aware of this since at least 1999, when he gave a speech on it to a consortium in London. Since then, the speech has been removed from the website where it was posted, but fortunately other's had already made copies.
As I've pointed out to other's here, some of you need to do further study into this if you are truly to understand 21st century geopolitics as they are now unfolding. Yes, it is fairly complicated, but very unlike the reasons/motivations you state for the neo-con's invasion of Iraq.
As an aside: if you think that even in the case of Afghanistan the Bush regime was so nobly looking to rout OBL and Al Qaeda after they got the blame for 9/11, you're mistaken there also. Much generally unknown information exists on this topic as well, for example:
~ Al Qaeda was basically set up by the CIA years ago, when the Taliban wouldn't allow the construction of the proposed Unocal pipeline through A'stan, (BTW - Hamid Kharzi is a former Socal/Unocal hump, "coincidentally" appointed to the A'stan presidency by the Bush regime). In reference to that pipeline, the Taliban was told by the U.S. a couple of years before 9/11 that: "You can have a carpet of gold, or a carpet of bombs." If you now look at a map of the major U.S. military bases in A'stan, and overlay it with a map of the pipeline route, you'll see that those bases follow the pipeline all along its route through the country to P'stan. Coincidence?
~ GWB's ties to the House of Saud and the Bin Laden's is a matter of documented certainty. OBL will not be "caught" by the Bush regime, because they need him as a villain so they can "fight terra", just as much as he needs them to foment hatred of the U.S. in the Muslim world.
~ The U.S. gov't has never proven, or even produced a credible case yet, that Al Qaeda or Bin laden were the actual culprits behind 9/11. They've only said, "It's Al Qaeda! It's OBL!", but with no evidence to back it up. Please don't cite the bogus Congressional 9/11 Commission Report, because I can prove that it is also not worth the paper it was printed on.
~ The 9/11 hijackers were given flight instruction at U.S. flight schools, known and condoned by U.S. intelligence agencies, in Jeb Bush's state of Florida.
Don't believe it? Poke around on this website, and pick up Ruppert's book, "Crossing The Rubicon". He is one of the very few that has done credible, exhaustive, documented research and analysis on the truth behind the geopolitics of the Bush regime and how they're tied to 9/11, A'stan/Iraq, the oil business, and other relevant matters.
For a fairly quick synopsis of the "intelligence failures", etc.: