well we're not robots. IIRC, there's a natural variation around 4% in our ability to produce power aerobically day-to-day. IMHO, that fact is one good reason not to get too hung up over tests.Porkyboy said:Hi
I've attached my PMC for the last few months and would value any advice or input at all.
My current CTL is 62.4 which I've been steadily building at a rate of about 3 per week on a mixed diet of 2x20 minute SST and 60 minute L3 rides during the week, a longer L3 ride on a Saturday and a long L2 ride on a Sunday. I've adopted the no "formal" rest weeks strategy for the last 4 weeks or so and have ended up I feel with a more structured approach. I'm hoping that in the Spring I will end up better than I was last Spring, that's the plan!
Anyway, I had a bit of a setback last night and your thoughts would be appreciated. On 06.11.2007 I did my first FTP test using the exact recipe from the bible, I averaged 308W for the 20 minutes making my FTP at the time 292W. 2 months having passed I planned another FTP last night and during the 5 minute full on effort I did Ok but was struggling to hold the power I had managed 2 months ago but did raise it by 10W to 352W. When it came to the 20 minute TT I held my previous FTP initially thinking I'd be there or thereabouts and I was planning to increase the power if I could but I just crashed out and couldn't continue, I was unable to come close to my test of 2 months ago, it just didn't have what was needed in my legs, or anywhere else for that matter.
So, this was dispiriting, am I now less fit that I was in spite of 2 months of solid work or have I just lost my top end from the end of last year?
All advice greatly appreciated.
Personally I don't do any specific FTP tests and simply use the power I can repeat workout to workout over the weeks and months to gauge progress. From my historical files, I *know* that whatever power I can hold indoors on my patented ergo workouts (30-40min duration), I can hold outdoors for 1-hr and thus that becomes FTP.
Now how has your working interval power progressed since November? IMHO, one should be doing efforts most of the year at or around FTP. If the power you're acheiving in those is going up ... well so must FTP. No increase in power? Then it's unlikely FTP is increasing.
Despite that, if you prefer a rigourous test --- you just may have been in a -4% day due to a myriad of reasons that I doubt anyone could fully explain. Could be as simple as residual exercise fatigue, could be work/family stress, could be a low-grade bug, could be improper eating/low glycogen stores.
So sorry if I'm beating it to death, I honestly don't see much reason for these structured tests. It's better, IMHO, to structure your training such that you fulfill one of Dr. Coggan's mantras: "Training is testing"