72 degrees this afternoon and the sun was shining. I saddled up for a fast, hard little climbing ride. 22 miles worth with 1200' of climbing.
I charged it from the get-go and the tailwind leg going out felt good. The legs were still a bit not totally recovered from Saturday and the short rides yesterday with all the rain didn't help smooth things out.
I made the turn for home almost a minute up on a very fast time! Yay. Lost 45 seconds of that with decaying strength fighting into a block 14 to 16 MPH headwind with gusts to 22 MPH. Not so yay, but still on target for a really good ride time.
Should have done the 1-2-3 races across the border in Pennsylvania last weekend. I think I would have finished well in the old farts division. Conditioning feels spot on for this time of year and the numbers seem decent. At least for me!