Did You Ride Today?

Have no roadie pal at this level ( just oldies) I just cant deal with having others around when descending - and much better climbing solo. However I had support vehicle and 2 way radio.
" gel" "optic change", "winter jacket" "wind pants" ect. Got it pretty good !

That pass at 8700 was 80F range within a few hours of the time I was there.

Yeah, I don't like other riders getting close to me when descending as well. I deliberately slow down to avoid such situations simply by sitting upright. Nobody wants to stay behind a slow guy and we have lots of recreational riders at the same time I go out on the weekends, doing the same mountain route.

80 F dry + wind chill that would be quite cold too but not too cold that I won't ride. I'll just wear thick pair of gloves like a motorcycle gloves and I'll be fine. I can quickly acclimate to the cold though like one time we had to work in a building 12 hrs a day with airconditioning keeping the air dry and at 60F for several days!! Ironically, I had a harder time acclimating back to hot and humid climate once the work is over.
markeyville to the climb to Peak of Ebbetts was dramatically easier in the cold due to the low temp . It's my theory denser colder air would give opposite effect of warmer low density air, primarily in reducing loss of blood oxygen saturation. I felt sea level the whole time ?!

Live and train at weekly @ 1400ft to 4000ft. Perhaps the anti-inflamitory before my headlight departure opened up my airways a bit more . Coming back to hotel again to squeeze in 2 more hours , manager said , "the room wreaks!"

Possibly. Why the weather bulletins issue a warning in very humid conditions, even worse when it's also hot is because there's significantly less oxygen in the air from reduced air density and also more oxygen displaced by water vapor. It makes breathing more difficult and require more effort. Additionally, the high humidity will tighten airways in the lungs making breathing even harder. This can aggravate respiratory problems in people who has them like asthma. The high heat index this causes also causes problems like over heating.

The opposite effect with cold and dry weather is more oxygen in the air, relaxed airways in the lungs, and better cooling. Makes breathing and everything else easier.

Ironically, it's the hot and humid weather that drives adaptations that improves overall cycling performance. Adaptations include higher blood hematocrit levels, increased blood volume, and improved lung endurance during higher effort breathing. This overall raises VO2max, an important metric in athletic performance. Experts in the field are actually recommending hitting the sauna to help force these adaptations.
Possibly. Why the weather bulletins issue a warning in very humid conditions, even worse when it's also hot is because there's significantly less oxygen in the air from reduced air density and also more oxygen displaced by water vapor. It makes breathing more difficult and require more effort. Additionally, the high humidity will tighten airways in the lungs making breathing even harder. This can aggravate respiratory problems in people who has them like asthma. The high heat index this causes also causes problems like over heating.

The opposite effect with cold and dry weather is more oxygen in the air, relaxed airways in the lungs, and better cooling. Makes breathing and everything else easier.

Ironically, it's the hot and humid weather that drives adaptations that improves overall cycling performance. Adaptations include higher blood hematocrit levels, increased blood volume, and improved lung endurance during higher effort breathing. This overall raises VO2max, an important metric in athletic performance. Experts in the field are actually recommending hitting the sauna to help force these adaptations.
Cobbwheels thats interesting but surprising ( as an asthma sufferer) I avoid humid climate like the plague. Just hate it, and live intentionally in very dry climate . Cold air humidity and barometric changes effects my nerves and muscles dramatically , not so much the humidity but having along with the falling pressure.

I'm feeling best way out- front on the downhill , and will roll out whatever inches it takes to lead or descend alone.

Not that I am that gr8 , is just annoying when others hesitate wont hold line or lack of commitment sweeping a downhill turn. Guilty of the same at times , I like some room .
, and expect to be passed by same riders when the road flattens out.

Finally figured out what else the cattle guards are good for on rural roads. Hopping over them at 35-40MPH!

I'd back packed those hills and drove this pass a dozen times in my youth. Funny it takes nearing 60 years old to go for a ride on the pass. A few more pics from support vehicle.

Sign said "24% grade" ahead beginning of pass. Must be taking about the other side coming over from West side. Nothing was too difficult for 34-32T -what 28inches or so? My home county is 15% 20% grades but without the elevation.
Glendora Mountain ridggr
THX Mr Beanz . Did you ever mention a short gravel section atop mt Baldy?
. Going to be down that way soon don't want a surprise like that.

I'm taking baby steps, as Saturday was my most vert (3.790ft) and first ride in the CA Apline pass since I started riding again in June 2022. Cant imagine any more than 4-5K vert in one "sitting".

Glendora ridge road and Mt Baldy road are both paved all the way up.
Cobbwheels thats interesting but surprising ( as an asthma sufferer) I avoid humid climate like the plague. Just hate it, and live intentionally in very dry climate . Cold air humidity and barometric changes effects my nerves and muscles dramatically , not so much the humidity but having along with the falling pressure.
Sorry to hear, that means you're unable to visit those beautiful tropical paradise. I can't either, I don't have any money for leisure. I'm far too stupid for a good life or even a nice life!

We also have many asthma sufferers here, many in poor families. No airconditioning, no visas, no money so there's no way for them to escape the humidity but they seem to manage just fine. Many don't live long unless they get themselves out of poverty.
Halfway recovered from last weekend , I headed out well fueled and hydrated to mix up my AM rides. Been un- ridable hot all week long and thundershower and lightning warning whole weekend from NWS.

So, I beat the heat and got out and back in before Sunrise this AM about 69F and dry.
left in the dark 04:36 AM
Time moving 1:59
37.66 miles
13.8 mph
Avg Speed The avg speed appeared to have came up a bit from the "hills only" loops adding in some 15-20 minutes of "flats" , if you'd call them that.

2,353 ft
Total Ascent

No cars to speak of . No pics today tried to focus on riding the bike .
Gr8 start to a day.
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Rode before the heat today , but this time joy ride on an old classic.
Painted wheel Schwinn coaster "Typhoon" . Just 5 miles to the marina / boat launch and back.
"Rolling down the street on my '64"
creds to EZ and Fourlegs of course as she helps propel the 22 kg plus beast . Oh yes, Dad too . He dumped this coaster on me for a drop bar bike and rode well into his sixties .
No cars to speak of . No pics today tried to focus on riding the bike .
Gr8 start to a day.

I can't imagine how it would be like. On my 71 mile route, 30 miles are narrow 2 lane roads in the mountains. The most scenic but also the most dangerous. There's always at least a dozen cars and trucks in the 1 mile stretch of the road 24/7.

High speed accidents are common in that 30 mile stretch. When I cut that route to 40 miles, avoiding the 30 mile danger zone entirely, the ride became less stressful though Ironically, traffic is a lot heavier on the 40 mile stretch but with 4 to 6 lanes of the road, and slower-moving traffic, I feel a lot safer there. Ground level air pollution is the only major problem there. I wear mask to avoid breathing in some of the soot. Makes climbing harder with the breathing restriction. If only the air had been much less polluted, I prefer no mask at all. Though I do breathing restricted workouts on weekdays, I still prefer no breathing restriction on outdoor rides during the weekends.

Did my 40 miles weekend stretch yesterday. I seemed to have gone faster on climbs by at least 10% since I started doing strength training with free weights for few weeks now. Yet I was doing these strength exercises to get my muscular and bone strength back. It got me really concerned a few weeks ago when I did some short runs, my whole legs and joints got sore. It seemed like cycling actually made my whole body weak in any other tasks but cycling! Though my endurance was never better my whole life, my muscles and bones have deteriorated in strength. I've started running as well.

My bones and muscles have adapted since to running and strength training. No more soreness, no more pain. I'm taking this as progressively as possible. It also caused me further concerns that other studies have confirmed cycling-alone exercise will cause weakening of the muscles and bones. At least mixing running with cycling will help offset or even reverse these issues.
I can't imagine how it would be like. On my 71 mile route, 30 miles are narrow 2 lane roads in the mountains. The most scenic but also the most dangerous. There's always at least a dozen cars and trucks in the 1 mile stretch of the road 24/7.

High speed accidents are common in that 30 mile stretch. When I cut that route to 40 miles, avoiding the 30 mile danger zone entirely, the ride became less stressful though Ironically, traffic is a lot heavier on the 40 mile stretch but with 4 to 6 lanes of the road, and slower-moving traffic, I feel a lot safer there. Ground level air pollution is the only major problem there. I wear mask to avoid breathing in some of the soot. Makes climbing harder with the breathing restriction. If only the air had been much less polluted, I prefer no mask at all. Though I do breathing restricted workouts on weekdays, I still prefer no breathing restriction on outdoor rides during the weekends.

Did my 40 miles weekend stretch yesterday. I seemed to have gone faster on climbs by at least 10% since I started doing strength training with free weights for few weeks now. Yet I was doing these strength exercises to get my muscular and bone strength back. It got me really concerned a few weeks ago when I did some short runs, my whole legs and joints got sore. It seemed like cycling actually made my whole body weak in any other tasks but cycling! Though my endurance was never better my whole life, my muscles and bones have deteriorated in strength. I've started running as well.

My bones and muscles have adapted since to running and strength training. No more soreness, no more pain. I'm taking this as progressively as possible. It also caused me further concerns that other studies have confirmed cycling-alone exercise will cause weakening of the muscles and bones. At least mixing running with cycling will help offset or even reverse these issues.
Yeah is all 2 lane rural here home county , I'm cherry picking my ride times to see near zero traffic on the old beat up routes.

your quote " My bones and muscles have adapted since to running and strength training. No more soreness, no more pain. I'm taking this as progressively as possible. It also caused me further concerns that other studies have confirmed cycling-alone exercise will cause weakening of the muscles and bones. At least mixing running with cycling will help offset or even reverse these issues."

I think running is good as we age , a little high impact to go with cyclings low impact to possibly keep bone density higher.

Running and strength training compliment cycling but so easy to overdo and face days or weeks of DOMS ( at least for this dummy) Overdid upper body ,early last week and still just miserable I've got to time workouts as to not spoil important rides , races. But core gets 4 times a week.
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Todays early Am ride happened to be my longest ride since I been back ,June 2022.
A solo measly 38.65 miles but just 1866 of vertical gain, mostly flats light wind.
What had not surprised me is if I did a little less vertical my avg speed would rise. And it did. A lot! Avg 17MPH for
todays ride. I really like climbs but not tons of hours on a bike.....

Actually set a PR according to Garmin . Says I did 18.2MPH during the ride for just over a 40Km segment of 1:21:00 .

just a few pics of pre- ride , on the interstate and traversing a county road in low gear.
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Yeah is all 2 lane rural here home county , I'm cherry picking my ride times to see near zero traffic on the old beat up routes.

your quote " My bones and muscles have adapted since to running and strength training. No more soreness, no more pain. I'm taking this as progressively as possible. It also caused me further concerns that other studies have confirmed cycling-alone exercise will cause weakening of the muscles and bones. At least mixing running with cycling will help offset or even reverse these issues."

I think running is good as we age , a little high impact to go with cyclings low impact to possibly keep bone density higher.

Running and strength training compliment cycling but so easy to overdo and face days or weeks of DOMS ( at least for this dummy) Overdid upper body ,early last week and still just miserable I've got to time workouts as to not spoil important rides , races. But core gets 4 times a week.

Last time I remember seeing very few vehicles on rural roads here was in the early 90's. Air was a lot cleaner too. Blue skies in the family pictures those years and earlier. Not anymore.

Ironically, to avoid overdoing running and strength training, I cut back on riding miles instead so that my whole body is fresher for the running and strength workouts during the weekdays. I made my own training plan/structure for indoor workouts on weekdays and I stick to it like hawk on prey and avoid doing outdoor rides on weekdays, expect for very short errands.

I also don't "rep to failure" in my strength training style. In fact, I avoid pain and only add 3.3 lbs weight to each dumbbell per week. I'm currently at 11 lbs per dumbbell and next week, it will be 14.3 lbs each. I use a timer to avoid exceeding 5 minutes of repetitions. At the end of 5 minutes, my muscles are still fresh and would be good for another 5 minutes.

I have 20 minutes total of running, sprinting on stationary bike, and strength exercises each day on weekdays excluding rest periods between high intensity sessions. Only mild soreness at the end of the 20 minutes session, all of it in the core muscles. I do have weak core muscles from being sedentary most of my life and working out to fix it. I also have two rest days and one easy "primer" day per week.

Of course, I was really sore the first week I did this couple of weeks ago. Particularly all the muscles in my legs are sore and my knees and ankles as well. Now I don't get sore anymore except for the core muscles. I read in studies not all our muscles recover at the same rate. The fastest to recover are the quads. The least being the hamstrings. I haven't read anything about the core muscles and glutes but I did read the pros are likely to hurt their core muscles and in some cases, bailed out of a race because they hurt theirs so badly.

My sustained climbing speed went up at least 10% from doing all these. My quads got stronger from the strength training. I did have weak quads. I prefer using my glutes to drive the pedals down. Now that my quads are strong now. I can disengage my glutes when they're tired and switch to quads to pedal and then switch back to glutes when the quads are tired. This way, I can maintain faster pace on climbs without tiring.
This evening an out and back with big loop
About 18.5 miles 1:20:00 minutes 13.8 avg speed with 2250 ft vertical. 80F. Felt loose and sassy , just one close call on one lane road. Would’ve been my fault. I was leaning ( a sharp left ) into his side of road at speed and blind . Was able to change line and avoid contact .
Otherwise head-on would have resulted . Did have headlight and front strobe on - that and the quickness likely saved my hide

3 local rides last six days (2 days apart ) and then 3 days rest for Friday am hill climb pre race training.
10:00am Friday will have bagged just under 10,000 ft vertical in 4 rides in 7 days.

Better results than expected. We often too hard on ourselves
Did my usual 40 miler today with 2,200' climbing. Not so usual today.

There's a Cat 3 hurricane in the country and rode through torrential rain on the way up the mountain. First time I encountered on that route. Sewers overflowed on the streets and I went up against streams of sewer water flowing down on the road on the way up the mountain. I got drenched by sewer water splashing all over me, even my face by vehicles around me. It was utterly gross! I can smell it and it was awful!

I had my mouth open at times and there's no doubt I ingested some of the sewer water.

It was my 2nd personal best on this climb. My personal best was the previous Saturday and the 3rd personal best was the Saturday before that...I would think if not for the rain-soaked clothes and wet pannier bags adding to the weight and going up against streams of sewer water while climbing, this would have been my personal best. I did make personal best on the relatively flat sections where there wasn't sewer water on the streets and the increased weight of my wet clothes would not have mattered. I also made personal best on the first climbing parts before it rained. The rain and streams of sewer water did factored in!

Later in the day on the way back, the winds have picked up quite a bit from the storm and faced strong headwinds.

I'll NEVER do that route again when it's raining! I'll just do my crit training loop in the upscale/rich folks parts of the city.
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Hope you do not fall ill from the yuck water.
on a MTB back in 80's, I once had "cow-dung-flung" right from my front tire right into my open mouth! Now I just hop to clear the pies ( couldn't acquire a taste I'd guess.)
I didn't get sick , lucky I guess. It's just all grass right?
You're onto something there going the to affluent parts to ride .
In LA there is a brea hilly neighborhood fully of kitted out guys n gals .None seem to live there just said good pavement low traffic so they go ride there.

Here on the poor man's side of lake , most my routes really are bad chip-seal roads, if maintained at all . There is no street-sweeping here other than the big truck that glides an angled rubber thing that flicks bigger rocks aside , and only after a storm . Other side of lake in the heights , those streets real nice paved and rolled asphalt.
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Fortunately, I did not fall ill. It wasn't the first time this happened, but the worst so far. Before it was simply a matter of crossing short sections of road flooded with sewer water or going through longer sections of sewer floods with slow-moving traffic so you're not that badly splashed.

Yup, all grass and....bacteria that feeds on grass!

I have full fenders and mudflaps on my gravel bike at all times so at least I don't get splashed over from my own bike but I still get them from other vehicles and it's no use getting far behind another vehicle because another one will fill the gap with our high traffic density and you have vehicles at your sides as well.

I immediately soaked my gear when I got home, including the shoes to get rid of sewer water from them.

Yeah rich areas are so much nicer. Roads are better maintained. The sewers don't clog and it never floods. The streets are free of dog ****. Everywhere else in this country, there's dog **** every 10 ft of the road especially in the bike lane. So even if the water flowing down on the streets is not from the sewers, you still better try not to ingest it!

They really make it harder for the poor to "get ahead" in life. If they think a brain damaged person have equal chances in life as everybody else if they just work hard enough and behave decently, they're even dumber than that brain damaged person! Sorry for the rant! Moving on...
Solo 52 miles today. We'll Solo most of it. I was 38 miles into my ride when I noticed a club approaching from behind. I kept my pace figuring they should catch up there are about 15 of them.

Few miles later, they catch up. Ok, I did raise my pace a bit knowing it was windy. So they catch up and they take my wheel. I expected them to pass so I move to the right but only 1 guy passes. I look back and only 4 of the crowd are there. The first guy passes after being on my wheel for about 1/4 mile. The others try to pass but having a hard time. The head guy pulls away dropping his 3 buds.

I see they are struggling so I went from the back around the 3 to fill the gap as the leader pulls away.

I let them hang on for a bit so they can recover. They seem to be ok after a bit so I gently lifted the pace pulling them back to the leader. I think they were happy.

So we were together for about another half mile then they turned off with a wave.
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Solo 52 miles today. We'll Solo most of it. I was 38 miles into my ride when I noticed a club approaching from behind. I kept my pace figuring they should catch up there are about 15 of them.

Few miles later, they catch up. Ok, I did raise my pace a bit knowing it was windy. So they catch up and they take my wheel. I expected them to pass so I move to the right but only 1 guy passes. I look back and only 4 of the crowd are there. The first guy passes after being on my wheel for about 1/4 mile. The others try to pass but having a hard time. The head guy pulls away dropping his 3 buds.

I see they are struggling so I went from the back around the 3 to fill the gap as the leader pulls away.

I let them hang on for a bit so they can recover. They seem to be ok after a bit so I gently lifted the pace pulling them back to the leader. I think they were happy.

So we were together for about another half mile then they turned off with a wave.

Nice! How did you know someone's catching up behind you? Do you often check your back? radar? Mirror somewhere? I have helmet mirror for that purpose.
Nice! How did you know someone's catching up behind you? Do you often check your back? radar? Mirror somewhere? I have helmet mirror for that purpose.

We have bridges to cross perpendicular to the trail so one can see the trail behind. Also some curl back sections like horse shoe shape allowing one to see riders behind as they cross above.

This group was wearing bright orange jerseys so hard to miss.
Another 25 today. Low of 93 and high of 100. Didn't feel that hot to me. Oh well, I get the road to myself.
